My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 187 How did this general become the ancestor of the Chu royal family? I am damned!


The boulder weighing 200 kilograms spanned a distance of 130 feet, and even spanned the time gap of 1505.

The heavy stone bullets that were supposed to hit the city wall of the Song Dynasty after 1505 fell on the wall of Xiuyu City at an altitude of tens of meters today!

Loud as thunder!

Ten boulders of different sizes hit various places on the city wall, and the impact caused by it made the entire western section of the city wall tremble!

All the soldiers of the Qin army stared blankly at the wall of Xiuyu City.

The scene of huge rocks falling like meteors brought an epoch-making spiritual shock to everyone.

The trembling ground under their feet made all the soldiers feel a little frightened, and all the war horses in the army were pacing and neighing uneasily.

Everything in front of us is so different from the end!

Wang Pan stared blankly at the ten trebuchets beside him.

He couldn't believe that such a terrifying scene was created by the wooden and copper cross beside him, and he couldn't believe that such a terrifying scene was created by his own hands!

Meng Wu swallowed hard and looked at Cao Mao absentmindedly: "Is this what you call trash?"

"Is this what you call just killing a person?"

Looking at the rammed earth city wall with cracks created by the huge boulders, Meng Wu's concept of siege warfare also cracked.

It turns out that siege warfare can still be fought like this!

It turns out that the trebuchet can still be used in this way!

If this kind of trebuchet is a waste, then please give more of this waste to me in the future. I will be willing to be a waste collection station!

Cao Mao also looked at Meng Wu absentmindedly: "Is this what the general said was to lower the enemy's morale?"

"Does the enemy's morale need to be hit like this?"

Have the enemy troops been punished by God and need to be treated like this by the general?


It was because the enemy army angered the general that the enemy army was punished by God!

General, this is a punishment from heaven!

Cao Mao and Meng Wu looked at each other, and they could see deep shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

Then they all raised their hands to Ying Chengyu and shouted: "General, a great talent!"

Further to the rear, one hundred thousand Qin troops shouted excitedly:

"The general will be victorious! The Great Qin will be victorious!"

With such a sharp weapon with our army, how could our army lose? !

The shouts of 100,000 people woke up Ying Chengyu. Ying Chengyu smiled and raised his hands to Cao Mao and other craftsmen: "This thing can be made thanks to the help of all the craftsmen."

Cao Mao hurriedly stepped aside and said, "I really don't dare to do this as a general!"

"If it hadn't been for the general's insistence, an important weapon of the Qin Dynasty would have been almost destroyed by this humble mouth!"

After saying this, Cao Mao slapped himself hard.

Not long after he moved his hand away, a bright red slap mark appeared on Cao Mao's face!

Ying Chengyu quickly grabbed Cao Mao's right hand and said, "Master Cao, there is no need to do this."

"I have some important matters to convey to you masters."

Cao Mao said seriously: "The general can give orders, and the humble ones will do their best!"

Ying Chengyu took Cao Mao and others to the catapult and said in a deep voice: "There are cracks in the wheels of the 150-pound catapult."

"The impact of 80 kilograms of rocks on Xiuyu City is almost zero."

"This will require you to wait for a large number of catapults with flying stones weighing between 100 kilograms and 120 kilograms."

Cao Mao immediately asked: "How much does the general need?"

Ying Chengyu said without hesitation: "The more, the better!"

"Stop building ladders and use all the craftsmen in the supply camp to build catapults!"

Cao Mao and Qi Ai solemnly raised their hands: "Wei!"

Ying Chengyu's voice also turned solemn: "You have also seen the power of this trebuchet. The method of making this object must be kept strictly confidential."

"All participating craftsmen must be strictly controlled until they return to the country."

"If a word is leaked about this thing, all the craftsmen involved in its creation will have their toes chopped off."

"Those who leak the secrets will be punished by the three tribes!"

No wonder Ying Chengyu was so cautious.

Counterweight trebuchet it's worth it!

Cao Mao said seriously: "General, don't worry, such an important weapon can stabilize the country's destiny."

"Whoever dares to leak even half of the secret is a treason!"

