His whole body was dripping directly from his head, his whole body seemed to be exuding a gloomy aura, and he was smiling weirdly.

How did these two guys get together?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell into confusion.

A man who is extravagantly involved in many boats, the woman who was deceived by him is ruthlessly cut into pieces, and then only at a fixed time every year can he be put back together and resurrected for a woman to use. The man is divided into seven pieces in total. Seven girlfriends get it, and every year on Valentine's Day, seven women compete with each other to decide the right to use it. This is the Holy War!

Just lie down in front of the keyboard.

The whole person is full of thoughts at this moment.

Typing on the keyboard, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's new book has quietly taken shape.

Zhengzong, who was thinking about how to make Xiaohui accept the fate of two equal parts, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

He glanced around strangely, then held Hongmei and Xiaohui's hands tighter.

In an increasingly cruel world, only two girls can bring him warmth.

In the evening, Liuli finally regained her strength and woke up.

He glanced doubtfully at Zhengzong, who was playing poker with the two sisters, although he felt that the atmosphere between the three of them was strange.

But Liuli, who had never thought about the possibility of two sisters getting together, just regarded this as her own illusion.

Liuli, who thought she had taken a far step forward and crushed the enemy in front of her, also smiled and joined the chat between the three of them.

Although she was not good at chatting, Liuli was able to let go as she was making the fastest progress.

Kato Hiromi was still immersed in the fearful state of being suppressed by her sister just now.jpg, and did not argue with Liuli, and Xiaohui was not the type to take the initiative to argue.

Suddenly, the weird atmosphere that had existed when they first met each other had quietly disintegrated.

The four of them chatted with each other, which was very interesting.

Looking at the three people, Zhengzong was in a good mood.

No matter which one of the three girls is taken alone, they are all beauties that can be counted among the best in their world. Important female characters can only be brought together in such a special comprehensive comic world.

If you can put it all on the bed and watch the other person's beauty reveal because of you, just thinking about it, there will be an unknown fire burning in Zhengzong's heart.

Masamune was extremely lucky that he was able to travel to this world, and his desire to bring all the girls together became stronger and stronger.

He doesn't want to let go of so many good things, and he will let anyone who wants to take them away die.

The night of the second day seemed calm.

Whether it was Liuli who was seriously injured just today and didn't dare to go to Zhengzong for the time being, or Hongmei who was frightened by her sister and lost her mind, Zhengzong also spent a night with no one to communicate with and accompany her for the first time in a long time.

Just when he decided out of boredom to go out and see if there were any new surprises.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly sent a manuscript.

The magic-modified version of the war idea of ​​the Seven Saints made Zhengzong shudder.

I have the idea of ​​seeing a ghost story late at night.

【What do you think? 】

【hehe. 】

Kasumigaoka Shiyu just replied with these two words.

Although my novel has been solved, I still feel super unhappy.

She never thought that Masamune would bump into Kato Megumi.

Don't mention ethics, it was because Kasumigaoka Shiu was not sensible at the time, but she had just found a new man, and the photo of Megumi Kato broke the beauty of the girl.

Angry in his heart, Kasumigaoka Shiyu grinded her teeth angrily when she found that the man didn't even return.

Decided to take revenge on this guy.

Then he lifted up his skirt and took a few photos upwards.

[My lovely Masamune-kun, do you want to see it? 】

Even if it's just words, it seems that people can hear the girl's delicate voice.

Masamune, who was bored, raised his eyebrows, thinking that Kasumigaoka Shiyu was surprisingly good at playing.

【certainly. 】

With a smile on her face, the girl continued to take pictures and sent them one by one.

Zhengzong was also aroused, looking at the revelation as if he controlled it, and waited for the last key picture.


Throwing the phone aside, there was a ferocious grimace on it.

Kasumigaoka, go back and wait for me to write the correct words for you.

After spending the night alone to completely calm down, Masamune made a decision.

On the third day, I came out again with dark circles under my eyes. Kato Kei glanced at the two people around him in confusion. Neither of these two guys came out yesterday. She didn't understand why Masamune was still like this.

But in the end, I still suppressed my doubts in my heart

Surrounding attractions. Having basically finished visiting the amusement park and the mountain, the four of them packed up and headed directly to the nearest, slightly more prosperous city, Sapporo.

After all, I've been out for fun for so long, how can I go back without bringing some gifts?

The most famous thing in Hokkaido is its various snacks.

Among them, the White Lover cookies are the most famous.

Liuli didn't need to say much, Hongmei also held Zhengzong's arm and didn't let go. As for Xiaohui, she just stared at you silently. Zhengzong could only buy them one by one and enshrine them, and then the matter was solved.

Zhengzong also saw the unexpected persistence of the girls in some aspects, so when a few people were not paying attention, he secretly bought thirteen more boxes of just this cookie and had to deliver them one by one when he returned home.

Although the price is a bit expensive according to the brand, it feels authentic. As long as you use it well, you can easily use a gun mount with a free copy. This is much better than the general price of Jiaojiao.

The shopping malls in the city are very big. After receiving the cookies from Zheng Zong, the girls were all satisfied and dispersed.

After all, everyone likes different things and wants to bring back different things, so after the initial Shiroi Koibito sweeps, they just dispersed to buy their own things, planning to wait until later to meet at the agreed upon location. .

Among them, Kato Megumi wanted to follow Masamune, but the girl didn't want to buy anything.

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