Zhengzong really wants to reply directly and do what we love to do.

It must be very easy for a girl who is so relieved about herself at this moment to succeed.

Even if it's to open a room, as long as you insist on it and use a little bit of tricks, you can do it.

However, when he noticed that Honoka was still touching the slightly protruding belly next to him, and Sonoda Umi was following suit behind him, Masamune could only take back this exciting thought.

At the very least, get rid of these two light bulbs first.

As for taking down three guys at once.

Zhengzong was slightly moved, and then gave up.

This is the first time for all three girls. At the very least, each of them will leave a wonderful memory.

Zhengzong likes girls, and he likes these girls who could only let him imagine in his heart in his previous life.

What once could only be regarded as fantasy has turned into reality. This kind of touching feeling when seeing beauty makes Zhengzong unwilling to abandon these lovely people no matter what.

I like them, and then I become greedy, wanting to get all these guys and never let them go.

It's not like being covered in kidneys or a humanoid self-propelled cannon, but after seeing those beautiful things, I just don't want to let them go.

Didn't Xiaoniao just agree to go on a date with me? Let's go to the cinema next.

Hey, are you going on a date?

Honoka was worried that she might gain weight just now. When she heard this, she immediately looked over with interest.

No, not this.

Being stared at by her friend like this, Nan Xiaoniao clutched the hem of her skirt tightly and was so shy that she didn't know what to say.

I just want to go out and watch a movie. Honoka, you often go out with your friends before, right? If you want to go, come too.

Dining, movie theaters, love hotels.

This is a basic process. Let's take a closer look first and then how to fool the other two guys away.


Honoka responded with an energetic smile.

Then she directly grabbed Zhengzong's sleeve and walked forward. After what happened just now, she really recognized Zhengzong.

Minami Kotori looked at Honoka who was walking in front with Masamune in astonishment.

Although I know this is the normal character of my friend.

Sometimes it's always so carefree and informal, but.

The girl followed quickly, mustering up the courage to grab Masamune's other arm.

And compared to Honoka's tugging on her sleeves. Nan Xiaoniao had boldly crossed his arms at this moment.

As for Sonoda Umi, although she wanted to say something, seeing the guys hugging Masamune on both sides, the girl also followed.

No matter what, he cannot let his two friends fall into the hands of the big devil.

The behavior of the three people together suddenly made Zhengzong the focus of everyone's attention.

Fortunately, we arrived at the cinema soon.

There are quite a few couples inside. Although the authentic side still attracts attention, the sight of those couples paying attention is much better in order to prevent the people around them from being angry.

The most important thing is that without the complicated sight of those singles, it makes people feel happy.

There were many movies in the cinema, but with the three of them together, Masamune didn't choose anything special. Instead, he chose a theatrical version of a very classic animation. Four people came to see this kind of thing, and there was no problem.

Okay, the tickets are bought, let's go in.

Zhengzong held the movie ticket in his palm and waved to the three girls.

Several people walked in. There were unexpectedly many people in the cinema.

In District 11, things similar to those in animated movies happen from time to time.

Well, follow the seat number on the movie ticket.

Masamune led several girls over, with Minami Kotori on his right and Honoka on Masamune's left.

Originally Sonoda Umi wanted to let Zheng Zong go aside and isolate himself.

Just being glanced at by Masamune, the girl couldn't help but shyly take a step back. She only dared to hide to the left of Honoka, far away from Masamune.

As the scenes on the screen change, the plot gradually unfolds.

The atmosphere in the cinema also gradually changed.

Although it is just a cartoon, in places where this otaku culture is prevalent, there are also many couples.

As the lights dimmed and the plot unfolded, couples were sitting together rustlingly at this moment, clinging to each other, feeding each other, or starting to kiss passionately.

The darker a person is in the dark, the stronger the instinctive function in the body will be, and the easier it will be for love behavior to occur. Moreover, in dark places such as movie theaters, because both parties cannot see each other's expressions clearly, it is easy to reduce unnecessary alertness and guessing, thereby bringing the two parties closer, creating a sense of security, and being more familiar with this unique atmosphere. Produce a psychological stimulus.

Even if there are actually many people around, these things will further intensify the excitement in the heart.

Nan Xiaotiao, who was sitting next to him, was on the edge, so he could clearly see the special situation ahead.

The girl's heart suddenly beat rapidly.

People always have a subconscious herd mentality, especially when the boy around them still makes their heart beat so much. He just helped him solve the biggest difficulty in his life.

Nan Xiaoniao, who was about to do something but didn't know how to do it, suddenly felt his little hand being grasped by a big hand.

The palms of his hands tightened subconsciously. Obviously, he and Zhengzong had experienced worse situations in the changing room before, but they were not as intense as they were now.

Don't be nervous. As long as the director doesn't want to be handed a blade, the heroine won't die.

Zhengzong whispered in Nan Xiaoniao's ear.

The hot breath made the girl's cheeks become hot instantly. If she hadn't been in a movie theater at this moment, someone would have discovered her long ago.

That's not it.

The girl looked at the screen. There was a fierce battle at the moment, but she didn't know how to tell the man that he was the reason for her nervousness.

The girl who was struggling suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the man who lowered his head and was no longer close to her. He was still sucking.

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