Isn't it normal for everyone to get what he needs and get what he deserves? You already have a daughter and have fulfilled the task of raising children. Now you are just using your useless body to do other transactions. Your husband will also do well. Land, he will develop abroad and become a big star, and you will be able to be your wife at home.

As for developing abroad, it is normal for something to happen if you disagree. After all, the world is very dangerous abroad, so there is nothing you can do about it.

He was thinking in his heart, but looking at the shaky Koizumi Kayo, Izumi Masamune didn't say anything.

Izumi-kun, I know that for someone with a big family like you, you may be used to going easy and getting everything, but I am not what you think. This time I misjudged you.

Angry, Koizumi Dieye turned around and wanted to leave.

Izumi Masamune calmly called her.

Aren't you in a hurry? I won't force you. You should think clearly on your own. With me here, don't think about any improvement in your family. I believe your family must be very happy, right? In the end, it was ruined because of your daughter's willfulness. Half of the time, as a mother, you don't try to make up for it but continue to step on it? I can tell you clearly that there are not many people in this world who dare to help you.

Not only was he talking to Koizumi Toye, but Izumi Masamune was also talking to Yazawa Somi, who was waiting at the door.

Not long ago, I seized the opportunity to get the pairing of Nico and Maki, but the pairing of Nico Yazawa and Somi Yazawa made Izumi Masamune look forward to it even more.

...Izumi-kun, I beg you, don't be like this.

The weak woman who relied on her husband for everything looked at Izumi Masamune with her eyes lowered and her face pleading.

His body shape became even more pitiful as if he was vulnerable.

But when she saw Izumi Masamune's indifferent gaze with her bright eyes, the courage that had just risen suddenly melted away like ice and snow.

Koizumi Dieye, who had just opened the door, had stopped at this moment. He put his palm on the door, but he couldn't close it no matter what.

Izumi Masamune smiled and stepped forward. Koizumi Dieye was shocked and woke up. He wanted to push away Izumi Masamune, but in the end he lowered his head and said nothing.

Don't worry, with me here, your family will definitely be happy. Your daughter will grow up carefree, and you will find a husband to pursue abroad. It is not impossible for you to become an idol. This will not be harmful to you. create any burden.

Saying this, he asked Koizumi Toyo not to be nervous, and with the other hand he called Yazawa Sumi, who was neither staying nor walking outside.

Come here and help her make up her mind.

Looking at the woman in disbelief, Izumi Masamune said coldly, Yazawa Somi calmly walked over.

Unfortunately, the speed was very slow, not as fast as Izumi Masamune's solution for her.


Masamune-kun, come here quickly.

Nanami smiled and invited Izumi Masamune. Since Izumi Masamune was filming in her school during this period, the contact time between the two has increased geometrically.

In addition to her Kansai accent, she also has the amazing mobility of a farm girl.

It must be stated here that the farmers in District 11 are often very wealthy. Due to various policy protections, the poor are concentrated in the city.

If it weren't for pursuing her dreams, Nanami would be a real rich girl.

What's it about today?

Waved to Mai, whose face was still a little stiff at this moment, and seemed to have lost her smile, Izumi Masamune walked over and took the girl's thermos cup.

Because you have been busy here these past few days, I specially prepared a health soup. Although work is very important, you also need to rest.

With a shy smile, the girl helped Izumi Masamune open the cup, spoon, and chopsticks, and brought them over.

The sweet potato, yam, and mushroom soup inside is very healthy.

That's right, I'm preparing food this time.

Nino, who was getting closer and closer, would not let go. Even though Ichika had already finished filming and went home during this period, she still came here every day.

However, during this period of time, due to the sudden sharp decline in the combat effectiveness of Mai Sakurajima, a powerful enemy, Nino's target is now Nanami Aoyama.

Take a small plate, which is already covered with aluminum foil, and the curry sauce has been wrapped in the aluminum foil. It is next to the bento. When it is time to use it, the girl directly opens the aluminum foil and mixes the sauce and noodles evenly. At the same time, there is Oysters are there.

They are all very healthy, really very healthy, and can supplement Izumi Masamune in every sense.

Izumi Masamune was a bit shocked.

I have been playing outside these days,

Koizumi Cho, Yazawa Saki, Chihiro Kameki, Misaki Kameikusa Fuka, once everyone is familiar with each other, the combination can begin.

Izumi Masamune was obsessed with the wonders of mathematical combinations and couldn't extricate himself.

From time to time, there will be other supporting characters who need care and want to ask Izumi Masamune for advice, and he will not hesitate to give personal guidance on acting skills.

It does look very busy.

Damn it, sister, why don't you take care of these guys?

In the corner, Toyohama Kazuka, who was finally persuaded by her sister and tried to maintain a smile to see someone and was ignored again, was very angry at the moment.

The lunch box that was originally prepared was filled with afternoon snacks, but it was almost crushed at this moment.

Toyohama Kazuka, who controls Sakurajima Mai's body, has a hard time controlling the power she has after Guli.

Isn't this normal? What's the surprise?

Mai Sakurajima said that compared with the frequent parties of four and five at Izumi's house, the number of people at the dining table has never been less than four, and now it is too common.

No, it's fun to watch him one by one. If a girl from Yueyue really comes over, wouldn't she defeat all of you directly?

As she thought about it, Mai couldn't help but laugh.

My sister is dressed like this and looks angry for you but can't get angry at you. It really hits the cuteness point of Mai Sakurajima.

It turns out that my sister can be so cute, this is Sakurajima Mai's only thought at the moment.

Fengbin and Hua looked at their sister with complicated emotions.

She has always been envious of Mai Sakurajima.

Because of the special relationship between them.

Growing up, her mother always talked about the excellence of Mai Sakurajima, which caused Toyohama Kazuya to have all kinds of complicated emotions towards her sister.

She had a big fight with her mother because of the reading incident not long ago, but when she woke up, she found that she had been inexplicably swapped with her sister.

As a result, after the moment she had been looking forward to came to pass, she found that even with the identity of Mai Sakurajima, it was still difficult to do her best.

On the contrary, her sister, who controlled her, gained everyone's recognition with a small supporting role. Waka was greatly shocked, and her feelings for Sakurajima Mai became more and more complicated in her heart.

But before I had time to worry about anything, I had already started to have a headache over the relationship between Sakurajima Mai and Izumi Masamune.

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