My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 177 Let me face Li Mu? You really think highly of me!

Zhao Wangyan looked at him and said: "Li Mu?"

Li Mu is famous in history, has made great achievements, and has grown into a complete form.

But most of Li Mu's current achievements are based on the war against Donghu.

In the war against the heroes, Li Mu led his army to attack the State of Yan only six years ago and captured the two counties of Wu Sui and Fangcheng.

If placed in countries such as Wei and Qi, Li Mu would be praised by the king of that country.

But in Zhao State, compared with Lian Po, Pang Nuan and other generals, Li Mu?

That's it.

Guo Kai nodded and said: "Although General Li Mu has no military merits, I think this general is quite capable. All he lacks is an opportunity."

"Let Li Mu practice as a deputy general under Hu Zhe, and maybe he can grow into an excellent general!"

Guo Kai didn't know if Li Mu could fight.

But Guo Kai knew very well how cruel Li Mu was.

Criticize the queen, the prince, the prime minister, and even the king of Zhao.

There is no one in this big world that Li Mu dare not criticize directly in front of his face!

Guo Kai really didn't want Li Mu to continue to be a troublemaker in the court, and just wanted to drive Li Mu out of the army as soon as possible.

And once Li Mu leaves the court, Guo Kai will have plenty of ways to kill Li Mu!

After Zhao Wangyan pondered for a moment, he nodded slightly: "In that case, let's choose Li Mu as the deputy general!"

Guo Kaixin was overjoyed and admonished him again: "In addition to the chief and deputy generals, I think we need to choose another general."

"This general needs to lead those 50,000 soldiers and horses to join the Wei State, and guide the Wei State soldiers and horses to fight for me, Zhao, in the following war!"

Following Guo Kai's language trap, Zhao Wangyan gave an answer: "General Pang Nuan may be able to do this!"

I want to ask who is the best person in Zhao State who is best at cooperating with generals from other countries to fight?

It has to be Pang Nuan!

He is a man who can unite the five kingdoms. It will be absolutely easy for him to lead the Wei Kingdom to fight with him!

Immediately, Zhao Wangyan frowned slightly: "But General Pang is really a bit old."

"If we continue to work hard on an expedition, I'm worried that General Pang's body won't be able to endure it."

Guo Kai said with a smile: "General Pang united all the countries three years ago and led the army to attack Qin. Last year, he planned to unite the countries again and traveled around the world. Why do you say he is old?"

Although Pang Nuan failed to attack Qin, Pang Nuan not only proved his general ability but also showed his vision of the general trend of the world.

Even if the Five Kingdoms failed to conquer Qin, Zhao Wangyan would still take the initiative to ask Pang Nuan about his views on the general trend of the world from time to time.

How could Guo Kai allow Pang Nuan to compete with him for favor?

After repeated admonitions, Zhao Wangyan finally nodded: "In that case, we will choose Pang Nuan as the commander-in-chief of the partial division!"


Guo Kaixin cheered loudly and excitedly: "Pass!"

"General Hu Zhe, General Pang Nuan, General Li Mu!"

Guo Kai's excited voice didn't sound like he was summoning a general to go on an expedition.

Instead, he was announcing the execution list that he was about to be kicked out of Handan!

Zhao's troops are still on the way.

However, the soldiers and horses of Da Qin have already set foot on the border of Qin and Wei.

Two hundred thousand troops marched on the frozen Yellow River and marched towards Xiuyu City.

A large number of messengers and scouts rushed towards the deputy general Meng Wu.

Mengwu was like a beehive, receiving news from all directions, and then asked the messengers to run to various parts of the army with updated orders.

After the army crossed the Yellow River, Meng Wu immediately began to direct the army to set up military camps.

After finally getting the army to settle down, Meng Wu strode towards the Chinese army commander's tent.


