What, you doubt me?

Pulling this guy over, if he hadn't escaped, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened at all.

Hey, aren't you worried because you are too charming?

Mai smiled and said to Masamune, looking at the man's pretending to be angry, she raised her head obediently.


Don't worry, I brushed my teeth twice and they are clean and white.

In a man's heart, as an 'old' person who has been with Masamune for a long time, Sakurajima Mai really understands it.

Deeply aware of the double standard characteristics of a certain guy.

Mai Sakurajima uses mint toothpaste.

And it seems that after applying it for a long time, the taste is still there on the lips and teeth.

How disgusting is it?

Masamune didn't realize at all that he actually showed disgust just now.

I should change my toothpaste in the future.

After this guy left with a smile, this was the only thought in Zhengzong's mind.

When we came to the living room, the air conditioner was turned on, and Erkoya was the only one there at the moment.

This dragon clan is currently watching aerobics in front of the TV.

Wearing an ordinary sleeveless white shirt, he worked hard to move his body and follow the program in front of the TV.

It's a pity that Erkoya, who is not aware of the difference between his own body and the bodies of the people in the show, has no effect at this moment except for giving Masamune the perfect view through the edge of the sleeve.

Every time I twist my waist, there is no movement at all, and it always looks full of moving meaning.

On the TV, the energetic sound of aerobics was matched with the terrifyingly sized plop-plop-puff in front of the woman.

It was supposed to inspire people's hearts and allow people to exercise enthusiastically even in the summer. Now, with Erkoya's alternative approach, it has the magic power to make people restless.

Originally, he was still admiring the normal and perfect figure of the girl on the TV, but his eyes were already attracted by Erkoya's exaggeration.

There is a kind of person, her name is Erkoya.

No matter what you do, it can make people excited.

Especially when your waist is bent at this moment.

You can see the white color inside through the collar.

It's really great.

If Erkoya were to be the lead dancer on TV, the entire District 11 would probably be in trouble.

You're blocking my view.

While doing aerobics, Erkoya, who was very serious, caught sight of Bei's love, and became a little shocked.

This kind of thing is of no use to you.

Look at this guy.

Zhengzong felt extremely distressed when he found that the one who brought him the ultimate enjoyment, the only one who could wrap it up perfectly, seemed to be about to explode because of the woman's movements.

Do you know that this kind of thing no longer belongs to you alone? It also belongs to me.

Even for the sake of the little one in the future, Zhengzong felt that he had to help protect him.

Compared to Toyohama and Hana, who don't really have much emotion, Alkoa is really satisfied just by being able to go up and do it.

Isn't this interesting to watch? You also said that I always do nothing, so I came to find something to do for myself.

He came over directly, wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck, and deliberately gestured to Zhengzong, Erkoya said with a smile.

Anyway, there is no secret in front of Zhengzong.

The dragon lady who is full of worms can really tell men what it means to sit on the ground and be able to raise the earth.

This is not the case when you want to find something to do!

Let's learn from Thor. Even though he thinks about pushing Xiao Lin all the time, he is still a qualified dragon maid.

Are you really a dragon?

Live the life of a rice bug all day long.

Zhengzong looked at this guy with disgust.

Ha ha.

It can only be said that Quetzalcoatl, who has lived for who knows how many years, can still laugh out loud when facing Zhengzong's contemptuous eyes.

If you still like to find things to do, stop doing aerobics. I'll show you something more interesting next time.

Regarding this guy, Zhengzong thought about it for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​sleeping clothes for her for the time being, and decided to find something more suitable for him.

Big and strong...

Here comes the steel pipe.

There is something called true talent.

This guy must be very good at pole dancing.

No more trying to persuade Alkoa to give up doing useless things.

Zhengzong went directly to the corner and picked up the broom.

Toyohama and Hana had already revised their plans and ran out to go home. No one was responsible for the broken glass on the balcony.

Although the large pieces have been picked up and put away, the smaller pieces still need to be disposed of properly.

Because there is only one man in the family, Zhengzong.

On weekdays, only women come to visit, and there is no such thing as sex.

So the girls in the house are used to it, just like in the girls' dormitory, the scene is often beyond the boys' imagination.

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