"I must have strict requirements for all craftsmen, and I will never let a word out!"

Ying Chengyu bowed his hands and said, "Thank you!"

Instructing the craftsmen to go to work, Ying Chengyu shouted in a deep voice: "Replace the cable trebuchet with petroleum bombs!"

"The counterweighted catapult continues to load stone bombs!"

Upon hearing Ying Chengyu's order, Wang Pan suddenly came back to his senses and shouted loudly: "Every unit prepares ammunition!"

The horse pulled the rope again, pulled down the pole, and ten huge stones were loaded into the leather bag.

The thirty cable trebuchets were also replaced with clay pots filled with oil. The three thousand soldiers held the ropes tightly, their eyes full of determination, and their eyes looked at the ten counterweight trebuchets in the distance from time to time.

They were professionally trained slingers.

Every throw is the result of the concerted efforts of hundreds of robes.

They don't want to lose to a group of bastards!

Ying Chengyu shouted: "The catapult is aimed at repairing the wall of Fish City, throw it!"

Three thousand slingers roared in unison: "Hey! Ha! Hey!"

Accompanying the chants, three thousand slingers ran wildly, using poles to throw clay pots against the city wall.

After the throw, the slingers quickly looked back and saw that most of the clay pots hit the wall of Xiuyu City accurately, and the remaining pots also fell on the city wall, and the oil contained in the pots fell. Flow freely.

They are still accurate.

But the small clay pot looked like a child's toy in front of the boulder.

Ying Chengyu didn't have time to pay attention to the mood of the slingers, and already ordered again: "The front army shoots fire arrows!"

One thousand and five hundred crossbowmen took out the fire arrows, lit them with torches, loaded them into the Qin crossbow, and threw them in the direction of Xiuyu City!

As the first fire arrow fell on the oil, a raging fire rose.

The Qin army shouted with increasing excitement: "Zhu Rong Linfan, this battle will be won!"

"The general used fire! The victory is not far away!"

"The Qin Dynasty will be victorious! The general will be victorious!"

Listening to the shouts of the soldiers, the corners of Ying Chengyu's mouth twitched slightly.

Great God Zhu Rong is the ancestor of the Chu royal family!

Why didn't I know that I was the ancestor of the Chu royal family?

Is it said that this will be Zhu Rong Linfan?

This general thought that you were hoping that the royal family of the King of Chu would hate me to death!

Suppressing the desire to scold the army, Ying Chengyu allowed the flames to burn for a while before giving the order: "Counterweight catapult, throw it!"

With a command, ten more boulders were thrown towards Xiuyu City.

Looking up at Pang Nuan at the top of Xiuyu City, Ying Chengyu murmured a question with some anticipation: "Your regards, student."

"Faced with this situation, how can the general solve it?"

"But we want to send troops to attack the trebuchet?"

Turn the time back a quarter of an hour to repair the fish city.

The first round of flying rocks hit the city head.

The soldiers who were hit turned into a puddle of minced meat. The soldiers near the impact point of the flying stone were stunned, and the soldiers in the distance staggered around.

After a few breaths, a burst of noise broke out at the head of Xiuyu City.

"Be careful! Hide behind the city walls!"

"The city walls can't stop this huge boulder, please pay more attention to the sky!"

"What happened? Did the Earth Dragon turn over?"

"Don't panic, anyone who dares will be killed! Wait for the general's orders!"

The huge rocks thrown away were no longer weapons in the eyes of the soldiers, but natural disasters.

They looked helplessly in the direction of the Chinese army, waiting for Wei Qi's order.

But what can Wei Qi do?

Wei Qi also looked at Pang Nuan anxiously and expectantly: "General Pang, what should our army do?"

"General Pang has been on the battlefield for a long time, there must be a way, right?"

Pang Nuan licked his dry lips and looked at the trebuchet outside the city. His eyes, which were already dull due to mental weakness, became even more dull.

I have lived for almost a hundred years, and I have never seen this scene before!

I have never thought about how to deal with this general!

