After the last incident, the girl seemed to have figured it out, and she had no problem cooperating with him.

So the plot progressed very quickly, and it was completed smoothly without any problems.

For now, it is certain that the other party's identity has been changed.

And it's very possible that he and Mai swapped bodies.

Izumi Masamune naturally knew about this original plot, but he had not thought of it before because after Mai encountered the problem of her sense of existence disappearing, Izumi Masamune specifically asked Gu Li for help.

For Mai, who has become Cupid, the God of Love, she should not fall for this trick.

Therefore, he had never thought about Toyohama and Hana's problems in the later period, and his girlfriend's strange appearance, which was equivalent to a dark appearance under the lamp.

And until now, neither sister has told her anything about what happened.

Izumi Masamune would not be overbearing towards the girl he liked, so Izumi Masamune did not intervene.

Whether it's a sister or a sister.

He quite liked them.

Children only do multiple-choice questions. Of course, adults want them all.

With this thought in mind, Masamune Izumi did not interfere with the girls.

What's more, after the two sisters swapped bodies with each other, the way they tried to disguise their identities and then try to hide it was very similar to the love in Masamune Izumi's mind. It was so interesting.

Izumi Masamune, who is full of psychological evil, is reluctant to expose it. Just have fun, it is just a body and soul exchange, no problem.

Pulling the girl, he hugged the still stiff girl into his arms. Izumi Masamune hinted with a smile: Do you have any time tonight?

The way the girl is panicking and trying not to be noticed is really interesting.

My sister-in-law is very interesting.

Ah, this matter, um, can be done.

After being stunned for a while, unexpectedly, Toyohama Kazuka agreed directly this time.

Watching the man leave, Toyohama and Hana lowered their heads and took out their sister's original mobile phone.

The call was made.

Moxi Moxi, what's wrong?

Gu Li's energetic voice came to mind, full of expectation.

Hello, I am Toyohama Kazuka. I want to tell you something.


Thanks for your hard work, everyone. The people in Group A will stay tomorrow and continue with post-processing. As for the others, they can pack their things and be ready to disband.

With a smile, Iso Kaizo said.

Many people were coughing.

It seems that this situation is a bit surprising.

I didn’t expect that the crew wouldn’t even give me a closing banquet.

Especially during the entire filming process, the crew always acted like they were wealthy.

Many people are a little dissatisfied, even though they actually received a lot of money.

Izumi Masamune looked at Iso Kaizo, was this guy afraid of what he would do while he was taking advantage of the wedding banquet?

I always feel that the more I play with him these days, the weirder this guy’s eyes become.

Kawabata Shiro, are you interested in doing something abroad?

Naturally, he would not be around the most warm-hearted bitch during the movie this time. After all, girls can become idol stars, but it would be good to send him abroad to make trouble for Iso Kaizo.

Seeing Shiro Kawabata, who was still excited and didn't know that he had saved him from certain death, Izumi Masamune walked away.

The general grudge between the two people could not be remembered from the original plot. After all, there were too many cases involving the Shinigami elementary school student, and he only learned about it through the recent investigation.

Probably because of some fault of Shiro Kawabata, an actress that Iso Kaizo liked died. According to the plot, she was pitifully eliminated by Iso Kaizo after meeting someone.

This time, because of Izumi Masamune, things between the two will naturally not happen.

Noting Iso Kaizo's wonderful expression, Izumi Masamune's expression did not change.

Simple good and evil have no effect on him.

If he must be sentenced according to the concept of good and evil in real society, for what he has done for such a long time, even if he is sentenced to several decades, there will be no problem.

But no matter who is right or wrong, Izumi Masamune doesn't mind changing the fate of the other party because the arrangements made by Kawabata Shiro on the crew during this period made him very comfortable.

There is still a long time before the closing banquet in the evening.

Izumi Masamune suddenly found that he had nothing to do for a while.

Nino, who originally came back to see the class every day, happened to not be here today.

There was only lunch for Nanami alone.

Mai and Waka, the two sisters who were suspected of having switched bodies, are also missing.

In the past few days, Koizumi Hanayo, Koizumi Touya, or Yazawa Nico, Yazawa Somi, both of whom seem to have realized how terrible someone is, will never team up again.

After experiencing the lively Izumi Masamune, he suddenly felt bored as an empty-nester.

Poor Nanami looked a little uneasy, wondering what she had done wrong to make Izumi Masamune look like this now.

Although you can just make a phone call.

Mothers and daughters, including blond, red-haired, black-haired, double ponytails, single ponytails, arrogant, shy, gentle sisters, even twins can be directly called Ichika and Nino instead.

But Izumi Masamune always felt that it was a bit too silly for him to call a girl from outside just to say something about opening a room.

Especially he doesn't want such news to appear when the movie is released in the future.

Well-known novelist Masamune Izumi was exposed to a lot of evidence of disloyalty, and news came out that he asked his girlfriend to check in with him on the set, etc.

Considering that he already has dozens of girlfriends around him, the number of his girlfriends is beyond expectations.

The mobile phone text messages will probably explode by then.

As for the Izumi family, in view of the big explosion caused by the last battle between the two dragons of the Izumi family.

You can almost imagine how tragic the situation will be next.

So I'm leaving it to you.

Izumi Masamune, who was doing nothing, looked at Nanami and Misaki who were kneeling in front of each other and wrapping them symmetrically.

Although it is a two-person trip without any special set attribute bonus, it is enough to pass the time.

The two people were supposed to get to know each other after the plot of Sakurasou began. By chance, they have now become a different kind of friends.

Working hard together, although filled with the youth and hard work of girls.

Izumi Masamune felt like he was a little younger in his heart.

Leaning in from behind, one from the left and the other from the right, were Chihiro Sengoku and Fuuka Kameigusa.

Let Masamune Izumi experience the beauty of growing up.

Some lament that Sakurasou, which so well represents friendship, love and struggle, has been turned into Sakurasou by myself.

Then there is a full sense of accomplishment.

Although the movie this time was only about Mai Sakurajima, it was very lucky that it also gave him a lot of surprises.

Thinking of this, Izumi Masamune felt that it was very necessary for him to make a summary of the crew this time.

For example, Mai and Waka, such as Morikawa Yuki, the girls representing Sakurasou all had a good summary and play.

It's a pity that I haven't met many of them in the crew.

And now, after the exchange between Mai and Waka, they have been keeping away from themselves. If he wants to achieve such a goal, unless he is stronger, the chance of achieving it is very small.

However, Yuki Morikawa still has some hope.

The several times I tried to get it were all due to accidents. This time after the crew was over, the opportunities to meet were even rarer.

You must take advantage of this opportunity to get it.

I just don’t know what the other person is thinking.


Yuki, are you still here in a daze?

At this moment, the girl was standing quietly on the set alone, looking at the mess left after everything in front of her was cleaned up.

The girl with brown hair and twin tails came out.

Ogata Rina is also a famous idol singer.

After his own fame passed and a new generation of artists emerged, he went out on his own with the support of his brother and established his own firm.

At the same time, he also serves as the manager of his friend Yuki Morikawa.

During this shooting, I paid attention to my friends throughout the whole process.

He also noticed the unique relationship between the other party and Masamune Izumi.

I don't know what you are thinking, but if you really like it, then work hard and don't give up.

When they were young, Ogata Rina and Morikawa Yuki also had many problems. However, unlike Yuki who waited silently until the end before giving up completely, Ogata Rina stopped in time to avoid problems.


Morikawa Yuki was still a little helpless.

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