My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 175 The Ying brothers are all cunning villains, I, the Great Zhao, am just toothless!

The left prime minister holds a scalpel in his hand, standing at the top of the surveillance system, looking down at those idiots who are unwilling to be used by Ying Zheng!

Wei Liao, the state lieutenant, holds a boning knife and goes deep into the military, and is already embarking on a major reform of military regulations!

With two sharp blades in Ying Zheng's hands, he used the fog of war to carry out delicate internal operations on Da Qin.

Ying Zheng did not seek to complete his achievements in one battle, nor did he hope to destroy Zhao in one battle.

Ying Zheng started this war only to serve his political demands.

But all the countries in the world have become nervous.

Wei Wangzeng was even more panicked!

Five years ago, Da Qin attacked Wei, captured more than 20 cities, and established Dongjun.

Four years ago, Da Qin seized the Chaoge of Wei State.

Three years ago, the Five Kingdoms' attack on Qin failed, and Qin captured several cities in Wei's territory.

Since King Zeng of Wei came to the throne, Wei has never defeated Da Qin.

Today's King Zeng of Wei has already suffered from the Great Qin phobia. On the day when Wei's travelers in Qin sent back the news, a famous knight rushed from Daliang City to all the countries in the world with a letter asking for help.

Following closely behind were pedestrians, lobbyists, and even Jiu Qing who came out in droves!

Ten days later, on the high platform of Handan Palace.

Zhao Wangyan, who was thirty years old at the time, was by no means old.

But his face was as pale as paper, his eye sockets were sunken, his nose was red and swollen, and if you looked closely, you could still see the red spots on his neck.

Supporting his sick body, Zhao Wangyan still showed the majesty of a king and sat solemnly.

Under the high platform.

Tang Ju, a Dianke from Wei State who is over 100 years old, has white hair and beard, but has a rosy complexion, broad shoulders and a broad body. He spoke in a loud and serious voice: "In the past, Zhao, Wei, and Han were dressed in water and formed an alliance of brothers."

"Now, Han has died, and only Zhao and Wei are left with dead lips and cold teeth!"

"Now the King of Qin has promoted General Chang'an to destroy Han and led an army of 200,000 to attack Wei. He must have come to destroy Wei!"

"If Wei dies, Zhao will be surrounded by Qin on three sides and be attacked from the back and front."

"Therefore, foreign ministers are requesting orders to ask the King of Zhao to send troops to help Wei. This is to save Wei and Zhao!"

Tang Ju said it very sincerely.

When Qin attacked Wei a few years ago, forget it if you didn't come to help. The worst result would be that Wei lost some land.

But you can’t come this time!

If you didn't come, we might have perished as a nation!

Then your life will not be easy either!

King Zhao sneered, "Last year I sent General Pang to unite the world, but King Wei immediately refused!"

"I thought that King Wei didn't understand this truth."

"But I never thought that the King of Wei actually understood this truth and even used it as an excuse to ask for help from our country, Zhao, in times of crisis!"

"In that case, why did the previous king of Wei refuse to join forces?"

"Is it because the Qin State did not send troops to attack the Wei State at that time?"

After saying some heart-wrenching words, King Zhao felt relieved!

When Ying Chengyu attacked South Korea, Zhao Wangyan began to dispatch troops and horses to reinforce South Korea.

It's a pity that Ying Chengyu destroyed the country too quickly and didn't give King Zhao Yan any room to show off!

Afterwards, the Qin State fell into internal turmoil, and Zhao Wangyan sent Pang Nuan to lobby other countries with the intention of forming the sixth vertical alliance.

In order to oppose Qin, Zhao Wangyan made great efforts despite his illness!

Because in Zhao Wangyan's view, that was definitely a good time to destroy Qin.

But in the end, all the countries still rejected Zhao Wangyan's proposal, but Zhao Wangyan was seriously ill and could not independently organize the war against Qin, so he could only sit back and watch a great opportunity slip away.

In Zhao Wangyan's view, if it weren't for the incompetence of these pig teammates, Qin would have perished long ago!

