Toyohama and flowers are thoughtful.


Dang-dang-dang, Mai-chan, Mai-chan, I found a solution.

Called Mai and Waka over.

Hanging cross-legged, relying on the complete protection of Holy Light and Dark Priest, Gu Li never cared about these things.


Unfortunately, apart from taking over the role of Cupid, the God of Love, from Guli a long time ago, this was the first time that in Mai's eyes, her own god could become so cute.

Have you finally found your solution?

Mai was a little excited at this moment.

That's right. Actually, after thinking about it carefully, there was no problem with you Mai-chan. The reason was just because you couldn't control yourself and had sex with Izumi at the time, and the surging power caused your soul to collapse. The confusion gives Kazuya-chan’s soul a chance to take advantage of her.”

The serious Guli is carrying on her own nonsense.

Theoretically, it should be a force that is beneficial to you, because the status quo was created under such special circumstances, but now, everything is already stable. In fact, you only need to do it again. Izumi-kun's power will It can automatically repair the mismatched characteristics of your soul and body. His eyes, which were still a little wandering at first, became firm at this moment, So, come on, Mai-chan.


So, for the God of Love, as long as you have done everything, there will be no problem. If there are still mistakes, it means you haven't done enough!

He gestured with his thumbs solemnly, blinked his eyes, and looked very serious as he spoke.


Mai raised her head, not feeling excited or angry, but looking at the guy in front of her suspiciously.

It is already well known that his own god is unreliable.

Mai-chan, I'm angry at you for being like this.

The girl took out a book that glowed with golden light.

Thump thump thump thump.

With her own BGM, Doraguli took out books that shone with golden light.

The Holy Book of Creation... is a book that can be recognized and represents an absolute advantage no matter what questions you ask, so you can rest assured.

Mai hurriedly covered her sister's eyes. This kind of holy light was a power that ordinary people couldn't look directly at. But when she looked at Gu Li, she no longer had any doubts, but she still felt a little tangled in her heart at the thought of doing that. , she felt super unhappy.

Ah hey, Mai-chan and Kazuo-chan should think about this matter carefully, because both of you have the problem of incoordination of body and soul, so no matter if either of you has sex with Masamune-kun, They can all wake up. So you can rest assured that there will be no problem at all.

The thumbs were gesturing so that no one could see any problem.

And somewhere that few people can see, under the bright white book cover.

But it is a human magazine.

A century-old problem is raised above.

If your girlfriend and your mother-in-law swap bodies, and you have to communicate with one of them before you can change back. Would you choose the body of the mother-in-law with the girlfriend's soul, or the body of the girlfriend with the soul of the mother-in-law?

I still need to think about this matter, and I will give you the answer when the time comes.

Not discovering a certain guy's trick, Mai Sakurajima thought about it very seriously, and then decided to give the answer later.

Then think about it carefully. The longer the time goes by, the stronger your two souls will be in adapting to the new body. By that time, it will really be impossible to make up for it.

Gu Li shook her head and left directly.

It's so tiring to pretend like this. If she keeps pretending like this, she won't be able to hold back her laughter.


The filming of the drama has come to an end.

Today is the end of the movie.

Following the classic white snow scene before, Shinui saw the kiss between Naoto and Sayuka, and the matter that deeply felt betrayed was finally reluctantly resolved.

The three male and female protagonists, Sayuka Shinui, gathered together and officially started their love journey. They planned to leave everything to an open ending determined by time. In fact, it was to ensure a relaxed trend and a good second part in the future. Out and watched.

When the plot has developed to this point, it can be said that it has become two extremes from Shi Yu's novel.

First, the sister-in-law's request resulted in the creation of an additional heroine sister, and then Mr. Koizumi sacrificed his wife and daughter to create his own class teacher plot.

But simply, Izumi Masamune had fun by himself.

And, the potential of the movie itself isn't bad either.

Nian Zai has the popular star Mai Sakurajima, the sweet bullet idol Toyohama Waka, and even though he is not in the entertainment industry, he is more of a book fan. Izumi Masamune.

The fan base is very high.

If such a film were released in a country that is used to being deceived by some bad movies, it might be directly criticized as closing the door to domestic youth love, and would be criticized by those who sincerely dislike it. .

But in the current timeline, the concept of fan movies has not yet been proposed. With its extremely high popularity, we can imagine the next development.

Not to mention that it’s actually a good shot even now.

At least Izumi Masamune thinks he is full of masculinity, and he doesn't have countless hairsprays and beauty glosses.

The salary paid to people is high, but the amount spent on making movies is even higher.

The many Bai Xue theaters after the magic reform are enough to reverse all disadvantages.

Not to mention, the purchase price is only one hundred yuan at most.

Coming out this time was an accident in itself.

I never thought that it would be possible for Mai to have such a youthful love kissing scene in her filming. In order to satisfy her girls, she did it because she was not uncomfortable and could go out and have fun.

So everything goes as it should.

The torment has finally come to an end now.

It was originally silent, in order to ensure the sound recording was prepared for the shooting scene, but now it is finally no longer needed.

Everyone was excited and noisy.

The photo was very nice, Mai.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him.

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