Thinking of what they had just seen, Toyobin and Hana stared at other places with wandering eyes.

Just come here and tell this guy how awesome you are.

Her face felt uncomfortably hot, and the girl was about to continue doing something.

But it has been directly lifted high by Zhengzong.

what you do?!

Suddenly the original viewing angle changed from a pitiful one-meter-five-meter perspective to a two-meter perspective. There was no excitement at all, only fear!

The small hand hammered on Zheng Zong's arm, but it had no effect. On the contrary, the movement made Zheng Zong's palm and body feel more itchy and uncomfortable.

Do you like playing tricks like this?

He tilted his head and looked at this guy.

Toyohama Kazuhana is not very tall, but after being directly lifted up by Masamune's armpits like this, she looks like a child.

This guy was only wearing a light blue shirt at the moment, and a pair of ultra-short hot pants underneath.

It seemed that he wanted to move his feet, but he immediately took it back after noticing Zhengzong's dangerous gaze.

In the center is an image of a strange cartoon character that he doesn't recognize, with two big eyes blinking on the two vertices of his body.

Unfortunately, she didn't have any awareness of her own size, so she didn't show the three-dimensionality of the pretty girl with the pattern at all.

It just makes people feel very pitiful.

On the contrary, the clothes that became loose due to being held up by Zhengzong highlighted the delicate and round collarbone, giving him a rather lazy charm.

Although it's not very good, Masamune must admit that Toyohama Kazuhana is very good at dressing up.

It's not that the girls themselves are not good, but for this kind of thing, proper dressing is really a plus.

From the original ninety percent beautiful girl, she is heading directly towards one hundred percent.

Among the girls he knew, apart from Kosaka Kirino Kasumigaoka Shiu, Masamune had never seen many girls who were as good at dressing up as her.

Well, it seems that there is another Megumi Kato, but the girl's own characteristics make her appearance unclear.

It is a very good beauty in itself, and now after being modified, it looks even more good.

He glanced at the wrist next to him. It was the spot that had just been attacked by this guy. It was now covered with his saliva.

Things like the saliva of beautiful girls are not interesting at all!

Don't think that just because she's a beautiful girl, she can do whatever she wants. It's very uncomfortable to have something like this on your arm.

Do you think it's interesting? Do you think your teeth are good? Then I'll let you try it too.

Zhengzong believes that people must learn to understand empathy. If they don't know how to empathize, then they should be taught how to do it.

Even his god-sister, Izumi Sagiri, is Masamune who can teach him a lesson mercilessly, so he decided to tell Toyohama and Hana the rules.

what do you want to do.

The little golden retriever who was just fierce just now suddenly had a bunch of stupid hair sprouting from the top of his head.

Big danger, big danger, finally something went wrong.

But now he has become embarrassed, and even his words are discontinuous.

It's nothing, I'm just telling you that it hurts.

Just take off your clothes, wow, you don’t pay enough attention to yourself.

Did you know that even Erkoa has specially made BRA? If you don’t wear this kind of thing, you will suffer from sagging in the future.

Deep down in my heart, I felt that I had to tell Toyohama Kazuka, a newly grown girl, the rules.

Zhengzong continued to examine the scene in front of him, and then found the key point to deal with.

You have to grasp it with both hands, and you can't let go of anything. Only in this way can you let it know the rules.

Grasp two points and make key breakthroughs.


He bit his lip directly, trying hard not to make his voice come out. Toyohama Kazuka, who was fierce just now, is now steaming from the head and unable to speak.

I just don’t know if it really hurts or if it’s due to other reasons.

After gently leaving his own mark on it, Zhengzong raised his head.

There's no point in just trying it like this.

Except for this guy who seemed to be extremely comfortable and unable to move his fingers, Zhengzong only felt very uncomfortable.

Just now Sakurajima Mai ended it in a hurry, but this guy still did the same thing.

Sure enough, this pair are really biological sisters, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do this.

Do you know you're wrong?

Help Toyohama and Hana lift up the clothes. The color of the shirt is slightly darker in some places, but I believe it will recover soon under summer conditions, so there is no need to worry too much.


With her head lowered, the girl who had been so angry just now was now so weak that she couldn't speak.

Zhengzong felt that the punishment he had done this time was very good. Looking at this listless guy, he already knew that he had done the right thing.

Masamune stood up, lifted Toyohama and Hana's wrists, pushed up his pants, and walked into the living room.


Mai Sakurajima had just come out of the bathroom and looked at Masamune suspiciously.

The authentic criminal record really goes deep into his heart.

Curious about his girlfriend, Zhengzong just pulled her clothes, and the lovely sister-in-law knew immediately that she was wrong.

It's nothing. Sister, I accidentally disturbed you. I'll leave first.

Saying this hastily, the girl ran away the next moment.

It's really rare to see someone like Waka.

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