Actually, I really don't need anything, so I just sent it to a few friends. They probably thought it was Kato, or so.

The girl shook her head and said distressedly.

Xiao Hui, how insecure are you about yourself? Believe me, with your charm, someone will be very happy to receive a gift.

Is it okay for boys too?

I'll kill the boy.

A smile flashed across the girl's face.

Zhengzong suddenly discovered that Xiaohui seemed to have changed a lot. He would never have deliberately teased her like this before.

In the end, it can only be attributed to Xiao Hui's bad learning.

Girl, you must have suitable female friends. Girls who have added friends like to eat snacks.

I know, I will bring some to senior sister and Yinglili.

Kato Megumi nodded, but Masamune who was listening next to him stiffened and was about to say something, but he didn't say much as he watched the girl leave.

Glancing at the bag in his hand, he suddenly thought of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's inexplicable provocation yesterday, and vaguely understood the reason.

At this moment, the news was temporarily playing on the central screen of the shopping mall. News that two dismembered bodies were found in a certain place in Hokkaido.

Zhengzong thinks that there is no need to think about losing weight for Xia Feifei, and he should buy her a box of White Lover.

There were unexpectedly many bags in his palm. Just when he was about to stop like this, an arm suddenly came out and helped him take it.

Let me help you.

Petite figure, and that bright smile.

Takatsuki Izumi?

Hmm, I really didn't expect to see Masamune-kun here.

The girl clapped her hands together, as if this was the only way to soothe the happiness in her heart. Coupled with the appearance at this moment, the image of a charming and charming girl emerged, which made people feel very comfortable.

Masamune just sneered.

I met you by chance here, and I believed your evil deeds.

The ghoul incident was one that left a deep impression on Masamune at the time.

This was the first time he encountered someone like Kirishima Touka who directly attacked him.

The goal is just for one of my own clothes.

Those guys who originally had images of ferocious and bloody mouths in their minds suddenly transformed into strange and crazy women.

This mutation really impressed Masamune.

And because Zhengzong's power was not very strong at that time, the physical changes had just begun. Facing the heavy attack, he experienced the feeling of powerlessness for the first time.

Although he was later stopped by Wei Nai, and everything happened in the past, Zhengzong still had difficulty having a good impression of such a group of guys.

In other words, anyone would not be in a good mood when facing this kind of monster.

Forget about the fact that there was no more specific conflict between the two sides at that time. Ao Tianliu time traveler, who had a slightly more explosive temper, was now probably going to publicly kill all these guys to correct his mentality.

Tell me, why are you looking for me?

Nothing changed on Masamune's face.

Let’s not worry about whether a monster like a ghoul, who has just stopped for a few years, would dare to take action in such a bustling shopping mall with people coming and going.

Even if it moved, he was sure to deal with it.

It's only been more than a month, but I don't know how strong he is now.

Don't be so cold, Izumi Masamune, um, Izumi Masamune-sensei, I am your sincere fan. This really makes me sad.

While talking, he also took the initiative to help Zhengzong carry the bag, and his petite figure swayed around with the bag.

Such an appearance of a doormat little girl, coupled with her petite size, immediately attracted countless pity eyes, making everyone around her glare at Masamune.

A group of guys who are attracted by the appearance of the woman in front of them have no idea that such a girl who looks fragile can actually easily tear you into pieces and stuff them into her mouth to chew.

For such a group of people who have lost their minds, Zhengzong has nothing to say.

Come with me.

After glancing around, he found that his eyes were a bit dazzling. Zhengzong was also in a irritable mood. He grabbed the back collar of the woman in front of him, lifted it up and walked outside.

Takatsuki Izumi's expression changed. The vigilance caused by fighting for a long time since childhood made his subconscious body tense up and wanted to resist, but he was horrified to find that he had no strength at all.

It was a weird feeling. She was touched by Zhengzong in a key position like her neck, but her body unexpectedly had no power to resist. On the contrary, her whole body felt very comfortable, just like after being healed by an angel. I was moved when I tasted human food for the first time.

Izumi Takatsuki, who originally thought that Masamune relied on his friendship with the other two angels and had nothing special about him, felt heavy now. His original thoughts had quietly changed.

Tell me what you want to do.

He threw it directly on the chair and saw that the woman's face still looked satisfied. The original image of the decisive one-eyed king in his mind changed, and Masamune's mood was also very strange.

You should know about our identities.

There was silence for a moment.

After discovering that he was captured directly by Masamune without even the strength to resist, Takatsuki Izumi finally decided to speak frankly.

Ghoul? Man-eating monster? Bronze tree? Something like that.

Zhengzong recalled the relevant information and then asked.

It's true that we exist together with those adults. Some things were secret at the time. Now all countries hide all our information.

With a wry smile, she finally understood what was going on with that vague and strange feeling when she faced Zheng Zong. The other person looked at her as if he had seen through everything.

I just happen to know more things. You don't have to worry too much.

Ghouls have disappeared in such a comprehensive world for a long time, so Zhengzong did not feel proud of understanding the memory. Instead, he looked at the woman in front of him, wanting to see what she was going to do.

We have actually been at peace for a long time. After we no longer have the need for humans, we are living very well with our physical abilities that are stronger than humans.

Takatsuki Quan couldn't help but smile on his face as he explained.

Just like in the original work, she and Arima Kisho worked together to cultivate Kaneki Ken, whose original purpose was to change this distorted world.

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