My Bloodthirty Husband is So Gentle

Chapter 466: Emperor Fanwai 43: Huo Changxun's Taohua Tribulation is about to be robbed

Chapter 466 Emperor Fanwai 43: Huo Changxun's Peach Blossom Tribulation is about to be robbed

She looks like her stubborn little sheep!

Huo Changxun wanted to say that she came here with two sentences, not willing: "This car is the one you want to drive in the garage." He bought two cars for her last week. Up to now Haven't crossed the road yet.

Her voice was soft and weak, and what she said was not very pleasing to him: "That's your car."

His former woman, let alone send a car, is to give a bag, you have to be happy for a long time, no matter what she is, she does n’t use anything he buys for her.

This axis has a temper!

He blew his forehead frowning anxiously: "Mine is not you--"


The car in the back was trumpeting, and people's ears rang.

Huo Changxun glanced back. His eyes could poke a hole out of the car behind him. The driver who had just put his head out the window and was ready to scold was calmed by the knife and silently drilled back into the car.

Ji Lingran is not like this uncle Huo. She didn't realize it. She quickly pushed the little sheep aside, stopped, and turned back: "Aren't you sitting?"

"..." He held back his irritated fire, "Sit."

What can I do, I can only go back and buy her a top-notch lamb chant.

Ji Lingran took a helmet from the car and handed it to him.

Huo Changxun glanced at it. It was a helmet he hadn't seen before, and he didn't pick it up: "Why is it new?"

She was standing with her helmet on, just above a street lamp, and she had thousands of galaxy in her eyes: "I bought it for you."

She gave birth to particularly harmless eyes, clean, pure and pure like a mirror, and when she looked at people well, she could reflect people clearly into her eyes.



He took the helmet over: "Why buy pink?"

Because her little sheep is pink.

She asked, "Don't you like it?" She felt pretty.

He is a big man, he has never used such a pink and tender color, and the girls are chirping. Forget it, she finally bought him a helmet, he put it on for a while, and then the hairstyle was crushed instantly, and he glanced at the car mirror again, and took a photo, shit, good mother!

"It's okay." He twisted his mouth and raised his mouth.

Seeing that he liked it, Ji Lingran was also happy, and the corners of her eyes were curved, and she put on her helmet that had been painted off: "Come up, I will take you."

Huo Changxun got in the car, a pair of big long legs nowhere to put, tilted quite funny.

Ji Lingran drove very slowly, and it was almost ten o'clock at home.

Huo Changxun loves cleanliness, can't stand the alcoholic smell he got in the club, he went to the bathroom as soon as he entered the house, threw his clothes all over, the door was not closed, and the water was directly boiled.

"Dye treasure," he shouted in the bathroom. "Bring me clothes."

"it is good."

She took his clothes and placed them on a small stool in front of the bathroom.

Huo Changxun has a lot of bad habits. Dirty clothes are thrown everywhere. From the entrance to the bathroom, they are one by one. She took a basket with dirty clothes and picked them one by one, white shirt. He was thrown casually on the half-height vase in the living room. She was about to reach for it, and the shirt slipped to the ground by herself, and the collar turned over.

She paused.

The red color, like the flames of Zhang Yang, she never bought this lipstick number.

I don't know how long she stared at her. She squatted with numb legs and slammed together. Her lower back hit the corner of the cupboard. She was so painful that she could not stand at the waist, and tears were coming out.

Jerk ...

She crumpled that shirt into a ball and walked to the trash can, just about to throw it away, the phone rang and pulled her messy mood back.

It was Huo Changxun's cell phone, which rang for a long time without hesitation.

She never looked at his cell phone. This time, the ghost messed around and glanced at the screen. The number of the call was not saved. Just a string of strange numbers, it rang twice and hung up.

She took a small breath.

Suddenly, the dimmed screen turned on, and a text message popped up without warning.

"I don't want that house. Whether you believe it or not, I really love you and don't want your money."

It was his former female companion.

She didn't know which one. When she used to play Guzheng, she brought a different girl every time. This may be one of them.

She lowered her head and stood for a while, smoothing out the crumpled shirt in her hands and putting it away.

She, how can I forget that she is not qualified to care about, she is also one of his countless female companions, nothing special, if you really want to find the difference, it is probably only 400,000.

Huo Changxun came out after taking a bath. She was asleep. The lights in the bedroom were turned off, leaving only the bedside lamp.

He finished blowing his hair, twitched it twice, and lifted the quilt to lie down: "Why don't you wait for me."

The little girl turned her back to him and shrunk under the quilt, leaving him a head: "I'm sleepy."

The voice is muffled, it seems really tired.

Huo Changxun put the man in his arms, put her head on her hands, lowered her head, and kissed her twice behind the neck: "Sleep."

He turned off the bedside lamp.

Quiet for a while ...

"Huo Changxun." She whispered in a low voice.


She turned around and faced him: "Will you give me this house?" He seems to particularly like to use the house as a breakup gift.

Yo, have you realized that you want a house.

Huo Changxun smiled: "Here." Holding the little girl's chin, he leaned over to bite her pink lips, "The car is also for you, you give everything you want."

He had not told her that the house had passed her name long ago.

Ji Lingran evaded his kiss, buried his head in his arms, and said nothing.

He raised her head and held her face with both hands: "Why didn't you speak?"

What should I say?

Is she different from his female companions? Said she didn't want his house? But the girl who sent the text message had already said that he did not greedy his house.

Huo Changxun didn't wait until she squeaked, and then lowered her head to cover her lips and grinded: "Then don't say, with energy, let's do something else."

He reached into her clothes.

