My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 178 He runs away, he chases, he can’t fly!

Wei Junzhongjun.

Standing on the towering command platform, Wei Qi watched helplessly as the Qin army's front troops advanced, and watched as the chariot soldiers at the front of the Qin army's left army circled outside the battlefield under the cover of infantry, ready to attack the Wei army at any time.

All this made Wei Qi punch the railing in anger.

"It's his mother's fault!"

"How dare Chang'an Junan insult this general like this!"

In a normal battle between two armies, a long period of testing is always required before the war begins.

Use high-frequency, small-scale battles to test the capabilities of enemy generals, the quality and morale of enemy soldiers, and at the same time, use this to harass, contain, and guide enemy troops to gain combat opportunities.

But Ying Chengyu didn't care about anything, he just pressed forward with heavy troops.

This obviously didn't take Wei Qi seriously at all!


Ying Chengyu didn't regard Wei Qi as a human being at all!

Vice General Chen Mao said in a deep voice: "General, the enemy despises our army, but this is also our army's opportunity to fight!"

"The general admonishes me to take advantage of the fact that the enemy army is coming from an expedition and is not yet stable, so send superior troops to bite off a piece of flesh from the Qin army!"

Wei Qi pondered for a moment and then shook his head: "That's inappropriate."

"What if this is a trick of the Qin army?"

"Send this general's order. The front troops form a square formation to slowly meet the enemy, and the chariots line up on the right side of the formation!"

Wei Qi suffered from severe phobia against Qin after being defeated in battle against Qin.

When facing the Qin army, Wei Qi did not dare to slack off at all.

He will also subconsciously work up a hundred thousand points of energy, concentrate on and meticulously, and bring out his strongest state!

Jiang Ming, the former captain of the Qin army, looked at the Wei army advancing in formation and chuckled: "Crossbowmen in formation!"

Five thousand crossbowmen from the front army quickly formed three rounds of firing formations. Jiang Ming immediately gave the order:

"First row, raise your head high, target is directly in front of you, release!"

Sixteen hundred arrows were shot upwards and aimed at the front line of the Wei army.


"No, I don't want to die!"

"I'm not dead yet, don't use me as a shield!!!"

The arrows thrown have no accuracy, they just fall like rain. Whether they can hit the enemy depends on luck.

One round of arrows only caused the deaths and injuries of more than 70 Wei soldiers.

But the arrows thrown away could not be blocked by the bronze shield erected in front of him.

No one knew when the fatal crossbow bolt would fall on their heads, so that every soldier in the Wei army's front army was filled with fear!

Wei Qi shouted: "The front army speeds up and the crossbowmen fight back!"


The front troops of the Wei army accelerated forward, closing the distance between the two sides to 150 feet.

This distance has reached the standard range of Wei's crossbow.

For a moment, arrows from the Qin and Wei armies crisscrossed in mid-air like rain and fell towards the opponent's formation.

But Xiuyu City is behind them, and the Wei army backed by Xiuyu Arsenal is much more arrogant than the Qin army!

Fifteen thousand crossbowmen came forward together and fired up to 5,000 crossbow bolts at the Qin army in each round, causing far more damage than the Qin army!

The catapults built early by the Wei army groaned and threw huge stones at the Qin army's formation.

The stones did not cause much damage, but they caused great psychological pressure on the Qin army, making the crossbowmen's formation more than a little slower!

Upon seeing this, Ying Chengyu ordered without hesitation: "Chariot, charge into the formation!"

While the flag was waving, Commander Xifeng shouted angrily: "Left wing Paoze, fight!"

Fifty heavy bronze chariots were mobilized by war horses, and more than 20,000 soldiers on the left wing followed the chariots and charged towards the Wei army!

Wei Qi subconsciously took a step forward and shouted: "The right wing blocks the enemy, the front army retreats, and the whole army presses forward!"

"The chariot is ready to recoil!"

In this era, tanks are an absolute weapon against military formations.

When enemy tanks are dispatched in groups, no matter how careful you are!

Under Wei Qi's order, the front army, which had finally closed the distance, began to retreat. The right wing, dominated by sword and shield men, and the left wing, dominated by spearmen, stood ready.

Facing the Wei army formation that quickly shrunk into a turtle, Xi Feng grinned as he looked at the spear array pointing forward like a forest, "Detour!"

Jiang Ming shouted at the same time: "Shoot quickly!"

The Qin army's chariot made a circle under the vigilant eyes of the Wei army, and then moved away from the battle.

The Qin army's crossbowmen continued to use their superior range to spray crossbow arrows at the Wei army.

The front troops of the Wei Army advanced again, and the Qin Army's chariots charged again. This cycle continued endlessly. The only thing that did not change was the crossbow arrows fired one after another from the Qin Army's formation!

Seeing the changing situation of the battle, a smile appeared on Ying Chengyu's lips.

Sorry, the one with the longest hand is my father!

Chen Mao said bitterly: "Qin Gou, how shameless!"

Facing Ying Chengyu's kiting tactics, Wei Qi had no reaction and even breathed a sigh of relief.

It tastes right!

