My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 174: Let’s have the King of Qin’s companionship service, and you can also add a bell

Chapter 174: Let’s have the King of Qin’s companionship service, and you can also add a bell~

This was the first time that Ying Chengyu felt what impact his little butterfly had on the general trend of the world.

Some people say that Qin's unification of the world is a historical necessity.

Even if there is no Ying Zheng, there will be others who will unify the world and make China a unified country.

But look at Europe!

How many years has passed since Europe was unified?

The unification of the world by the Qin Dynasty is not the inevitable trend of history at all!

In fact, even within Da Qin there were few people who supported Ying Zheng's policy of unification.

It was Ying Zheng who, with his unique conditions, extremely firm will, and incredible abilities, forced the world to unify!

The result of defying the will of the people was the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.

But Ying Zheng has carved the genes of great unification into the flesh and blood of China, and the Han Dynasty has continuously consolidated and consolidated the factors of great unification, and in the end it can no longer be erased!

If it was because of Ying Chengyu's influence, Da Qin failed to unify the world.

Ying Chengyu has no doubt that China will have a similar pattern to Europe in the future!

After traveling so far, Ying Chengyu felt real pressure for the first time.

It is not the pressure of life and death, but the pressure that China will bear for thousands of years in the future!

Ying Chengyu's voice became serious: "Wei Guowei thinks that destroying Zhao will solve our Qin's predicament?"

Wei Liao said in a deep voice: "This is the only way!"

"If Zhao dies, our Qin Dynasty will have one less enemy. If two of the three Jins are gone, the other countries will not have the relationship between the three Jins, and the mutual rescue and alliance will be more shallow."

"In this way, we, Da Qin, will have the possibility of lobbying."

"Even if lobbying fails and the remaining four countries unite, we, the Qin Dynasty, are still capable of defeating them. It is only a matter of time before they swallow up the world."

"And if we, the Great Qin Dynasty, can destroy Han and Zhao in succession, we will definitely frighten the world."

"If the enemy king is cowardly, he will not dare to be an enemy of our great Qin!"

Wei Liao did not mention them by name, but everyone knew that Wei Liao was talking about Wei Wangzeng and Qi Wangjian!

Once the Zhao State is destroyed, the only two countries left that can unite are Yan and Chu.

But the two countries of Yan and Chu are one in the south and the other in the north. How can these two countries unite?

There is no such condition!

Ying Chengyu asked in a deep voice: "What if we unite our army to destroy Wei?"

Wei Liao shook his head: "The Lord of Chang'an also said just now that if Qin attacks Wei, Zhao will definitely send troops to rescue Wei."

"If Da Qin really attacks Wei, we will face the combined forces of Zhao and Wei directly."

"Then why not just face Zhao Guo?"

Ying Chengyu asked again: "If our great Qin fails to destroy Zhao in this battle, what will be the consequences?"

Wei Liao said seriously: "Even if the country cannot be destroyed, at least it cannot be defeated!"

"Defeat at any level is completely unacceptable to Great Qin!"

"Otherwise, all the countries in the world will see our great Qin's ambition by destroying Han, and see our great Qin's weakness by losing to Zhao."

"The battle of the Five Kingdoms against Qin must be repeated quickly!"

Ying Chengjian turned to look at Wang Jian: "I will fight to the death in Wei State to delay Zhao State's troops for General Wang."

"What is the chance of victory, General Wang?"

Wang Jian couldn't help but fell into deep thought, his eyes scanning back and forth on the Kun map.

After a long while, Wang Jian raised his head and looked at Ying Zheng: "We will be 10% sure of destroying Zhao in the end."

"Even if Zhao fails to be destroyed, as long as Zhao sends more than half of its troops to assist Wei, the final general can capture the three cities of Zhao!"

He sounded discouraged.

But if you put it another way, it means that this battle will be won!

The final outcome is just a big victory or a small victory!

Wang Jian dares to say this, does Ying Zheng still need to struggle?

Ying Zheng smiled happily: "Very good!"

