However, seeing the girl's face turn red all of a sudden, Zhengzong finally realized that she hadn't seen him for seven days during the Golden Week.

There may be no problems in normal life, but facing yourself, a slight careless behavior is really a precursor to the collapse of the dam caused by a flash flood. If you are not careful, it will collapse directly.

Now I don't want to just find a small corner on the way to school to solve the problem. Zheng Zong, who is both late, also stopped in time.

Have you forgotten what I told you? Button it up every day. Now the little Yui is too big. I will be angry if it accidentally comes out and attracts bees and butterflies.

He helped the girl straighten the tie with gentle movements, and looking at Yui who was blushing, Masamune pretended to be stern and said.

Isn't it because Masamune-kun you are here to help me?

Hehe's dumpling-like giggle, just like Liuli who was also awesome today when Zhengzong straightened his tie and separated it, made Zhengzong wonder if he had played too hard and made all these girls stupid.

It's a good thing to smile happily at Scissorhands at critical moments, but under normal circumstances it's best not to do it.

Besides, the problem is, shouldn't it be that Masamune pays more attention to you?

Thinking of this, Yuigahama Yui's tone was also gloomy. She had not forgotten her boyfriend's problem.

After being reminded by Zhengzong, she realized that the problem seemed to be really serious after seven days. She thought about how she had been doing things in her room every night for the past few days, and had to wash the sheets a lot of the time. She felt so ashamed.

Fortunately, his mother didn't pay attention, and she had become much more diligent in washing clothes recently, so the problem was not exposed just now.

When she thought about meeting her friend Xiaoxue next, she felt very overwhelmed.

Ha, if you don't want me to be like this, then of course you have to work hard on Xiao Yui. I'll go to your house tonight.

Looking at Yui's appearance, Masamune felt that he needed to find a chance to comfort her, and Mrs. Yuigahama couldn't let it go.

As for choosing to use his own blood to enter two people into a new stage like Takatsuki Izumi, Masamune thought about it.

At the very least, you can't let go until Yuigahama Yui truly admits it. Proper multiple exchanges are necessary, and at least you have to wait until the stage where two mothers and daughters have a threesome is unlocked before it can be used more easily.

Okay, let's go to school.

Following Masamune's own thoughts, the impact on Yuigahama Yui's body became more serious, and her face became redder and redder at this moment.

However, she still firmly grasped Zhengzong's arm.

On such a way to school, there will naturally be many students who are also Sobu High School, and Masamune himself has always been a famous figure.

Such a close distance at this moment naturally attracted the attention of many people. Yui was shocked when she faced so many eyes in an instant.

In addition, because she was a little weak when she met Zhengzong, she was even more nervous at the moment. However, even so, the girl still held on to Zhengzong firmly and felt his movements. Zhengzong did not refuse. After all, only those who truly know how powerful they are are. Yi will consider giving in.

Okay, Yui, we're at school.

The two of them were silent all the way. After they arrived, Zhengzong grabbed the dumpling on the girl's head and shook it. Only then did Yui wake up.

He looked a little embarrassed. He had been dragging Zhengzong's arm almost all the way, and all the weight of his body was hanging on Zhengzong's body.

Such hot weather must be making Zheng Zong feel uncomfortable.

Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but grit her teeth as she noticed that more and more girls were looking at her as they approached the school.

Now you know I'm afraid. My life has been like this lately. Everyone is staring at me as if they were prey.


Rolling her eyes at Masamune, Yuigahama Yui wanted to refute this shameless narcissistic statement, but she felt the stinging gazes around her, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to walk in this period of time. , Yui still didn’t speak after all.

I will not give up.

Saying this, Yui still unconsciously distanced herself from Masamune.

Let's talk tonight.

The girl said shyly.

Yes, yes, our Yui will not give up.

He raised his voice, looking at Yui like this, Masamune just wanted to laugh,

When they entered the campus, they found that the number of students at the moment was very small, and they were all running around, making it very lively.

Have you heard? Matsuo from the football club confessed his love to Mr. Miura.

The boy passing by looked excited, as if he was the one he wanted to express his love to, and Masamune and Yui couldn't help but look at each other.

Does anyone actually dare to confess to Miura?

Yui murmured to herself, with a look of little confidence on her face.

It turns out Yui doesn't think anyone dares to confess to Miura.

Masamune turned around and looked at Yui, who knew she had said something wrong and covered her little girl.

No, no, it's just Miura's character, um, so it's relatively strong. I really can't imagine that anyone would dare to give it to Miura.

Yui smiled awkwardly. The two of them also walked to the place where the people gathered at this moment.

I saw a guy named Matsuo who was in the first grade of high school. He was smiling. His short black hair was also covered with hair gel. He was dressed in the same way.

Opposite it was Yumiko Miura, who was walking towards her.

Miura, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, seemed to have completely adjusted his condition during the golden week. There is no longer the haggardness and pain that I had before.

You are finally here, my Queen, I like you, please accept my love boldly.

He shouted loudly, and then kneeled directly in front of Miura Yuiko.

Da da da.

As the girl's shoes walked in, Miura Yuko looked at the guy in front of her and stepped on them.

You know what? I hate guys like you the most.

Under everyone's uproarious gaze, Miura Yuko stepped on it.

How can you be like this, Miura, do you know how much I like you?

Matsuo looked at Miura in disbelief, with such a pitiful and infatuated look, which instantly attracted the attention of countless people, especially Miura, as the top figure of the current group, while gaining lethality, he was also unpopular. Girls are jealous of life.

At this moment, they started to whisper because of this.

Do you think your confession in person is effective? Do you think I will give you face if everyone knows about it? Why don't you get out of here quickly, or do you need me to tell you about you and a certain tea ceremony club junior? ?”

Looking to the other side, Ebina Hina from the current team was already running over.

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