My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 162 Please ask the King of Qin to wear the ancestral cuckold, Da Qin is Da Qin with the surn

Even the former Lu Buwei didn't dare to show off his muscles in such a high-profile way.

But today's Chu family relatives did just that.

Looking at the courtiers bowing their heads, the soaring pride that Ying Zheng felt as he looked down upon all living beings was quickly defeated.

Instead, there was deep anger.

Today is a happy day for me.

And you are giving me a blow today?

Ying Zheng's voice was solemn, and he asked in a slow but firm voice: "My dear friends, are you forcing me to do this?"

Xiong Xia and others all raised their hands and saluted: "This is not to intimidate the king, but to do it for the great Qin Dynasty!"

Ying Chengyu wouldn't believe this neat voice if they didn't rehearse it in advance!

Chang Yun came out and said in a deep voice: "The banquet is given by the king."

"By discussing government affairs regardless of the banquet, do you mean to be disrespectful to the king?"

After Chang Yun, all Lu Buwei's subordinates also came out and handed over:

"I beg your orders to have a feast first!"

However, compared with the number of Chu relatives, the number of Lu Buwei's subordinates was far behind, and the momentum was not huge.

Ying Zheng turned to Xiong Qi and asked, "Mr. Changping, do you think you want to turn this banquet into a royal meeting?"

Xiong Qi stood up and left the table, bowed his hands in front of Ying Zheng and said, "If the prime minister is dismissed, he will definitely scare the snakes."

"Many lawless ministers are likely to seize the opportunity to eliminate evidence of crime, and even quickly flee Da Qin with Da Qin secrets and gold and silver jewelry, causing irreparable damage to Da Qin."

"Therefore, I ask for your orders."

"Discuss the government affairs first, then have a banquet!"

The relatives of the Chu family then shouted: "I second the proposal!"

Even though Ying Zheng had made it clear that he should eat first, the Chu family relatives headed by Xiong Qi were still determined to eradicate dissidents first.

Very arrogant!

Very arrogant!

But the relatives of the Chu family didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all, and even thought that this was the normal situation of the court.

The arrogant attitude of the relatives of the Chu family originated from Empress Dowager Xuan.

The affair between Zhao Ji and Lao Ai shocked many people in later generations!

But if Empress Dowager Xuan knew about this, she would only mock Zhao Ji mercilessly.

Isn't it just that after the husband dies, he looks for a male favorite, cuckolds the late king, and finds a wild father for the current king?

Is there any need to hide this? ! !

Empress Dowager Xuan did not go behind anyone's back for her romantic affairs. She would even tell ministers from other countries enthusiastically about her sexual intercourse with King Huiwen. She even raised a male favorite in the Xianyang Palace openly and openly. Her son, King Zhaoxiang, even saw it with his own eyes. I couldn’t say anything when I saw it.

After the death of Queen Mother Xuan, she was not even buried with King Huiwen, but planned to have her favorite male favorite, Wei Choufu, buried with her.

Faced with such an extremely humiliating move by King Huiwen, the Ying clan did not dare to say a word "no" - because anyone who dared to say "no" had already been killed by Empress Dowager Xuan!

Lu Buwei takes charge of the government on behalf of the king and has power over the government and the public?

In front of Empress Dowager Xuan, saying that Lu Buwei was a powerful minister was definitely a compliment to Lu Buwei.

During the reign of Empress Dowager Xuan, she granted the title of Ranghou to her half-brother Wei Ran, who served as Prime Minister and General. Also known as the Four Nobles.

The Queen Mother and the Four Nobles controlled the government for forty years, so that the Qin State only knew the Queen Mother and the Four Nobles but not the King of Qin. Even Fan Ju sighed when he entered the Qin Dynasty: King Qin Ande? Qin only has the Queen Mother and Ranghou Er!

In terms of dictatorship, how does Lu Buwei compare with Empress Dowager Xuan?

She is the first queen mother in China.

The rules of the Chinese Queen Mother's administration were forged by her own hands.

She is Mi Chen's cousin and grandmother, and she is also the guide for many relatives from the Chu family to enter the Qin Dynasty.

And this legendary woman had just passed away twenty-seven years ago.

As an old man who declared that the Queen Mother had entered the Qin Dynasty, Xiong Xia and others naturally believed that this was the normal political ecology of the Qin Dynasty.

Da Qin is a Da Qin with the surname Ying, but it is also a Da Qin with the surname Mi Xiong!

Looking down at the lowered heads of Xiong Qi and others, Ying Zheng suddenly showed a faint smile: "What Mr. Changping said makes sense."

"In that case, let's discuss the government affairs first."

Xiong Qi and others handed over their hands again: "I will obey the king's order!"

Xiong Xia continued to report excitedly: "I am reporting this to your Majesty, and I have my subjects submit the report with evidence."

"Taicang ordered Dong Ao to resell the country's grain stocks and make profits from it!"

Dong Ao hurriedly defended himself: "My ministers did resell and store grain, but they were all based on the orders of Prime Minister Lu!"

"Prime Minister Lu always monitors the food prices in various countries, buying large amounts when the food prices in other countries are low, and selling a little more when the food prices in other countries are high."

"It is precisely because of this move that the grain reserves in Taicang can support our Great Qin's campaigns in successive years!"

Xiong Qi said calmly: "But this is against the law."

Feng Quji suddenly said: "If this is really the order of Prime Minister Lu, it will not violate the law."

Xiong Qi asked: "Businessmen have low business, so what if they make a profit?"

"How can a lowly industry interfere with the operation of Taicang!"

"If everyone in Qin knew that Taicang took the lead in trading, how could there be any strategy for farming and war?"

Xiong Qi's value immediately increased, and Feng Quji couldn't argue with him for a while.