But Pang Nuan knew that he was now the backbone of the Zhao-Wei coalition. If he panicked, the coalition would definitely panic. How would they defend the city?

Pang Nuan ordered without hesitation: "Send the order to the whole army! Even if flying rocks are thrown, no confusion or dodge is allowed. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

The first order was issued in time, which stabilized the morale of the army.

Pang Nuan's brain was running rapidly and he suddenly said: "Water!"

After receiving the water lord, Pang Nuan did not drink the water, but solemnly asked: "Pengcheng Lord, can you recruit the Guizhou leaders in the city to thicken the city wall immediately?"

Wei Qi looked troubled, but he responded immediately: "Xiuyu City is the land of the old Wei, and all the Guizhou capitals in the city are loyal to me, the Wei Dynasty."

"As long as I give the order, the Guizhou leaders in the city will definitely respond and help."

"But thickening the city wall is not something that can be done in a short time."

Pang Nuan nodded: "I also know that thickening the city wall is not easy."

"My intention is to order the leaders of Guizhou to draw water from the well and pour it outside the city wall!"

Wei Qi looked puzzled: "Water the city wall?"

Are there any magical seeds in the walls of Xiuyu City?

Pang Nuan looked at the thin layer of ice floating on the water in Shuijue and said solemnly: "It is the depth of winter now, and water can quickly condense into ice."

"My intention is to turn the well water into a layer of ice outside the city wall. This method can thicken the city wall in a short time."

"And the enemy's boulders will hit the ice first and then fall on the city wall. The ice coat can also protect our city wall!"

Wei Qi's eyes lit up: "General, this strategy is very good!"

"The general will now order his subordinates to recruit the head of Guizhou!"

Pang Nuan's mood was not so good.

Pang Nuan didn't know whether the method of thickening the city with water was useful.

But facing the new siege equipment brought out by the Qin army, Pang Nuan could only fight with all his strength!

With a bow, Pang Nuan said in a deep voice: "Thank you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pound roared: "General, the Qin army is throwing stones again!"

Wei Qi subconsciously looked at the sky, and then screamed: "This is not a flying stone, this is a clay pot!"

"The last general heard that Han soldiers said that when Chang'an conquered Han, he used clay pots to send fire-kindling oil into the city!"

Pang Nuan shouted: "Open the sandbox!"

"The whole army is ready to put out the fire!"

Before all the soldiers of Zhao Wei could recover from the fear of the collision of boulders, they had to quickly open the sand box placed behind the city wall in order to save their lives, replace their weapons with maces, and prepare for the attack.

The moment the clay pot hit the city wall, all the Zhao and Wei soldiers went crazy and sprinkled sand and soil on the oil with their hands.

When the fire arrow struck, most of the oil that fell on the city wall had been covered by sand.

Even the sporadic burning flames were quickly extinguished by the soldiers of Zhao Wei. Only the oil stuck to the city wall was still burning.

Wei Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, General Pang reacted quickly, otherwise our army would have perished in a sea of ​​fire!"

Pang Nuan's face became even more ugly: "What's the point of reacting quickly!"

"The fire set by Lord Chang'an was not intended to burn our soldiers at all!"

"But burn the city walls!"

Wei Qi was shocked: "What's the use of burning the city wall?"

Looking at the flames clinging to the city wall, Pang Nuan said bitterly: "It's cold in winter, and the weather is cold and the earth is shaking!"

"Chang'an Lord wants to use this flame to warm the city wall and loosen the rammed earth of the city wall."

Another round of boulders came flying.

After fine-tuning, all ten boulders in this round hit the front of the city wall!

And the shock the city wall was given by this round of boulders was far greater than the previous one!

Grasping the city wall with his right hand, Pang Nuan shouted: "Mr. Pengcheng, don't waste any more time!"

"Recruit Guizhou leaders immediately to build an ice city!"

"Chen Mao, I will lead the chariot out of the city!"

"Qingshe, you will lead seven thousand infantry out of the city!"

Pointing to the Qin army's trebuchet, Pang Nuan shouted angrily: "The two armies joined forces to attack the Qin army!"

"Destroy the Qin army's trebuchet at all costs!"

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