"In this case, I will promote General Wang to be the commander-in-chief of the army, and General Huanjue to be the deputy-general of the army. How about that?"

Wang Jian suddenly handed over his hands: "The last general honors your order!"

Ying Zheng warned seriously: "This matter is very important. Now we are the four who know this strategy. Even General Huan cannot know it."

"If the general wants to make preparations before going on an expedition, he can send the necessary information to Lord Chang'an, who will make arrangements in the name of attacking Wei."

"When a general goes on an expedition, he should also do so in the name of reinforcing Lord Chang'an."

"This strategy will not be known to others until we enter Zhaotu."

Wang Jian solemnly promised: "The last general will keep his mouth shut!"

After four hours of deliberations, the strategy for conquering Zhao was generally drawn up.

When the moon and stars were thin, Wang Jian and Wei Liao finally walked out of Xianyang Palace.

Looking at Wei Liao, who was frowning and thinking, Wang Jian suddenly said: "If your Majesty rewards Lord Chang'an heavily, what can your Majesty reward you?"

Wei Liao was stunned for a moment before realizing that Wang Jian was talking to him.

Although he didn't understand why Wang Jian asked this question, Wei Liao immediately answered: "Land, soldiers, official position, money."

"There are so many of them!"

Wang Jian asked quietly: "What if the king gives me no reward?"

Wei Liao asked back: "General Wang thinks that Lord Chang'an will not reward you in the future?"

Wang Jian nodded: "Mr. Chang'an is only eighteen years old, but he has already been crowned a king. There is no more high title to reward."

"As far as Zong Zhengcheng is concerned, only Jiu Qing and San Gong can be rewarded."

"The Lord of Chang'an is only eighteen years old. He already has one county and two townships in his fiefdom. He has a hundred soldiers and no wealth."

Wei Liao already understood what Wang Jian wanted to say.

But Wei Liao didn't care and just smiled: "There are so many lords like Chang'an Lord!"

Wang Jian continued: "The Lord of Chang'an is only eighteen years old, but he has already accomplished the feat of destroying the country and protecting the country."

"How many people in the world are there who can destroy the Seven Heroes?"

"Mr. Chang'an, you are eighteen years old!"

Wei Liao stopped talking.

It is not terrible to be crowned a king. There are many princes from all over the world who are crowned kings at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

It is not terrible to hold the position of Zong Zhengcheng. Gan Luo's age as prime minister is only a fraction of Ying Chengyu's age.

It's not terrible to have the power to destroy a country. If Ying Chengyu can fight again, can he be better than Bai Qi?

But if all three of the above fall on one person, and that person is only eighteen years old, that would be terrible!

This means that as long as this person maintains the current development trend, he will inevitably have no titles and no rewards in the future!

Wei Liao frowned slightly: "Is that why Chang'an Lord bargained with the king like that?"

"Chang'an Jun wants to use this method to offset those rewards?"

"No, it's more than that."

"This method can also enhance the relationship between Lord Chang'an and the King, making the King more favored by Lord Chang'an."

"For Lord Chang'an, rewards are meaningless, but no one can have too many holy relatives!"

"But this will not be of any benefit to Da Qin or the King!"

Wang Jian smiled: "If Lord Xinling invites you to reward him in this way, I, General Ao of Qin, will not be able to seize Dongjun so easily."

"Even if Lord Xinling and King Anli had the same friendship as Lord Chang'an and our king, Lord Xinling would not need to steal the talisman to save Zhao, let alone not dare to return to Wei for ten years!"

As he spoke, Wang Jian's eyes were filled with envy.

In Wang Jian's opinion, it was really wonderful for Ying Chengyu to offset the reward by letting Ying Zheng accompany him on the safari!

It can offset the merits and cultivate feelings at the same time.

Wang Jian was even thinking about whether he should let Ying Zheng play with him when he was about to have no titles or rewards in the future?

From now on, the King of Qin accompaniment service will be enabled!

Are you worried that your achievements will overwhelm your master and you will be unable to seal your title? Then order King Qin’s escort service!

