Smash her lower lip, and you can seem to detect the redness of the girl's face even in the shadow.

The taste of Nanxiaotiao is somewhat different from Haiwei.

The only similarity is probably that they are all so raw.

It was obviously no different from the first kiss that Zhengzong had taken away from many girls before.

But just thinking about the identities of the Nine Muses made Zheng Zong feel extremely excited.

Don't be nervous now. If you are still not at ease, then hold my hand tightly.


His mind went blank. Nan Xiaoniao didn't even know who Jingxiang was on the screen.

Sitting side by side in the dark and hazy back seat, feeling the irresistible attraction of the other person. It was so natural when the writer took the initiative to hold her hand. The distance between the two of them got closer and closer. In the end, the girl leaned on Zhengzong's shoulder. Her heartbeat became very fast because of Zhengzong's sudden attack. He slowed down and slowly closed his eyes, feeling the unspeakable silence.

The plot on the screen is still going on, and beside him is Nan Xiaotiao, who is immersed in the atmosphere and has closed his eyes.

Ever since she got the news from that side, she has been in a tangled state, and she has not been able to rest well.

At this moment, I finally have the opportunity to have a good sleep.

Looking at Nan Xiaotiao who looked like a sleeping beauty at this moment, Zhengzong felt that he needed to do something.

But at this moment, his right hand was tightly held by his hands, which restricted his movements.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the smooth feeling coming from the small tui on the other side.

Compared to Nan Xiaoniao, who still can't let go of her scars, she chooses a long skirt and bubble socks.

Honoka chose a very normal knee-length skirt. At this moment, with the distance between the two of them, they just touched inadvertently.

Feeling the delicacy, Zhengzong's original thoughts suddenly changed.

Slowly approaching Honoka towards the other side.

Honoka felt the body temperature of the man next to her and moved a little away. However, it was a relatively narrow area and how big the position could be. The girl was quickly forced into a corner.

Honoka's forbearance, and the fact that she looked over at this moment, she was really confused and didn't know why Masamune did this, made Masamune feel even more excited.

He especially wanted to see this single-minded, impulsive and energetic Fruit King show his other side, especially with Nan Xiaoniao leaning on his shoulder.

I have always heard before that the Muse was actually a harem quietly established by Emperor Guo's grand conspiracy.

Now that Masamune was looking at Honoka's performance, he suddenly had a bolder idea.

Compared with playing with the concubine of the King of Fruit, there is no fun in directly challenging the King of Fruit.

The right hand that was originally trapped in Minami Kotori's hands no longer struggled, but the left hand quietly came to Honoka's side.

Honoka, who was already disturbed, noticed Masamune's plan and moved slightly, but the small position prevented her from moving away. The poor girl was unable to organize any effective resistance.

Honoka was shocked.

Even a girl with no common sense knows that this is not right.

Boys and girls look like this, but I heard they are going to get pregnant.

Honoka, who doesn't want a baby yet, decides to stop Masamune.

At first, I thought it was just Masamune who accidentally bumped into him, but Honoka didn't react until Masamune was moving like a wild horse on the loose, leaping like a fish in the sky.

His face turned red, his body leaned forward, and he held Masamune's hand from the hem of his skirt with one hand.

He covered himself with one hand to silence his accidental exclamations.

do not do that.

He spoke softly, but his voice was still a little trembling.

When the four of them arrived, it happened to be the beginning of a movie, which was already relatively late.

Therefore, the location seems to be a remote blind spot. While everything can be seen at a glance, other people, even the staff observing in the background, will not notice the situation at this moment unless they come here specially.

Honoka, are you okay?

Sonoda Umi turned around and looked at Honoka who suddenly bent down to block everything, thinking she was feeling uncomfortable.

It's okay, Xiaohai, you continue to watch your movie, I just suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Whether it was to reassure her friends or not to let Masamune have a high opinion of her and not be forced to embarrass him, at this moment, Honoka Takasaka tried her best to maintain a smile.

Is that so?

Sonoda Umi looked at Honoka carefully, then noticed Masamune on the other side who was also watching the movie seriously, and turned his head.

Although I felt a little shy, the movie was really good.

Umi continued to be immersed in the movie, and Nan Xiaotiao fell asleep leaning on Masamune's head.

Only Honoka was about to cry but had no tears at this moment.

In the quiet cinema, the young lovers around them were quietly getting better and better, with only the sound of the movie constantly playing.

Being surrounded by two friends like this, Masamune was forced to have nowhere to retreat. Just imagining this kind of scene would make Honoka feel crazy.

At this moment, the girl's heart was beating very fast and her breathing was confused. She took out her mobile phone with her free left hand and staggeredly typed the authentic account number.

[Izumi-kun, I’m going to be angry. 】

Saying this, but under the fluorescence of the mobile phone screen, the girl's attractiveness and shyness coexist, which really makes people unable to bear any emotion other than fear.

And looking at this optimistic and sunny fruit king, the core figure in the muse, in such a scene, because he has become like this, Zheng Zong feels more and more comfortable and interesting in his heart.

Honoka, your reaction is really great.

Stroke by stroke, I wrote slowly with my fingers, for fear that the girl would not notice it if she didn't pay attention.

[Don’t do this again. Well, people think it’s weird. 】

It was almost impossible to press even the words. From a young age, Honoka, who didn't even know what her own power generation was, felt that her body no longer belonged to her.

I see that Honoka is in good health and comfortable now.

Ignoring the girl's silent protest for a long time.

The coldness of the ice made the girl shiver, and then she saw Zhengzong's raised palm.

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