Nanami's body was very soft, and Nanami's voice was so frightened that she suddenly changed into a Kansai accent, which already explained it all.

Sister Nanami, don't you like me anymore?

Next to her, Sagiri was very smart and started to look pitiful. Since her brother wanted Sister Nanami to join, Sagiri, as her brother's caring little cotton-padded jacket, would never let him down.

Nanami, who was blushing, had an expression that was already awsl at this moment, which made Masamune feel a little disgusted.

He always had to act unusually to make Nanami obey, but this guy gave in like this.

Sure enough, have all the guys in District 11 been eroded by the cute culture?

Nanami was such a good person before, but now she is like this.

Pulling Nanami back who was about to escape, Sagiri saw that it was actually pretty good and started to continue showing off.

Dang dang dang, my notebook is already online.

Sagiri controlled the mouse and quickly brought up the notebook.

On the full-color cover, a girl with silver hair and twin tails is just like that in the picture.

The girl in the book has very two-dimensional characteristics, with big eyes, cute face, a unique paper-like beauty, and also has a very unrealistic, super European style that is unique to the book.

You know, according to the content in the book, the size of the heroines is usually at least the size of Thor, and those larger than Bilkoa are not non-existent.

And here is a very exaggerated size, which makes people feel distressed, distressed for her shoulders and distressed for her waist.

Why do I always feel that this place has a sense of déjà vu?

Zhengzong touched his chin and looked at the guy in front of him.

Although I am in a two-dimensional comic book world, the plan has been implemented after all. For example, the girls in it, while maintaining their original characteristics, are already biased towards normal human aesthetics.

The notebook in front of me is relatively similar to its predecessor, the True Two-Dimension.

She still looks very different from the actual girl.

Otherwise, Erkoa and Shiyu would not allow Sagiri on this side to take advantage of them.

But when Zhengzong looks at the guy in front of Miu, he always has a very familiar look.

It doesn't mean the appearance, but the setting.

This is my first book, The Peculiar Female Neighbor Next Door, Xiaoya! Sister Shiyu provided the character template plot design, I did the drawing, Sister Nanami helped correct it, and Sister Yamada was responsible for supplementing.

Not knowing what her brother was thinking, Sagiri still spoke very excitedly.


I know, it must be you, Xia Feifei.

Blonde hair versus silver hair, single ponytail versus double ponytail, mountains and peaks versus plains.

This guy must have been laughing so hard that his stomach ached when he provided the script.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu had tried his best to go in the opposite direction to avoid making people suspicious.

However, the contrast directly caused by this actually highlights the differences even more.

If this wasn't something Kasumigaoka Shiyu did against Eiri, Masamune himself wouldn't believe it.

Finally, this guy still knows what's good.

Just set all the settings backwards, so it won't have any actual impact.

But for someone as familiar as Lin'an, it's just full of flaws.

The general plot is as follows. As a dry girl, Xiaoya, an older otaku, has never had a girlfriend, and lives a pitiful life as a silver-haired loser.

His neighbor is an ordinary boy who makes a living by writing novels.

One night, the boy had just finished writing a novel and was watching the scenery on the balcony.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from the next room.

Then when he went over to take a look, he discovered that it was Xiaoya, the dry girl, who was doing some ulterior things outside her balcony to comfort herself.

As a result, the boy was very unreasonable and accidentally exposed his voice.

Let Xiaoya discover it.

According to the normal progression of pure love, naturally the boy should apologize seriously and promise not to spread the word, and then the girl would happily accept it.

The two people quickly got closer after this incident, and unknowingly became good friends through getting along and happily played a clapping game.

But as a book, if you want your readers to be attracted, you must naturally follow the world view of the book.

The silver-haired girl Xiaoya, who had always been a pitiful and unwanted loser, was very grateful. Then, because she was already a sophomore in high school and still a virgin, she couldn't help but pounce on her. Vow to reverse the fate of the defeated dog.

From the looks of it, it's just a regular book, with no special features other than the fact that the beautiful girl from the neighbor's house can satisfy the sexual fantasies of an ordinary older, useless otaku.

Zhengzong smacked his mouth in disappointment.

I found that apart from the full-color workmanship and the special paintings of my sister Sagiri, there was nothing special about it.

Although the perfect combination of the bathroom, the balcony, the falling snowflakes under the winter snow and the two people's movements are all very beautiful.

But the plot is really too ordinary.

Hmph, do you really think it's that simple?

Sagiri smiled proudly and turned to look at Masamune and Nanami, who was blushing but still interested.

It was somewhat interesting, so Zheng Zheng continued to flip through it curiously.

The page instantly went to the next section.

The scene has changed here.

In the dark room, Xiaoya was already breathing hot breath and lying on the bed.

On the ground were broken stockings that had fallen off, as well as those very common adult toys.

Xiaoya's face looked very happy.

The male protagonist on the other side was smiling proudly. There was already a photo of Xiaoya in the computer he was using.

Next to it are a large number of folders that are also numbered.

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