When I need you, you all push back and block me, but when I am in trouble, you think of me.

What have you been doing!

Tang Ju handed over his hands in shame: "Wei has been repeatedly seized by Qin, and its national power is weakened. Even if it is willing to join forces, it is unable to send troops."

"I, the monarch of the Wei Dynasty, originally intended to cultivate and live for several years, and then join forces with other countries to attack Qin and save Han's sacrifice."

"But Qin Hulang is too!"

"I just defeated Han and couldn't wait to send troops again. We, the Wei Dynasty, have not yet restored our national strength and cannot bear to fight!"

Zhao Wangyan immediately refuted it: "We, Zhao, have been tired of fighting with Qin in recent years, and we have fought several bloody battles with Qin."

"Wei is exhausted, and we, Zhao, are equally exhausted!"

Zhao Wangyan was not just talking nonsense.

In terms of the area of ​​lost land, both Han and Wei far exceeded Zhao.

But in terms of the number of soldiers killed in the battle, neither Han nor Wei combined had as many casualties as Zhao.

Zhao and Qin were really fighting to death!

Seeing that Zhao Wangyan was resolute and in a very bad mood, Tang Ju also knew that Wei was at fault, so he had no choice but to give the conditions first: "We, the great Wei, will be responsible for all the food, grass and baggage needed for Zhao's reinforcements."

King Zhao Yan stopped talking.

Bargaining is really not in line with Zhao Wangyan's status.

Zhao Xiang Guo Kai took over the conversation without any hesitation, widened his eyes and asked, "Isn't it appropriate for our Zhao soldiers to help the Wei State resist the Qin State, so that the Wei State should bear the food and grass burden?"


"Does King Zeng of Wei still intend to ask me, Zhao, to provide money and food and then send troops to fight for his Wei state?"


"Does King Wei think that Wei is the suzerain of Zhao?"

Tang Ju explained seriously: "The king is helping Wei, not only to help Wei, but also to help Zhao."

"If Wei Guo survives, the east side of Zhao Guo will be stable."

"If Wei falls, Zhao will be surrounded by Qin!"

Guo Kai asked in a broken voice: "In that case, when Qin State attacked Zhao in the past, why did Wei State not come to rescue for so long?"

Tang Ju said in a deep voice: "Foreign officials heard this and said: There are things that cannot be known, there are things that cannot be known, there are things that cannot be forgotten, and there are things that cannot be forgotten."

"In the past, I, Lord Xinling of Wei Dynasty, stole the talisman to save Zhao and alleviate the difficulties in Handan!"

"How can Prime Minister Guo say that Wei Dynasty never rescued Zhao?"

Although it was Lord Xinling who came to the rescue, and the rescue was initiated by stealing King Wei's Tiger Talisman, it obviously showed that the then King of Wei did not agree to launch the rescue at all.

But just tell me whether to save it or not!

Saved, you have to accept this sentiment!

Tang Ju bowed his hands and saluted: "I hope the King of Zhao will understand our predicament in the Wei Dynasty."

"To express my gratitude for the reinforcements, I, the Wei Dynasty, am willing to treat you as much as possible!"

"We, the Wei Dynasty, are willing to pay double the number of reinforcements to Wei, regardless of food, grass, baggage, or wages!"

Guo Kai said without hesitation: "Not enough!"

"If you want Zhao to send troops, Wei will have to give up at least two more cities!"

Tang Ju angrily scolded Guo Kai: "Prime Minister Guo, the two countries Zhao and Wei have a common enemy."

"Helping Wei means helping Zhao. Why should Prime Minister Guo bother to worry about it?"

"Between Zhao and Wei, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!"

Grain and grass can still be planted in the future.

But if the city is lost, it is really gone.

Moreover, Wei's land is really running out, and he is not willing to lose even one city!

Zhao Wangyan suddenly said: "I have always thought that the relationship between Zhao and Wei is a bitter one."

"But the successive kings of Wei have made me understand that I, Zhao, are my lips, and Wei is my teeth!"

