Toyohama Kazuka, who did not want the relationship between Sakurajima Mai and Izumi Masamune to be frustrated because of her own affairs, could only bite the bullet and come into contact with Izumi Masamune.

After a few days of no contact, I discovered more secrets about my sister.

I originally thought that among the many girls in the Izumi family, Sakurajima Mai should be the leading one, but in fact she was just one of them.

The complex relationships between the women around Izumi Masamune were beyond her imagination.

It turns out that Izumi-kun prefers to eat leeks, so I have to make a note of it.

Watching her sister take out her mobile phone and quietly observe and memorize things, Toyohama and Hana looked angry and sad. I can't express my feelings for Sakurajima Mai at this moment.

She was obviously the sister that I admired so much, why did she become like this now?



In the studio of the Love Metronome crew.

The filming is still going on, and the current show is about the scenes between Ma Yui (Yuki Morikawa) and Naoto (Masamune Izumi).

The general content is that the two have always been childhood sweethearts. After discovering the closeness of Naoto and Sayuka, Shinui finally stopped suppressing his inner feelings and began to take the initiative to attack.

However, the storyline of Sayuka being the main character as a senior, and the fact that the movie became like this halfway through, in fact, even those who don't understand the plot can still imagine the solution.

Poor Maoui not only failed to win Naoto, but actually aroused the heart of Sayuka who accidentally saw him. Then Sayuka would confess her love at the end of the show and hit Mawei critically.

But no matter what, this is Morikawa Yuki's home court at this moment.

Two people looking at each other at the school entrance.

The first meeting in the morning, the girl who worried all night, finally made up her mind.

Morikawa Yuki looked at Izumi Masamune in confusion.

Ever since the last incident, when Izumi Masamune was almost taken down, Morikawa Yuki's attitude toward him was a bit fearful.

He has been trying hard to keep a distance from Izumi Masamune.

But now, there is finally no retreat.

Looking at Masamune Izumi looking at him with a kind smile in front of him, Yuki Morikawa smiled dryly and tried to adjust his condition.

Well, Miss Morikawa, there will be a wen*/ scene soon. In order to ensure that things are correct, we will not use a substitute in the next scene. We will adjust the angle in a while, and then the two of you will control it. alright.

Kawabata Shiro continues to make his own bad character.

Try to add drama to Masamune Izumi.

Special scenes in movies are unavoidable in many cases, but there are countermeasures.

In addition to being a stand-in, you can also hide from the camera and shoot from behind the character. Another way is to use the girl's hair to block it. Or one partner glances to the side of the mouth and the other kisses on the cheek. It looked like the two parties were making moves, but in fact it was just the actress kissing the other person's cheek.

But when it comes to the two most important kiss scenes in this movie, it's naturally not possible to be that simple.

Izumi Masamune thought seriously that he was dedicating himself to art.

Morikawa Yuki tried not to look at the joking man in front of her, and tried to calm down.


Calling names in the script.

However, the girl couldn't help but think of the scene of being hugged by him the day before yesterday. Her emotions changed, she closed her eyes, and directly faced the man.

Wait, something doesn't seem right.

Iso Kaizo looked at the script at this moment. It should have been the woman taking the initiative, but now it became the man's action.

Just as he was about to terminate, he was captured by Shiro Kawabata.

Director Isogami, don't you think now is the right time? The effect of being unable to control yourself, even direct sexual intercourse, is the true nature of art.

Sneering, looking at the unfunny words in front of him, Kawabata Shiro felt more and more that he was the most suitable director.

If he were the director, he would have arranged a few more secret scenes between the two of them for Izumi-sama. By then, everything would be at his fingertips.

I didn't expect that the man in front of me would directly ignore the misplaced plan and just take action.

The girl who completely lost her sense of proportion was so nervous that she almost suffocated and could only let the other party lead her.

Naturally, Morikawa Yuki, who was caught off guard by Izumi Masamune's surprise attack, could only let the other party continue.

One second, two seconds...

Continuing to be together feels like releasing all the discomfort from the past.

With the other person's oxygen breathing in, all the cells in her body seemed to be revitalized, and her whole body came to life. The girl stared at the man at a close distance with her eyes wide open.

The originally panicked eyes turned into helpless fear and helplessness.

It's just a scene, sooner or later you will encounter such a situation.

In this way, even though she didn't believe it, the girl had already convinced herself.

In the crew, the brown-haired girl and the man were surrounded by each other like this, as if they had completely forgotten everything around them.

The scene where a fake becomes true perfectly expresses the uncontrollable emotions of youth love movies.

Isn't it just a misplaced scene?

Why does it suddenly become like this? The woman still looks like she is letting you do whatever you want.

Does being handsome mean you can do whatever you want?

Is having money a big deal?

Even if you have been severely beaten in society, you are deeply aware of the problems.

At this moment, others could not help but have such thoughts.

Ah? Sister!

The girl's panicked voice sounded.

Hey, it turns out to be a scene? It's really like it. Big brother is so awesome.

The girl was sitting on a chair, her eyes flashing from side to side.

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