Can you put it on for me?

Yui raised her head and looked at Masamune, her eyes shining.

Of course. It was originally given to you, Yui.

Although I didn't expect that Takatsuki Izumi on this side would actually send such a gift that was very likely to cause an upset.

It's fine if you give me a necklace, so why choose a ring?

Masamune is extremely resentful towards Takatsuki Izumi at the moment, and has decided to deal with her properly when he returns, but now he can only accept it temporarily. Yui has already requested this, and there is no way he will not respond.

After receiving Masamune's approval, Yui carefully handed over the ring.

Seeing Masamune holding the ring in his hand, the girl hesitated for a moment on the middle finger and ring finger of her left hand, then turned her head and glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, but ultimately did not hand over her left hand.

Instead, he obediently handed over his right hand.

Masamune secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The cooperation with Yukinoshita in the past few days has made the girl not be like before.

Things have not gone to the worst. Looking at the ring finger and middle finger of the girl's right hand, placed on top of the middle finger, it means that the girl is now famous and married.

Seeing this, Yukino couldn't help but feel much better even though she knew it was wrong. It was better than the engagement on the middle finger of her left hand.

Yukino, who was relieved at this moment, did not realize that Miura Yuko and Mrs. Yuigahama also behaved in the same way.

The girl who is already very beautiful has been dressed up carefully for her birthday. Now she is wearing a ring, which makes her look even more dazzling.

Sagami Minami looked at Yui with envy, who seemed to have completely changed her appearance at this moment.

She loves to show off, but now she realizes that Yui is envied by others. Isn't this what she has always expected and wanted?

Looking at Masamune, Sagami Minami suddenly had some thoughts.

Anyway, we are just in love and not married. Why don't you think about such a high-quality boy?

In the afternoon, the other girls left one by one.

Originally, I just came to celebrate Yui's birthday, but then I found out that this good friend who got along well with me on weekdays could be so happy. The sharp gap suddenly brought about an uncomfortable contrast. After probably celebrating, they went their separate ways. Everyone left.

Accompanying Yui, he sent the girls out one by one, driving them away or taking the train. Masamune breathed a sigh of relief.

In the blink of an eye, only Yukino's side was left.

Then, I'll leave first.

Masamune hasn't forgotten it yet, but there is still a fresh-smelling Nishikino Mizumi waiting for him.

Are you leaving in such a hurry?

Suddenly, Yui grabbed Masamune's arm.

What's wrong? Yui, I have something else to do today.

He looked at Yui with some confusion.

I made an agreement with Yukino today, if Masamune-kun can fulfill his request.

Yui also grabbed the arm of another Yukinoshita Yukino next to her, who had an unnatural expression.

One in each hand, they hold their most important boyfriend and best friend respectively.

Yui, who is celebrating her birthday, feels like she has captured the whole world today.

I had a great time on my birthday today, so Masamune-kun fulfilled the request that Yukino and I set.

Yui, who felt that she had reached the peak of her life at this moment, said with a smile.

Yui! It's just you, it's not me who wants to join in!

Yukinoshita Yukino was definitely a little too arrogant, so she couldn't help but explain in a deep voice.

What, didn't Xiao Yukino make an agreement with me? If Masamune-kun's gift can be unexpected and satisfy me. It's not like I haven't encountered it before, and I believe that Masamune will definitely not be the same on Yukino's birthday in the future. If it will disappoint Yukino, let’s treat it as a rehearsal in advance.”

The side of his head rubbed against Yukinoshita Yukino's shoulder.

The cat-like movements made Yukino not know how to calm down.

Did a ring buy you off?

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Yui with hatred.

I've already told my mother, let's go to the hotel together.


Zhengzong's heart suddenly jumped. Since the last time the three of them had an experience, these two guys have been quite defensive about themselves.

But at this moment, Yui suddenly acted like this, and there was no need to explain the implications.

The group of three people walked forward like this.

Among them, Yuigahama Yui was mainly whispering to Yukinoshita Yukino, as if they were chatting about some private topic.

It seems that they want to stay away from Zhengzong and not let him hear, but they don't know that Zhengzong's ears have already clearly heard their matters such as who goes first and who comes last.

At this moment, Masamune is ready. Next, he will speed up and deal with the two girls, and then go to see Nishikino Mizubei. That wife has been a bit sensitive recently and needs to be comforted.

‘I hope the hotels on both sides are closer. ’

Masamune prayed silently in his heart.

Maybe there really is a so-called god of romantic comedy in this world.

As Zhengzong prayed, he was surprised to find that he was really walking towards the location of Nishikino Mizubi.

However, this joy soon turned into numbness and finally despair.

This hotel.

This hotel.

Masamune and Yukino said in unison.

The two looked at each other strangely, looking at each other as if they were asking at the same time, what happened?

What's wrong? Is there any problem?

Yui tilted her head and said cutely.

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