This is the sense of oppression that the Qin army should have!

Seeing the angry expressions of the deputy general and other generals, Wei Qi said in a deep voice: "The Qin army often uses the power of the Qin crossbow to bully our army."

"Since we are fighting the Qin army, we must deal with Qin Nu!"

"Send the order for the whole army to retreat slowly and pull the enemy's formation into shape!"

The whole Wei army formed a formation and retreated slowly, but the Qin army's front troops also followed them like maggots attached to their bones.

With the advantage of Qin Nu's range, it can take away the lives of dozens of Wei army soldiers every few breaths!

Wei Qi didn't care about the dead soldiers.

Wei Qi just looked at the Qin army's formation with all his concentration, waiting for the flaw he wanted!

Watching the Wei army slowly leave, Ying Chengyu ordered in a deep voice: "The rear army will set up camp, and the center army will rest and prepare for battle."

"Guafu!" Ying Chengyu whispered: "Take the baggage camp and prepare for the battlefield."

The hexagram master bowed his hands and took the order and left.

Ying Cheng looked at Wei Qi again and murmured softly: "Mr. Pengcheng, you must be tougher!"

The Qin army quickly responded to Ying Chengyu's order.

Seeing the changes in the Qin army, Chen Mao's eyes lit up: "The Qin army's central army is out of touch with the front army!"

"Now the only ones catching up are the Qin army's front army and the left army!"

"General, this is a great opportunity!"

Wei Qi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The generals of the Qin army are all very talented. It is impossible for them to make such a ridiculous mistake."

"The Lord of Chang'an must have a conspiracy waiting for our army."

"Continue to retreat and wait for a flaw!"

Chen Mao remonstrated: "But the Qin army came from a long expedition, and it is expected that they will be exhausted."

"The general thinks that Lord Chang'an may be using the front army and the left wing to contain our army, in order to buy time for the rest of the three armies to rest, and to destroy the morale of our army!"

Chen Mao’s advice is not unreasonable.

But Wei Qi was still wary.

After retreating two miles again, seeing that the Qin army's central army still showed no movement, Wei Qi finally ordered: "Chinese army's chariots go out and attack the enemy's front army!"

With an order, the Chinese army's formation split open, and thirty heavy chariots rushed towards the Qin army's front army.

Xi Feng shouted: "Respond to the enemy!"

The Qin Army's chariot changed direction without hesitation and hit the Wei Army's chariot head-on.

Seeing that the battle situation was in chaos, Wei Qi ordered again: "The left and right armies, press forward and outflank!"

As the flag waved, the Wei army's left and right armies ran wildly, bypassing the battlefield where the chariots were fighting, and rushed towards both sides of the Qin army's front army.

Jiang Ming shouted: "Retreat!"

The Qin Army's front army retreated hurriedly, and after forcing back the Qin Army's front army, Wei Qi once again ordered: "The left and right armies, surround and kill the Qin Army's left army!"

The two armies on the left and right of the Wei army that were originally chasing the Qin army's front army turned around quickly, turned around and rushed towards the west front.

They had already crossed the Xi Feng headquarters to pursue Jiang Ming's troops, and they were already behind the Xi Feng headquarters. Before Xi Feng could react, the two armies on the left and right had already completed the encirclement of the Qin army!

"That's your mother!" After scolding, Xi Feng shouted: "Speed ​​up and charge backwards!"

The Qin army's chariot turned quickly and rushed towards the weak point of the encirclement.

Wei Qi watched quietly as the Xifeng troops fell into a quagmire of chariots composed of infantry, and then ordered again: "Chariots pursue the Qin army's front troops!"

It is no easy task to annihilate a chariot corps defended by infantry.

The siege of Xi Feng's headquarters was just to delay Xi Feng's troops.

Wei Qi's ultimate goal has always been the Qin Army's frontline army!

Only by getting rid of the Qin army's crossbowmen first can the Wei army avoid being passively beaten in the subsequent war!


The Wei army's chariot soldiers shouted in excitement and urged their horses to charge towards Jiang Ming's troops at full speed!

Jiang Ming lost his voice and shouted: "Hurry!"

"Run faster!"

"Whoever runs too slowly will die!"

Under strict military discipline, the Qin army's front troops maintained basic formations and command and dispatch even when they were fleeing for their lives.

But under Jiang Ming's repeated urging, the already barely maintained formation shattered into pieces.

All the Qin soldiers no longer cared about military discipline and robes, and just ran towards the direction of the Chinese army! Run!

The soldiers in the Qin army shouted in shock: "Don't come over!"

"The front army retreated and moved to the left and right. Don't attack the Chinese army's formation!"

"If you dare to attack the former again, I will kill him with military law!"

"Officer Cao, the general orders: Do not kill the defeated deserters!"

Cao Shan had already drawn his Qin sword and was about to lead a group of military officials to kill the deserters, but a messenger stopped him from moving forward.

Military law envoy Cao Shan said angrily: "If the front army is allowed to flee, our middle army will be in chaos!"

The messenger bowed his hands and saluted: "This is the general's order. Please obey it!"

As a person who protects military law, it is impossible for Cao Shan to take the lead in violating military law.