She wears underwear and stays in the same bed for so long. She sleeps and wears underwear. Pajamas are also the most conservative style. This is his family. It is shy and traditional. The typical lady show is not a problem. He took off.

The hand just touched the underwear button behind her, and he held it with a small hand.

"No tonight, I want to go to bed early."

There are evil fires in his lower abdomen, which cannot be suppressed: "But I want it."

"No," she said softly, "Okay?"

Damn it, kill him.

Huo Changxun took a breath: "Then you sleep first." He opened the quilt, got up, and went to the bathroom.

The next day, the sky changed and there was drizzle. For a week, it was always rainy and rainy. This kind of weather made people irritable and depressed.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of rain. This week, Huo Changxun ’s little ancestors were a little unhappy, always sitting alone on the window sill, either staring at the pot of fairy **** he bought, or staring at the carved calendar. .

Could he have forgotten any important days?

Not her birthday.

"Dye dye."


She hugged a pillow and sat on a hanging basket chair. Her hair was scattered and she was lying on her back, she looked a little ignorant, her eyes were empty, cute and harmless.

Huo Changxun just came out of the bathroom, wiped a handful of wet hair randomly, threw the towel around, and walked over: "What's wrong?" She was sitting, and he would bend over to talk to her, "Why are you unhappy? Who bullied you?"

She shook her head: "No."

The first day of this rainy day was three months old. It rained on the fifth day today and she dragged it for five days.

"Huo Changxun."

"Huh." Huo Changxun frowned, dissatisfied with her so rusty title.

"Your former girlfriend," she paused, or changed her tongue. "Have your previous female partner been more than three months old?"

Huo Changxun's expression collapsed instantly.

This is a proposition!

He touched the back of his neck: "... No." Not to tell the truth, he didn't dare to lie. His little ancestor was thoughtful and sensitive, and he didn't dare to cheat.

She didn't know what she was thinking, her brows were tight, tangled, and she was stubborn: "Can you tell me the reason for the separation?"

Can be.

Huo Changxun's voice was a little softer, and he squatted down and discussed, "Don't be angry."

She nodded.

He remained silent for a while, and then told the truth: "Tired." His eyes became quieter when he looked elsewhere, but he didn't look at her. "There's no special reason, and I'm divided if I feel bored."

He thinks now, he used to be scum.

Ji Lingran didn't ask any more, her thick eyelashes hung down, and there was no light in her eyes.

Huo Changxun was very bottomless and reached out and gently poked the spin on her head: "It's okay not to be angry." He treats her like this to other women.

"I'm not angry." The voice was muffled, and she got up from the basket chair. "The soup in the kitchen is cooked."

He said to eat supper, she stewed him a pot of soup.

Huo Changxun took a bite, and then his face was wrinkled, his expression hard to say: "Dye, how much salt did you put?"

She took his spoon, scooped it a bit, and tried the taste.

So salty ...

"I may have forgotten that I have put salt, and put it again." She picked up the bowl of soup, went to the kitchen, and poured it out. "It's too salty to drink. You can order takeout yourself."

After that, she went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

Huo Changxun: "..."

How did he think she was intentional.

After pouring a glass of water and pouring it all in, his tongue was better. He got up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Then he saw a bag of salt in the trash bin, and the whole bag was empty.

She did it on purpose.

Huo Changxun licked his lips, smiled, and went to the bathroom: "Dye, are you jealous?"

She was brushing her teeth and there was foam on her mouth: "No."

Huo Changxun stared at her in the mirror and said a little rogue: "It's there."

She didn't argue with him and finished rinsing: "You go out, I'm going to take a bath."

Huo Changxun not only did not go out, but also walked inside, leaned in front of her, and grinned badly and said: "Wash together."

Not at all serious!

She has a thin skin, no teasing, and her ears are red, a little angry, with a bit fierce, but her voice is soft and sweet, and there is no deterrent: "No!"

The milk is fierce and the milk is fierce, just like a milk cat. Come on with a paw. The meat pads are made of soft cotton.

Huo Changxun likes her like this.

He grabbed her two hands directly and clasped her behind: "Dye, I like to be in the bathroom, you follow me this time."

The hot light in his eyes can make people scorch, and his voice is low, like the wind blowing leaves in March, rustling: "Okay?"

She finally knew why even if his so many female companions had been broken up, she was still reluctant, because this man would be too distracted.

Although he is very bad for women.

"……it is good."

咣 ——

The bathroom door was dropped, she was put on the sink by him, and the consciousness followed his movements to be dizzy. Tomorrow, I will say tomorrow ...

Tomorrow, it was Monday, and the sky that had been continuously cloudy for a week finally cleared.

At lunch, the old man called: "Come at night?"

Huo Changxun was in a good mood. He turned on the computer and was in the office. He didn't read a page of the document. He stared at the desktop photo of Ji Lingran, and he smiled: "I'm past six."

Father Huo hummed: "Who asked you, I asked your girlfriend."

Huo Changxun was also angry: "She goes too."

The old man got the quasi letter and was relieved, a little excited: "What does that girl like to eat?"

Huo Changxun topped the cheek gang and thought for a while: "She doesn't pick food, she feeds very well." He took her out to dinner several times, but she didn't order it. Usually, she ordered what she ate, not picking at all.

Mr. Huo was very dissatisfied with this answer, hating iron for not making steel: "If you do n’t pick your food, you have preferences. You do n’t even know what people like to eat. You little bastard! Pig hoof!"

Huo Pig's Trotters: Chang Xun: "..."

A few days ago it was still a dog, and it became a pig again.

"Then I'll ask her." Huo Changxun hung up the phone, "Ranbao."

(End of this chapter)

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