My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 161 The dragon slayer has become an evil dragon and planted the seed for Ying Zheng!

Outside Qinian Palace, Zhao Ji is waiting here.

Looking at Lu Buwei walking out of the palace, Zhao Ji smiled sarcastically: "You gave everything, even..."


The long nails pierced the palms of her hands. Zhao Ji tried her best to control her emotions and did not say the last word, but her expression became more and more mocking:

"Then what?"

"We never got anything we wanted!"

Lu Buwei smiled: "I got it."

Zhao Ji retorted: "Really?"

"Is it the tattered book you left for Zheng'er, or the retainers you left in the court?"

"You thought you were the master, but you are just a benefactor in the female clan."

"Those disciples cater to you, flatter your views and agree with your remarks. You think you have educated them and made them become you, but all they do is your money!"

"Now that you have nothing, do you think they will think of you and continue to spread your ideas?"

"They will only use all means to seduce the next patron, shamelessly take advantage of that person, and try their best to become the shape that person wants!"

Lu Buwei shook his head: "It's different."

Looking at the well-dressed ministers through the palace gate, Zhao Ji's sarcasm has reached its peak: "Is it different?"

"Don't look at them. They are all dressed up in fine clothes. Look, they are not the same as the dancing girls in the female village!"

If she talks about anything else, Zhao Ji will be empty-headed and only think about Aba Aba.

But when Zhao Ji discovered the similarities between Gong Gong and Wu Ji, Zhao Ji returned to the area she was familiar with.

Zhao Ji is very familiar with the things that happen in the daughter's house!

Facing Zhao Ji's aggressive attitude, Lu Buwei nodded slightly: "You are right."

"They, no, all of us, are indeed no different from the dancing girls in the harem."

"But even among the dancing girls, there are loyal and trustworthy people!"

As he spoke, Lu Buwei turned his head and looked through the palace door at Ying Zheng and Ying Chengyu who were sitting side by side on the high platform.

Lu Buwei knew very well that except for Jiang Zan and a few dozen others, his thousands of diners were no different from the dancing girls. They all came for wealth and fame.

Lu Buwei never expected these disciples to promote Lu Buwei's ideas.

Therefore, at the end of his power, Lu Buwei did not waste any time to help his disciples fight for power, but spent all his energy on Yingchuan County.

I just hope that Yingchuan County can be cultivated into an excellent demonstration field, so that Ying Zheng can see the benefits of leniency and probation, and then accept Lu Buwei's point of view.


From beginning to end, Lu Buwei just wanted to leave his seed in Ying Zheng's body!

As long as this goal is achieved, Lu Buwei will not lose everything!

After Zhao Ji was silent for more than ten seconds, she suddenly turned away and said in a complicated voice: "Even if you say this, I will never forgive you."

"I never wanted to be a loyal person, I just want to be a woman who lives a happy life!"

Lu Buwei:? ? ?

If you didn’t say it, I wouldn’t even know I was praising you!

While talking, a group of guards walked towards Lu Buwei and spoke in a deep voice:

"Lu Buwei, Xiong Yezhe's many reports against you need to be investigated. Come with me."

Lu Buwei didn't defend himself, he just stretched out his hands and let a pair of shackles cuff his wrists.

Watching Lu Buwei being taken away by the guards, Zhao Ji sighed softly: "Man, why don't you understand the most essential happiness between people?"

"But you are always willing to die for those things outside your body?"

"Nangong everyone, return to the palace!"

Zhao Ji goes to the left.

Lao Ai goes to the right.

Lu Buwei moved forward.

The carriage took away half of the country that had once been able to influence the country with just a few moves.

In the back, the brave men who killed the evil dragon were cutting up the dragon's body, preparing to enjoy the carnival!

"Do you feel sorry for Lu Buwei?" Ying Zheng's voice was a little surprised: "I thought you would be the happiest person after Lu Buwei was dismissed."

Yingzheng had many and complicated reasons for deposing Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei's many designs on Ying Chengyu and his unabashed murderous intentions were also important reasons why Ying Zheng wanted to get rid of Lu Buwei.

Whoever dares to harm my younger brother must pay a heavy price, so as to warn those who come after him!

But now it seems that my brother is somewhat sympathetic to Lu Buwei?

Ying Chengyu also looked surprised: "Brother, how can I feel sorry for you?"

"It's not too late for my brother to be happy!"

Ying Chengqiu had no murderous intentions towards Lu Buwei.

Because Lu Buwei is really good to Ying Zheng, and in Ying Chengyu's view, as long as you are good to my eldest brother, we are good partners.

But this does not mean that Ying Chengxuan likes Lu Buwei, nor does it mean that Ying Chengxuan does not want Lu Buwei to fall.

Who would want the person who once wanted to kill them to keep holding a knife?

Ying Zheng was puzzled and asked: "That brother just now?"

Ying Chengyu looked at the audience with interest: "I'm just feeling a little emotional. Once Lu Buwei leaves, the next days will be lively."

"Brother, prepare to enjoy a different kind of court."

Ying Zheng also looked towards the audience, and saw Xiong Xia hand over his hand again: "I'll play again!"

"Wei Junjiao reported that He Ping, the subordinate country, withheld the rewards and sacrifices given by the imperial court to Wei Guo, and treated Wei Guo harshly."

"In the seventh year of King Qin's reign, He Ping recruited three hundred troops from the Wei Kingdom and fifty maids."

"In the eighth year of the Qin Dynasty, He Ping forcibly conquered the Wei State's grain and grass and thousands of stones."

"In the ninth year of Qin Wangzheng's reign..."