Under Feng Quji's helpless gaze, Dong Ao was dismissed from his position and left the Qinian Palace!

However, Dong Ao was only the beginning.

Immediately after Dong Yao, a subordinate named Lu Buwei was impeached and had to defend himself.

But the relatives of the Chu family have been preparing for today for a long time, and they have a lot of evidence.

How many people can be clean and blameless?

The sun is gradually setting in the west, and 40% of Lu Buwei's subordinates have been forked out of Qinian Palace!

Under the counterattack of Lu Buwei's subordinates, more than 70 officials from the Chu family were dismissed from their posts and left sadly.

The war between the two Koreas became more and more intense.

Ying Chengqiu watched with great interest from the VIP seats while taking a piece of roasted lamb with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

"Hmm~~" Ying Chengyu snorted happily and hurriedly whispered an invitation: "Brother, please try it quickly."

"This meat tastes so delicious, it's almost as good as the mutton you and I enjoyed in Zhuyang Palace that day."

Ying Zheng said softly: "This is what is cooked by Zhuoyang Palace Shangshi."

Ying Chengyu smacked his tongue: "I just asked you why the taste is so similar."

"Brother, won't you even leave a piece of food for the Queen Mother?"

Ying Zheng glared at Ying Chengyu angrily: "Are you treating the Queen Mother as harshly as the brothers?"

What do you mean, I don't even want to leave any food for the Queen Mother? It's as if I want to starve to death.

Brother, I saw how delicious your food was that day, so I brought out the food from Zhuyang Palace, hoping that they would be used by you in the future to cook delicious food for you!

You're so lucky to be so arrogant!

In this case, don’t ask for those good things.

Let them stay in Xianyang Palace from now on. If you are greedy, go into the palace to beg for food!

Ying Chengyu didn't know that a large group of royal chefs had missed him, so he chuckled and said, "Brother, eat some."

"It will get cold if you don't eat it."

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly: "Brother can't eat it, but I'm curious, how can I eat it?"

Ying Chengxuan said casually: "Brother should have expected this day half a year ago. Isn't half a year enough for me to plan?"

"My brother is planning ahead, so why should I worry that I won't be satisfied with the food?"

"I don't understand, why can't I eat?"

Ying Zheng said softly: "Brother's arrangements will still take some time."

Ying Zheng needs a knife!

A sharp knife that can compete with Xiong Qi, cutting meat internally and killing enemies externally!

And the knife is still on its way.

Before that, Ying Zheng chose to endure.

Observe the various flaws revealed by the Chu family relatives in their actions so that they can be killed with one blow!

"As for why brother doesn't eat?" Ying Zheng glared at Ying Chengyu: "Have you forgotten, my brother is the King of Qin!"

"The ministers below the stage are still working hard for the Qin Dynasty, but my brother is feasting on the high platform?"

"How do you want the world to look at my brother!"

"Brother, you also need to listen carefully to the criticisms made by the ministers. Although the ministers are attacking and criticizing, what they say is somewhat true and is worth listening to."

Ying Zheng took it for granted that he, the King of Qin, should not eat before his ministers had started eating.

Moreover, Ying Zheng also attached great importance to the information revealed when Chu relatives and Lu Buwei's subordinates attacked each other.

Many of them are important information that cannot be detected by the waiters, and this information has always been an important way for Ying Zheng to obtain information about the court.

Ying Chengyu smacked his mouth: "You're so pitiful."

"It's really hard to be the King of Qin if you can't eat when you're hungry."

"Fortunately, the eldest brother was born earlier than the younger brother."

Ying Zheng laughed and scolded: "I'm afraid you are the only one who has such thoughts."

"Okay, you eat more and don't disturb Brother Nai."

Ying Chengyu asked, "Brother, aren't you hungry?"

Ying Zheng glanced at Ying Chengyu and answered Ying Chengyu's question with his eyes.

Brother Nai last had a meal six hours ago.

Do you think Brother Nai is hungry?

But at this moment, you are still eating and chewing next to Brother Nai, and you are simply not a son of a man!

Ying Chengyu picked up the silk cloth and wiped his mouth, then said in a warm voice: "Brother, I'm full."

"Since the eldest brother's arrangements still need some time, let me go first, lest I be so hungry that I won't be able to eat tomorrow."

Taking advantage of the gap between Jiang Zan being knocked down and the next victim not being called out, Ying Chengyu stood up and spoke loudly: "I also have a remonstrance!"

Xiong Xia immediately shut up, Xiong Qi sat up straight, and all the relatives of the Chu family were waiting for him.

Everyone looked at Ying Chengyu warily.

Except for Ying Zheng, no one still treats Ying Chengyu as the child he once was who could be manipulated at will.

Now that Ying Chengyu stood up in person, it meant one thing - Ying Chengyu was about to play his cards!

Ying Zheng responded in a deep voice: "Play!"

Ying Cheng said solemnly: "Half a month ago, I went to Chen County to visit Han An and gave him thirty servants as a gift."

"Han An was overjoyed and had a night talk with his minister Bingzhu."

"While talking, Han An told me something."

"Zheng Guo is the king of Korea!"

A bombshell was thrown out by Ying Chengyu inexplicably!

Many courtiers did not even realize for a moment whether the "Zheng Guo" mentioned by Ying Chengyu was the name of a person or a country.

After being reminded by others, the courtiers finally realized.

It’s Zheng Guo!

The plumber who built the canal?

All the courtiers hurriedly thought about what Ying Chengyu wanted to do.

However, he found that Zheng Guo was not a relative of the Chu family, but could hardly be regarded as a vassal of Lu Buwei.

This is the critical moment of the imperial war, what do you want him to do!

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