That is, everything was caused by Masamune, which gave Sagiri a psychological shadow.

So at this moment Nanami stared at Masamune again without giving in.

I just won't leave. Don't think you can continue to make such mistakes!

As she said this, she opened her hands like a hen protecting her chicks. He hugged Sagiri next to him tightly to prevent Masamune, the carnivorous vulture, from causing trouble.

The corners of Zheng Zong's mouth raised slightly.

When Nanami was protecting others, didn't she think that she herself was actually the biggest problem?

Masamune's hand directly pulled the towel and pulled it hard, and now he was naked for once.

what are you doing!

Nanami was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes. From childhood to adulthood, she felt that she had encountered all the surprises in her life today.

But Masamune climbed on top of the quilt at this time, took Nanami's big hand and pulled her away from Sagiri's body, while he held her tightly with his backhand.

Let go! Get out of here!

Nanami resisted helplessly, her fists and feet constantly moving, trying to threaten Masamune.

However, women are inherently physically weaker than men, let alone facing a completely out-of-standard existence like Zhengzong.

Her level of resistance had no effect at all. Instead, her struggling movements caused the two people to collide with each other, thus giving Zheng Zong more different feelings.

Masamune is not a guy who is good at suppressing himself, otherwise, the tragedy of the unlucky Mai and Miura Yuko at the beginning would not have happened.

He was also very angry at this moment, and she was struggling like this with Qi Hai, and they were colliding with each other like this.

Masamune still had the sense to endure it. He growled, grabbed Nanami's clothes with both hands and pulled hard.

It was just an ordinary work uniform. Nanami never thought that a man would actually dare to do this. And because of his struggle, it looked even more dynamic.

Sagiri next to her was startled. She immediately crawled to Zheng Zong's side, hugged Zheng Zong with both hands, and said in a dissatisfied voice.

What are you going to do?

After noticing Sagiri's movements, Masamune stopped temporarily and said to Nanami, who was still scared in front of him.

Now I'll give you a chance. This time the matter will be over like this. You continue to do your part-time job. I will continue to play with my Sagiri. Don't cause anything else.

Masamune said.

But Nanami, who had a strong sense of justice, didn't appreciate it at all. She still hit Zhengzong hard with both hands and spoke plausibly.

I won't leave, I'll beat you to death, you big bastard! You only know how to bully girls!

Masamune grabbed her wrists with both hands and turned to Sagiri.

You also saw that she insisted on reporting it herself. If aunt knew about it, we would be in trouble. What do you think we should do?

Yeah, I understand.

Although Nanami is different from Hinata who works hard to make the Masamune harem plan unfold with her sister, and prefers to monopolize Masamune, but in the current situation, Sagiri has no choice.

Then, Sagiri moved forward and removed all Nanami's remaining weapons.

Nanami let out a high-pitched scream, and her hands were so confused that she didn't know where to block it.

Masamune didn't attack either, but watched Sagiri's reaction.

Sister Nanami, in order to prevent you from telling anyone, I have to keep you here. This is for your own good, otherwise you will be in danger.

Sagiri thought of the countless notebooks she had seen, and then made a decision.

In order to prevent Nanami from causing trouble, it was natural to bring Nanami in as well.

Of course, Sagiri also understands very well, and has a certain degree of control.

However, Nanami was extremely uncooperative and protected her body well, just not letting Sagiri succeed.

However, Sagiri was directly riding on Nanami's body. She was looking quite amused at this moment, staring at her and saying.

Be obedient and let me take a few pictures. Otherwise, you will be waiting to be bled directly by my brother.

She has such a cute appearance, but at this moment, she is showing unspeakable murderous intent, which makes me feel fresh and interesting to see the real thing.

At this moment, he noticed that Sagiri was winking at him, and Masamune was also very cooperative in moving his arms forward. As soon as he touched Nanami, Nanami felt as if she had been stung by a scorpion.

You, you don't want it, can't I just listen to you?

With a cry.

Nanami said in a broken voice. Faced with the threat of massive bleeding, Nanami finally compromised.

Then stand up now, let go of your hands, don't block me, and then come to my brother.

Sagiri's eyes were dimly shining at this moment, and she was giving orders directly to Nanami, not forgetting to look at Masamune to signal her not to do anything else.

Okay, okay. I will listen to Sagiri today.

Zhengzong said to the girl with a smile.

Seeing Sagiri holding the notebook signed by Eri Kashiwagi, giving orders while looking at it, this kind of gameplay is really very fresh.

With the sun getting hotter overhead and the chirping of cicadas getting louder, summer has quietly arrived.

Golden Week has quietly passed, replaced by a new school schedule.

The only thing that can give Zhengzong some comfort is that the Golden Week has passed, so the summer vacation is not far away. Although it has just begun the first day after the vacation, Zhengzong has already begun to quietly think about the days of summer vacation.

Good morning, Masamune.

As soon as I walked across the road, I saw Yuigahama Yui, who was holding her bag in front of her with both hands and smiling lightly.

Maybe only God knows how Yuigahama Yui managed to get stuck at the right spot every time, blocking her place to go to school, even though Masamune himself didn't tell her her address.

Maybe this is the so-called fool's intuition.

Yui, I miss you so much.

Although he was cursing in his heart, it didn't stop Zhengzong from stepping forward to communicate with the girl.

He directly pulled her into his arms, and first experienced the experience of the two groups' pincer attack. Although Yuigahama Yui was still a little different from her mother, the feeling of being nurtured by her own hands was still very good.

When the time comes, it will be great to put the two pairs together and compare them.

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