Ying Chengyu raised his hand to signal Meng Wu to wait for a while, looking at the bamboo slip in his hand thoughtfully: "If you kill one person and the whole army is shocked, kill him; if you reward one person and the whole army is happy, reward him."

"Killing is more expensive than big, and rewarding is small. If you deserve to be killed, you must kill it even if it is valuable. This is a punishment that is high. Those who reward cows, boys, and horses are a despicable reward."

On the day of the expedition, Ying Zheng handed a set of bamboo slips to Ying Chengxuan, so that Ying Chengxuan could take a closer look.

Then Ying Chengyu discovered that these bamboo slips were actually "Wei Liao Zi" written by Wei Liao!

What are the shortcomings of Ying Chengyu?

The reason is that I have not systematically studied ancient military strategies.

Thirty-six strategies are at your fingertips, and you can’t poop or eat!

Ying Chengyu, who is so basic, got hold of "Wei Liao Zi", just like a person with abdominal pain got a roll of toilet paper!

Therefore, Ying Chengyu immediately decided to delegate all the work that he should do to Meng Wu, and devoted himself to these bamboo slips.

But to this day, Ying Chengyu still cannot fully understand the thoughts of "Wei Liao Zi".

"Killing is more valuable than big, and rewarding is small. This is true."

"But how expensive is the reward? The rewards are all determined by the "Military Rules", so why should I change the rewards?"

"If I change the reward without authorization, then I will be a criminal and should be punished!"

"I don't want to die, general!"

"Then let other generals do the work of rewarding the grassroots soldiers, and let other generals be killed to boost the military's power?"

For a moment he couldn't figure it out, so Ying Chengyu simply stopped thinking about it and looked up at Meng Wu.

Meng Wu:! ! !

I heard everything you just said!

Why do you look at me when you are thinking about who to kill to boost the morale of the army?

Thinking of the ending of Ying Chengyu's former official deputy general, Meng Wu's throat felt a little lumpy, and he immediately held up his hands and said: "The last general will never do anything against the law!"

Ying Chengyu was a little confused: "Who said..."

Thinking of the bamboo slips he had just read, Ying Chengyu hurriedly stood up and handed over his hands apologetically: "I was just reading the book written by Guo Wei, and I had no intention of trapping General Meng."

Looking at the scroll of bamboo slips placed on the desk, Meng Wu couldn't help but ask: "What does the general think of this book?"

Ying Chengyu pondered for a moment and then gave the answer: "You can use various strategies, including the method of military formation and the strategy of marching, which will make this general enlightened."

"But its military regulations do not apply to our country, Da Qin."

Through Fan Yuqi's military art and Wei Liao's art of war, Ying Chengyu has made up for his shortcomings to the level of an ordinary general.

Although it is not exquisite, it is more than enough to be a deputy general.

But Ying Chengyu held different views on Wei Liao's specific military regulations.

Meng Tian held up his hands solemnly: "If Lord Chang'an can remonstrate with you after returning to the court, then all the troops will be at home!"

The conflict between Wei Liao and the military is expanding.

But with the two examples of Bai Qi and Lian Po right in front of them, the generals in the army did not dare to speak out even if they were dissatisfied, lest Ying Zheng think they were resentful.

They urgently need someone who dares to speak in front of Ying Zheng to help them pass their demands to Ying Zheng!

Ying Chengyu smiled: "The affairs of the DPRK will be discontinued."

"Since you and I have led the army to the east, we should only discuss matters in the army."

Meng Tian quickly stopped smiling and said in a deep voice: "Sixty miles southeast, we found about 150,000 enemy troops."

"This army is wearing the armor of the Wei army. The word "Wei" is written on the big banner. They are waiting in formation."

Ying Chengyu swept the bamboo slips on the table to the ground and took out the map of Kun.

"Sixty miles southeast?"

After clicking on the map of Kunyu, Ying Chengyu frowned slightly: "Waiting for me only twenty miles away from Dacheng Xiuyu?"