The charges came out of Xiong Xia's mouth one by one, and they were finally summarized into one sentence: "All the evidence of the crime has been listed outside the palace gate. The king of Wei is here to write a memorial. Please take a look at it!"

Holding a silk book in both hands, Xiong Xia bowed deeply.

Li Si walked quickly towards Xiong Xia, while Ying Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Where is He Ping, the vassal state of Dian?"

He Ping's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Ever since Lu Buwei left Qinian Palace, He Ping had a bad premonition.

Because He Ping was not only a retainer recommended by Lu Buwei to the court, but he also continued to side with Lu Buwei during the war.

He Ping originally thought that he would gain wealth after the war, but there were no eggs left after the nest was overturned!

Wiping the sweat from his palms on his sleeves, He Ping hurriedly stepped out of the queue and handed over his hands: "I'm here!"

Ying Zheng's voice became deeper and deeper: "Is what Wei Junjiao played true?"

He Ping wanted to deny it.

But he didn’t think he could hide it from Da Qin’s intelligence system, so he had no choice but to hand it over: “It’s true!”

Immediately afterwards, He Ping explained quickly: "But what I do is all justified."

"Yewang County of East County is also our territory of Great Qin. It's just that the king is kind and has granted this city to the state of Wei, and allowed the state of Wei to enshrine the ancestral temple."

"During the war, our country, Qin, was short of food and grass. As a vassal of our country, Wei Guo, how could we not want to support him?"

"Yewang County is our territory of Great Qin, how can we not recruit grain and grass from Yewang County?"

The relationship between Da Qin and Wei Guo is very complicated.

In the sixth year of the Qin Dynasty, Qin seized part of the territory of Wei and all of Wei. However, the Qin Dynasty did not eliminate the ancestral temple of Wei, but only deposed Wei Yuanjun, and then granted Yewang County to Zinanjiao, and named Zinanjiao as Wei. The king of the country, Xu Zinanjiao, continued to worship the ancestral temple in Yewang County.

In name, the Weiguo still exists, and the main task of the vassal state is to connect with the Weiguo.

But in fact, Weiguo has long existed in name only, and is actually part of the territory of Daqin.

Normally, it would be honorable for Da Qin to be polite to Wei Guo, but how could He Ping worry so much when food and grass were in short supply?

Xiong Qi said quietly: "This is against the law!"

He Ping said anxiously: "But this is all for Great Qin!"

Xiong Qi's voice was still calm: "A violation of the law is a violation of the law."

"Every official position has its own rules, and doing anything beyond the rules is a violation of the law!"

Xiong Qi bowed his hand to Ying Zheng and said, "My advice is to judge the crime of committing a crime of order and violating the rules."

"He will be dismissed from his post and punished as a ghost for ten years!"

It would be fine if he was just dismissed from his official position. The worst he could do was for He Ping to find a job in another country.

But He Ping couldn't accept the punishment of being a ghost for ten years!

Ghost salary, as the name suggests, is the job of collecting firewood for the ancestral temple.

But how could the ancestral temple get so much firewood?

Therefore, ghost wages are just a proxy for light labor reform, that is, they may be engaged in government chores, handicraft production labor, or various other manual labor.

If in later generations, they would be engaged in transformation work such as stacking express boxes, assembling umbrellas, and pickling candied garlic.

And such a transformation would take ten years!

He Ping didn't even know if he could survive ten years!

He Ping hurriedly handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, although I violated the order, there was a reason for it!"

In a cruel move, He Ping chose to throw the blame to Lu Buwei: "It was the Prime Minister who ordered me to do this."

"Although my ministers have exceeded the rules, they have not violated the orders!"

Ying Zheng looked at Feng Quji: "What does Feng Tingwei think of Lord Changping's words?"

Feng Quji said cautiously: "From the perspective of punishment in the Qin Code, there is no problem."

"And Dian Guoping has no title to compensate for his crime, so he can only be fined in full."

"But considering that there are reasons for the incident, I believe that the punishment should be reduced to three years of ghost pay."

Feng Quji also wanted to refute Xiong Qi.

But He Ping confessed, and Xiong Qi's sentence was indeed determined in accordance with the "Qin Code". Feng Quji could only think of ways to deal with the penalty.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "In that case, I will follow Lord Changping's advice."

He Ping's legs became weak and he knelt down on the ground, and said in a miserable voice: "Sinful minister, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing He Ping being pulled out of Qinian Palace by the guards, Chang Yun and others felt uncomfortable.

He Ping was the first vassal of Lu Buwei to be defeated by a relative of the Chu family.

But it definitely won't be the last one.

And apart from a very few people such as Li Si and Jiang Zan, how many ministers who were hanging around the court had nothing to criticize?

Without Lu Buwei's protection, they were so weak, pitiful, and helpless in this huge court!

Sure enough, before He Ping was pulled out of the palace, Xiong Xia couldn't wait to speak again: "I'll play again!"

Ying Zheng interrupted Xiong Xia's report: "If you don't eat anymore, the food will be cold."

Xiong Xia shouted sincerely: "How can the important affairs of the country be delayed because of meals?"

"I am willing to starve to death! I can no longer allow traitors to hide in the court!"

Behind Xiong Xia, nearly 40% of the court officials stood up and shouted in unison:

"I am willing to bear the hunger in my belly, just in exchange for the peace and tranquility of the court!"

Looking at the roaring crowd standing behind Xiong Xia, Ying Chengyu took a sip of his wine, his eyes dark.

Are these 40% of courtiers rising out of concern for the country and the people?


This is Chu family relatives flexing their muscles.

He is also making a declaration to Ying Zheng.

The former master is gone, and now, I am the master of this court!

And you?

Just be obedient!

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