"If the great Zhao dies, then the Wei state will die and its teeth will be cold."

"If Wei falls, Zhao will be nothing more than toothless."

"The lips have been covering the teeth for a long time, how long have the teeth been covering the lips?"

On weekdays, it is rare for the Wei State to come to the rescue of the Zhao State. Most of the time, it is the Zhao State who rescues the Wei State. The Zhao State has already sacrificed a lot.

Do you want to send us Da Zhao away if you give us more food and grass?

That doesn't make sense!

Tang Ju was silent.

In the end, I could only sigh helplessly: "If Zhao helps me, the Wei Dynasty, win this battle, I, the Wei Dynasty, are willing to dedicate a city to us!"

Knowing that there were only so many conditions that Tang Ju could offer, Zhao Wangyan nodded slightly: "In that case, we can discuss this later."

"Dianke, take Tang Shangqing to settle him."

Tang Ju surrendered, but King Yan of Zhao was not prepared to discuss it later. Instead, he asked in a deep voice: "What do you think my great Zhao should do?"

Guo Kai immediately handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, I think that I, the Great Zhao, should rescue the Wei State!"

"The soldiers of Qin are brave and brave, and those who are trapped are food and grass."

"The State of Wei is rich in grain. If the State of Qin seizes the land of Wei, the State of Qin will not be trapped by grain and grass. It may even use the abundant grain and grass to compete with Zhao."

"And what the foreign minister Tang Ju said is not false."

"If Qin captures the territory of Wei, then Zhao will be surrounded by Qin on three sides, and Qin can attack Zhao from any of the three directions."

"If this is the case, our great Zhao is in danger!"

King Zhao frowned and said, "However, as Qin becomes stronger and stronger, it captured Han's land last year and can recruit soldiers from Han's land."

"Even with the combined strength of Zhao and Wei, it is still difficult to stop Qin's army!"

Guo Kai said solemnly: "It is precisely because Qin is getting stronger and stronger that Zhao needs to take every opportunity to weaken Qin."

"I advise you to send 250,000 troops to aid Wei!"

"Combining the superior forces of Zhao and Wei, we can wipe out Qin's eastward advancing troops in one fell swoop, and even push back the front to recapture Han!"

Li Mu:? ? ?

Leading an army of two hundred thousand?

Are you crazy?

Li Mu immediately stepped out: "No!"

"I, Zhao, can only fight with 400,000 soldiers."

"If we send 250,000 troops to aid Wei, our country, Zhao, will surely have an empty border!"

Guo Kai said with emotion: "The border is empty? What's even more empty is my Great Zhao Granary!"

"Last year, there was a drought in the north, and the grain harvest of our country, Zhao, was poor. If we can send these 250,000 troops to the state of Wei, the state of Wei will be responsible for the rations of these 250,000 strong men, which will save a lot of money for our state of Zhao. forage."

"More than that, Wei will be waiting for more help."

"If I, Zhao, send 250,000 troops to aid Wei, we can earn enough rations for another 250,000 soldiers and horses."

"This is food and fodder for half a million people inside and outside!"

"If we can get this surplus, Zhao will not die of hunger this year!"

The more Guo Kai talked, the more excited he became: "Why not use Wei's food to fight against Zhao?"

"The truth is that I even want to throw all the soldiers of Zhao State into Wei State!"

"Why don't you want free food and grass?"

Li Mu yelled in shock and anger: "Absurd! Ridiculous! It's the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"Does Prime Minister Guo only have food and grass in his eyes?"

"What should we do if Qin invades when we, Zhao, have all our troops and horses to reinforce Wei?"

Guo Kai immediately replied: "I have sent troops and horses from Wei State to help."

"The State of Qin went to war with Zhao and Wei at the same time. Since the State of Qin is weak, how many troops and horses can the State of Qin use to attack our State of Zhao?"

"The defenders in Zhao's territory are enough to hold off Qin's troops, waiting for the reinforcements to come back!"

Li Mu asked again: "What if the barbarians from the north went south together at that time?"