If you have too much credit, you can also add a bell~

Your Majesty no longer has to worry about the generals’ superior achievements!

Wei Liao laughed: "Isn't what General Wang said a little too much?"

"Could it be that Lord Chang'an can persuade the king to change the country's policy?"

Why did Lord Xinling steal the talisman to save Zhao?

It was not because King Anli was unwilling to rescue the State of Zhao that Lord Xinling had to steal King Anli's tiger talisman.

Could it be that when Ying Zheng had already decided not to rescue a certain country, could Ying Chengxuan still forcefully make Ying Zheng change his mind?

Wang Jian asked quietly: "Why do you think South Korea is gone?"

"Before Han's death, the king knew nothing about it!"

Wei Liao was stunned.

He had only spread the news to the outside world through Ying Zheng and Ying Chengxuan, thinking that the battle to destroy Korea was a scene played by Ying Zheng and Ying Chengxuan.

But now you are telling me that Ying Zheng, as the King of Qin, knows nothing about Ying Chengxuan's strategy?

"I would like to say that based on the king's strategy, it should not be obvious that now is not the time to destroy Han. It turns out that it is Lord Chang'an who insists on having his own way!"

After smacking his tongue with emotion, Wei Liao bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, General Wang, for telling me!"

"If General Wang hadn't told me, I would have almost offended Lord Chang'an!"

Wang Jian cupped his hands and returned the salute: "Your Majesty is very polite."

"I just don't want the lieutenant to harm Lord Chang'an before he becomes an enemy of the Qin soldiers."

Wei Liao was slightly startled, then smiled and asked, "Has General Wang read my book?"

Wang Jian nodded slightly: "You are the captain of the imperial court."

This is a nonsense saying that you will become a fool if you learn from it!

Wei Liao bowed his hands and said, "General Wang, would you like to help me?"

Wang Jian turned aside to avoid the salute and said quietly: "The captain is overthinking."

"I am no more than a general, so how can I help the captain?"

"The only thing I can do is to implement this method first."

Wei Liao smiled and said, "That's enough!"

"I would like to thank General Wang!"

Wang Jian looked at Wei Liao with complicated eyes: "If the Lieutenant of the State really wants to thank me, I would ask the Lieutenant of the State to be merciful when he acts."

"There are many elderly generals in the army. They may not be able to accept the new rules, but they do not intend to make enemies of the national captain."

"Please, Captain, please don't treat them harshly."

"In this way, it will be good for our army and the state captain of Great Qin!"

Wang Jian had read Wei Liao's military book, so Wang Jian knew very well what kind of military thoughts Wei Liao had.

Excluding Wei Liao's views on economics, politics and other fields, and looking only at Wei Liao's military thoughts, we can find that Wei Liao is more extreme than Shang Yang!

Although Shang Yang advocated heavy punishment and light reward, Shang Yang still rewarded him anyway.

But Wei Liao is different.

Wei Liao asked the general to enforce the law impartially, use both kindness and power, endure hardships, forget oneself in battle, and set an example for others.

Soldiers are required to comply with military rules and regulations in combat, internal affairs, discipline and other aspects.

Regarding the laws and regulations for generals and soldiers, Wei Liao was several times more stringent than Shang Yang.

But what about rewards?

Wei Liao praised: kill one person and make the three armies shake, kill him, reward one person and make ten thousand people happy, reward him.

If you want to be punished, punish the general; if you want to be rewarded, reward the small soldiers.

So Wang Jian knew very well that Wei Liao was the knife that Ying Zheng found.

The reason why Wei Liao served as a state captain when he first entered the Qin Dynasty was because the blade of this sword was pointed at the military!

As a general, Wang Jian really did not hope that Wei Liao's arrival would disrupt the Qin Dynasty's structure.

After Wei Liao was silent for a while, he said in a deep voice: "General Wang, I will look for an opportunity to repay you for your kindness."

"But the reform of military discipline is imperative!"

Seeing that Wei Liao was like this, Wang Jian didn't try to persuade him, he just bowed his hand and said:


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