Let's change to a love hotel. There are more things to play in there.

Masamune pretended to squint and persuaded Yui.

Well, love hotels are better.

Blushing, Yukino said against her will.

The unusual appearance made Yui look at it curiously.

But, I don't think it's good to go to love hotels all the time. After all, they always have an informal and cheap feel, so I specially booked a very expensive hotel, which cost me a lot of pocket money.

Yui said, clasping her fingers.

...Of course it’s expensive!

This was specially chosen by Nishikino Mizuki, a rich woman. My wife is more serious and is not willing to go to places that young people like. Instead, she specifically goes to this kind of high-end hotel with better confidentiality measures.

But why does Yukinoshita Yukino refuse at this moment?

Forget it, let's go here.

Seeing Yui's disappointed look, thinking that it was the girl's birthday today, she couldn't do anything to disappoint her, so Masamune could only touch the girl's head and said.

He didn't believe that he could meet Nishikino Mizubi by such a coincidence.

Ah, ah, ah, what a coincidence, Masamune-kun.

With a voice full of surprise, Zhengzong's expression also changed.

But it was Yukinoshita Yukino who became faster, and the girl looked over.

It's not Nishikino Mizubi who might come out, but Yukinoshita Harano.

At this moment, the woman looked at Masamune with a smile on her face.

There was no surprise in his eyes, only teasing. When he saw his sister Yukino, he looked extremely gloomy.

Xiao Yukino, I didn't expect you to be here, and you must be Yui. I heard Yukino mention you several times.

He poked Yui with his elbow like this, with a gossipy look on his face.

Sister! Why are you here!

Yukino looked at Yukinoshita Harano, extremely wary.

She was afraid that Yukinoshita Yono was coming to cause trouble at this moment. After all, the photos of Masamune and several other girls together were given to her by Yono.

Sister? Xiaoxue's sister?

Yuigahama Yui looked over in surprise.

That's right, my name is Yukinoshita Yono, Yukino's sister. As for why I'm here, Yukino, have you forgotten? My family has also invested in this hotel business, so naturally I want to come and see Take a look.

The real estate in District 11 has fallen into decline due to some reasons in the past. Although its size is still there, it is not very profitable anymore.

For example, Zheng Zong’s grandpa’s side is involved in other aspects besides real estate.

The Yukinoshita family, which has been investing in real estate, is naturally the same, and the hotel business is one of them.

So, why are you three here?

As if he didn't understand the matter at all, he spoke innocently.

Yukinoshita Haruno originally wanted to help her younger sister, Wen, identify her identity, so she left messages at all the hotels where her family gave birth. Whenever there was an authentic name registered, she would be given the information.

This time, after learning about the matter, I came here specifically. Unexpectedly, I would meet my sister and another girl accompanying Zhengzong.

Looking at Zhengzong's eyes, it is very dangerous at this moment.

Yukinoshita Haruno, who was not satisfied with Masamune who brought a beautiful woman to open a room and then brought two girls with him, now really wanted to kill someone.

He looked at Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes that were wary of him.

Yang Na just took a breath.

Seeing Yukino like this, I'm already deeply in love with him. If he were to be revealed suddenly, things would be very troublesome.

He glanced at Zhengzong, his eyes were calm and profound.

‘Let’s discuss it carefully. ’

We just passed by this hotel by chance and were about to send Yukino home, don't you think so?

At this point, Yukinoshita Yono, a troublemaker, would certainly not allow his sister to stay with him in a hotel with another woman.

Under such circumstances, instead of waiting for her to come and mess everything up, it would be better for Zhengzong to take the initiative and take control.

Moreover, Yukinoshita Yono didn't know much about Yui, but in the end, he was able to wait in front of himself and others like this.

In addition, this place is really the property of the Yukinoshita family, so it is estimated that Nishikino Mizubi's affairs have been exposed. It is also because of this that this guy wanted to catch him, but he did not expect that he even caught his sister too. .

At this time, Zhengzong could only decisively give up the chance of a threesome in the service department.

As for the proud Yukinoshita Harano, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with the guy in front of her in the future.

After taking a look at Yukinoshita Yono who was smiling, Masamune made a silent note in his heart.

I will go to Yukinoshita's house tomorrow and thoroughly develop Yukinoshita's three major pieces in front of the monitor.

Let them know what it means to have unspeakable suffering, and let them know what it means to be unforgettable in anger.

Well, I just came to attend Yui's birthday party. Now that the party is over, I happened to be sent home by the two of them. I didn't expect that they would pass by our hotel.

She is quite shy, hiding her shyness under her cold iceberg beauty.

This time, Yukino was seen by her sister, and she had long wanted to quit. Seeing Masamune being so considerate under such circumstances, she glanced at Masamune gratefully, and planned to compensate Masamune well in the future. Yukino was also quite happy Relax.

As for Yui, she had a bit of a sad face. This time she planned to choose a good hotel for her birthday to have an unforgettable birthday, so the down payment alone was quite high.

Her family is an ordinary working-class family, and her mother works very hard. Yui excludes daily expenses such as makeup and the like, but her purse is actually small.

This time it cost the girl a lot of money.

I can refund Yui-chan's down payment.

Who kind of person is Yukinoshita Harano, who can successfully gain the recognition of her mother and become the successor of the Yukinoshita family in this situation where women are generally looked down upon in the upper class society, and then be recognized by others, naturally? Has its own way.

While accompanying Yui back, Masamune's phone suddenly vibrated.

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