The picture stayed on the male protagonist's lips with an evil smile.


Masamune's hands came out from behind Nanami's top and Sagiri's back.

After moving for a while, the bones made a rattling sound.

He looked maliciously at Sagiri, who still didn't know the problem.

This plot is called designing suspense and the shocking twist at the end. Sister Shiyu taught me that whether it is designed in novels or book plots, it can actually be set like this. In fact, in several subsequent episodes of the book, I already have a perfect plot arrangement that will definitely excite countless people.

Sagiri was still speaking seriously at this moment, with a proud look on her face, and her voice became more and more passionate, expressing to Masamune what she had learned.

If the content pointed by the finger were not so bad, ordinary people would misunderstand it as the content of the era.

In the subsequent plot, I actually thought of a lot of things.

Sagiri rubbed her little hands, very proud.

That, Sagiri.

Nanami called out to Sagiri with some pity, not knowing that a disaster was coming.

When Sagiri turned her head, she found that her side had been shrouded in Zhengzong's shadow.

Meow meow meow?


Wow, wow, I was wrong, brother, forgive me.

In the small room, Sagiri's bitter voice kept coming.

Aoyama Nanami smiled dryly, then took the bruise medicine from the side and put it aside.

Of course it won't be used, but I still need to make this basic look to tell my sister-in-law that I am actually trying to help her.

But after staying for a while, Nanami walked out silently, brought a mop and a full bottle of cold water and placed them next to her.

You guys are really capable.

Seeing that Sagiri's butt was a little red at this moment even though it was under his control, Zhengzong just let it go.

He looked at this guy angrily.

Zhengzong finally saw his courage.

Don’t you have a number B in mind?

Do you know how strict the Internet is now?

How dare you take a sidestep in a book like yours and reflect the Izumi Masamune, the boss of the Izumi family?

The secret file in the computer, in just a moment, turned the image of an ordinary otaku that no one wanted into a super bad girl-hunting maniac.

Poor Xiaoya, who finally turned around and became the loser, suddenly continued to be the loser in her life.

The content behind it is very interesting.

Sagiri said a little aggrievedly. On the other side, a mature-looking silver-haired woman appeared inside.

I saw two people, one big and one small, reversed each other's directions and then hugged each other.

That perfect crushing look, and the tears in each other's cries.

Including the bright light shining under the light, and finally the shadow of the man above it.

Don’t read the title above, just look at the pictures that make you think.

You can make up countless plots in your mind in an instant, and the next step is a happy mother-daughter series.

Masamune looked at this guy with a headache, and decided that he must teach Kasumigaoka Shiyu a lesson if he had the time, what the hell was going on.

Don't tell me you don't know, this character is based on me?

Masamune looked at Sagiri with a dark face.

Although there are some in Yinglili.

But Shiyu is obviously very measured.

Just reverse everything.

If Zhengzong didn't know the relationship between the two, he wouldn't have been able to guess it at all.

But on my side, wouldn't this be released directly?

Hey, art originates from reality and is higher than reality. Brother, you can let me choose you as the leading actor. Doesn't it prove your charm? If you were an ordinary man, I wouldn't know how to draw. Brother, I don't think this is the case. The right size for you.

In order to save her own fart, Sagiri started to please her very unscrupulously.

Brother, if you have any other favorite types, I can add them to your list. It will definitely be great.

He gestured with his thumbs, showing off his white teeth.

The obviously silly expression is shown very well in Sagiri.

What kind of thing do I like? Do you think I can't actually get it? Do you still need you to create a prototype book for me?

The palms on both sides, index fingers and thumbs stood to grasp the little guy's face.

Press the soft and elastic face and start rubbing it.

Oh, brother, if you are like this, you are about to lose your dearest and most lovely sister.

The voice had to be deformed due to Masamune's movements, and Sagiri looked at Masamune pitifully.

Do you think I don't have a sister?

Zhengzong sneered, not impressed by this guy.

One day does not cover the roof.

This guy is really skinny.


Only competition can be dynamic.

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