He could only return the sword to its sheath in despair: "This battle is lost!"

Seeing the Qin Army's front troops breaking up the Qin Army's center formation, Wei Qi couldn't help but grab the railing with both hands: "How could this happen!"

"The front army of Qin Army dispersed the middle army of Qin Army?!"

"Chang'an Lord is the general who destroyed Korea in one battle after all. How could he make such a ridiculous and childish mistake!"

"It shouldn't be!"

The front army disperses the center army. This is a common mistake made by novice generals.

But this mistake should not happen to Ying Chengyu.

If it were Wei Qi, Wei Qi would immediately recruit his own soldiers and use blood and killing to force the front army to take a detour.

Even if they kill all their own front troops, they must not cause chaos in the Chinese army!

Wei Qi couldn't understand why the famous Ying Chengyu would make such a stupid mistake!

Chen Mao also looked at Wei Qi in confusion: "I also thought that Lord Chang'an would not make such a mistake."

"But the Qin army is in chaos. This is a fact that you and I can see with our own eyes."

"If the general moves to another location, can the general order the Chinese army to continue fighting?"

Wei Qi shook his head: "No general can allow the army to continue fighting when the army is in chaos!"

After the military formation was in chaos, the soldiers did not know the generals and the soldiers.

Apart from the general retreat and general attack orders, how can ordinary soldiers understand the general's orders?

If you can't even control it, how can you have combat effectiveness?

Chen Mao's eyes gradually changed from hesitation to excitement: "So after the chaos in the Chinese army, what if the general of the Qin army still has a backup plan? He can't use it!"

"General, the Qin army is really defeated!"

Wei Qi's eyes were still blank: "Why?"

"How can I defeat the generals of Qin?"

Chen Mao also thought this was ridiculous.

However, the facts were right in front of him. Chen Mao looked into the distance: "To the northwest is the Yellow River, and there is no place to hide troops."

"The Qin army's 200,000 troops are all here, and there are not many soldiers to hide."

"The formation of the Qin army's central army is in chaos, and they will definitely not be able to organize a counterattack in a short period of time."

"I beg your pardon for my general's stupidity. I really can't think of any possibility for the Qin army to make a comeback!"

Not to mention that Chen Mao couldn't think of it, Wei Qi couldn't think of any room for Qin Jun to make a comeback!

Did this general really win a war with Qin?

For a moment, a rush of blood surged into my heart.

General, I won! ! !

Who can understand the exhilaration of suddenly getting a brilliant victory after kneeling for four consecutive times!

Chen Mao said in a deep voice: "General, please make a decision quickly, the opportunity is fleeting!"

Seeing from a distance that the generals of the Qin army were shouting loudly to organize their formation, Wei Qi finally stopped hesitating and shouted sternly: "Pass this general's order!"

"The right army continues to block the Qin army's left army, and the rear army is far behind, ready to join the battle at any time."

While giving orders, Wei Qi climbed down from the podium.

After getting on his horse, Wei Qi took a spear from the soldier's hand and continued to give orders:

"The three armies in front of the left center press forward and pursue the Qin army!"

With a pinch on the horse's belly, Wei Qi galloped out.

Looking at the Qin Army's great banner in the distance, Wei Qi's eyes were full of heat.

I have been chased by the Qin army all my life, and today it is finally my turn to chase the Qin army!

Wei Qi clamped his horse's belly, urging the horse to run faster and faster, and shouted orders:

"Speed ​​up! Don't make the Qin army flee!"

The Qin army in the distance had completely collapsed, turning into basic units of tens of thousands and fleeing in embarrassment to the northwest.

The chariot soldiers of the Wei army followed the Qin army like ruthless butcher knives, aiming at the Qin army again and again to stab them!

But before that, Wei Qi withdrew from the six-mile distance in order to test the Qin army.

This six-mile distance became a natural chasm for the pursuing troops, and most of the soldiers could only watch helplessly as the chariot soldiers slaughtered them in front.

He runs away, he chases, he can't fly!

After chasing all the way to the edge of the Yellow River, looking at the Qin city on the other side of the Yellow River, Chen Mao asked in a deep voice: "General, are you still pursuing me?"

Wei Qi struggled in his heart and frowned.

Once the Qin army crosses the Yellow River, they will be able to get support from Chaoge City, which will add variables to the battle.

However, looking at the body lying on the ground, Wei Qi's heart became hot again.

He now looks like a professional player who went out wearing the national flag but lost four out of four matches in international competitions.

Also like a gambler who has lost four games.

He is extremely eager for a victory!

"How many enemy troops are there in Chaoge City?" Wei Qi said slowly: "No more than ten thousand at most."

"What's the use of having more than 10,000 troops when the overall situation is decided?"

"Based on the ability of the commander of this army, perhaps he will disperse Chaoge City's reinforcements!"

As he spoke, Wei Qi's voice became more fiery and even fanatical: "What's more, I may take this opportunity to seize Chaoge City!"

"Take back this important city that fell in the hands of this general!"

"Send the general's order! Cross the river!"

"Pursue the Qin army!"

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