Li Mu explained seriously: "Donghu has recovered his fighting power after ten years of training, and the Yuezhi is also ready to make a move."

"Once the emptiness of our great Zhao is known to the barbarians in the north, they are likely to go south to plunder!"

Guo laughed and held up his hands: "If the Hu people from the north go south, you should ask General Li to go north to stop the Hu people."

Li Mu angrily yelled: "This general is not omnipotent!"

"If I want to resist the barbarians from the north, I also need food and grass, soldiers and horses, and luggage!"

Guo Kai's smile slowly faded: "He is just a barbarian. Why did he make General Li roar in the court and lose his composure in front of the king?"

Li Mu was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

Just a barbarian?

Do you know how much hard work and sacrifice this general and the robes have put in to achieve peace and prosperity for you, the Gonggun princes?

Just a barbarian!

Zhao Wangyan shouted in a deep voice: "Guo Kai!"

"How can you ignore the sacrifices of our soldiers!"

Guo Kai immediately handed over his hand: "I know that I am guilty, and I am willing to make amends to General Li!"

Zhao Wangyan had already spoken. No matter how dissatisfied Li Mu was, he couldn't go into details. He could only respond hastily: "No problem."

Immediately, he quickly changed the direction of the attack: "Your Majesty, I think that both King Qin and Lord Chang'an of Qin are cunning, and Qin's attack on Wei may be a fraud!"

Zhao Wangyan was puzzled and asked: "What kind of fraud is there?"

Li Mu explained seriously: "A year ago, the King of Qin ordered Qin Chang'an to lead 100,000 troops to attack our country, Zhao."

"The Lord of Chang'an did not come forward for a long time after he went to war. Later, he stayed in Tun and beheaded his deputy general Fan Yuqi."

"The King of Qin therefore sent an order to the world, convicting Lord Chang'an of disobeying military orders and beheading his deputy, and quickly raised food and grass to recruit an army to defeat the rebels."

"The Lord of Chang'an immediately led his troops southward, as if fleeing in panic."

"At that time, everyone in the world thought that Lord Chang'an wanted to take troops to defect to other countries."

All the monarchs and ministers nodded slightly.

This incident spread widely throughout the world.

After all, a convicted general leading a hundred thousand soldiers is a very high-quality resource.

King Yan of Zhao even sent an envoy to persuade Ying Chengxi to lead his army back to Zhao, and was willing to grant Ying Chengxuan a title.

Li Mu continued: "But after Chang'an Lord went south, he did not surrender to other countries. Instead, he led troops to attack South Korea and eventually destroyed South Korea!"

"During this period, the King of Qin never took back his order to attack Chang'an Lord, and the rebel army was always dispatching food and grass and recruiting soldiers."

"It wasn't until Lord Chang'an destroyed Han that the rebel army finally went out to fight, but the purpose was to take over the Korean pass on behalf of Lord Chang'an."

Li Mu said in a solemn voice: "The general will think that King Qin and Lord Qin Chang'an are both cunning and evil villains!"

"Since the King of Qin and Lord Qin Chang'an have attempted to attack Zhao openly and actually destroy Han."

"Then how come the King of Qin and Lord Chang'an can't openly attack Wei but actually attack our country, Zhao?"

If Li Mu's words were heard by Ying Zheng and Ying Chengxuan, they would definitely be trembling with anger and argue on the spot.

I'm not!

I don't!

Don't talk nonsense!

Before Wang Di destroyed Korea, I never thought of letting Wang Di attack Korea. How could I become a cunning villain?

I will not attack the State of Zhao at all in this war. This strategy was decided by Brother Wang. Wang Jian took the command to attack Zhao. I am just following orders. How can I become a cunning villain?

The cunning one is clearly the Wang brother/eldest brother!

But unfortunately, no one in Zhao knew the inside story of the battle to destroy Han.

In the eyes of other countries, Ying Zheng and Ying Chengxuan's tacit cooperation without prior communication was like a well-prepared attack in the east!

Ying Chengyu and Ying Zheng might not be able to clean themselves out even if they jump into the Yellow River!

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