"Who is the enemy's general, and why should he give up the benefits of Xiuyu City for no reason?"

Meng Wu said in a deep voice: "According to the information from people stationed in Wei, the commander of the army should be Wei Qi, Lord of Pengcheng of Wei State."

Ying Chengyu searched around in his brain before hesitatingly asked: "Wei Qi who participated in the Battle of Jiyi and the Battle of Five Kingdoms against Qin?"

Meng Wu nodded: "Pengcheng Lord not only participated in these two battles, he also served as a captain in the Battle of Suanzao and as a deputy general in the Battle of Chaoge."

Ying Chengyu frowned slightly: "But in these four battles, I, the Qin Dynasty, won them all!"

The corners of Meng Wu's mouth turned up slightly: "But it is undeniable that this man is already a powerful general of Wei!"

So what if we lose four out of four?

Although this person has been defeated many times, let’s just say he has rich war experience!

In terms of war experience, looking at the generals of the Wei State, no one can be better than Wei Qi!

If we have to talk about military achievements, there is no existing general in Wei who has more victories than Wei Qi.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for Wei Qi to serve as the commander-in-chief!

Meng Wu continued: "As for why we didn't defend Xiuyu City, I guess it was because Mr. Pengcheng knew that the general had a fire starter."

Ying Chengyu looked at the map of Kun and tapped the table with his fingers: "Because you know that I have something to ignite the fire in your hand, you just gave up the city and waited for Zhao's reinforcements?"

"I'm going to eat this soft persimmon!"

Meng Wu reminded: "General, even if Lord Pengcheng loses consecutive battles, this person will often fight against generals."

"And to be able to survive from the hands of generals as a weak force many times without being severely defeated has proven that this person has some talent."

Although Wei Qi was defeated, what level of generals did Wei Qi face?

Wang Jian! Meng Ao! Yang Duanhe!

Was it unjust to be defeated at the hands of these generals?

Not unfair at all.

At least Meng Wu didn't think he could overthrow the opponents Wei Qi had faced when his forces were equal.

Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice: "But this is our army's best opportunity!"

Thinking of Li Mu who was about to arrive on the battlefield with the army as a deputy general, Ying Chengyu's mouth turned bitter.

How virtuous and capable is this general!

Let me face Li Mu?

What's the difference between my general's attack on Li Mu and Zhao Kuo's attack on Bai Qi?

Of course!

The difference is that Zhao Kuo has richer theoretical knowledge than I do!

Besides Li Mu, are Hu Zhu and Pang Nuan easy to get along with?

Leading Meng Wu to face these three generals, and the opponent's troops were far stronger than our own. If Ying Chengyu hadn't wanted to win this battle, he would have escaped long ago!

If Ying Chengyu wants to accomplish his set strategic goals, his only chance is to inflict as much trauma as possible on the Wei army before Zhao's reinforcements arrive!

Thinking of this, Ying Chengyu no longer hesitated and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Pass this general's order!"

"The army is ready for a day's rest."

"At sunrise tomorrow, move eastward!"

Seeing that Ying Chengyu had given the general order, Meng Wu stopped trying to persuade him and accepted the promise: "Wei!"

The next day.

The snow is getting heavier.

Braving the wind and snow, the 200,000 Qin troops marched towards the Wei army like snakes, and camped generously under the eyes of the Wei army, treating the 150,000 Wei army as if they were nothing!

Looking at the stable Wei army formation in the distance, Ying Chengyu raised his eyebrows: "The Wei army is not moving?"

The front army was arrogant, but the Qin army's central army was already well prepared.

The former army's arrogant performance was just to seduce Wei Jun.

Seeing that Wei Jun did not take the bait, Ying Chengyu was not disappointed.

After taking this opportunity to line up the five armies, Ying Chengyu shouted in a deep voice:

"The front army advances, and the left army's chariots come out."

"Get ready to charge!"

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