My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 188 The sharpest blade and the strongest shield, killing people and killing people!

One defense, one attack!

Faced with unprecedented ordnance, faced with tactics never seen before, and faced with strategic goals never considered, Pang Nuan achieved the limit of what he could do!

The west gate of Xiuyu City suddenly opened.

The heavily armored war horse jumped out of the flames of the self-immolating city!

Chen Mao held the horse in his hand and roared angrily: "Soldiers, charge into the formation!"

"The survival of Xiuyu City rests entirely on our shoulders."


Qingshe clenched his spear and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, don't let Wei Junpaoze see the joke."

"Charge with me!"

Fifty bronze chariots came out of Xiuyu City.

The most elite infantrymen all followed the chariot and served as infantry accompanying the chariot.

With a decisive gesture, Pang Nuan stabbed out the sharpest blade of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces!


The robe was stained with blood, and Chen Mao personally rushed to the front.

With the help of the impact of the chariot, Chen Mao's troops smashed the three layers of infantry in the Qin army's front line head-on.

Qingshe seamlessly connected, using infantry to consolidate the results achieved by Chen Mao's troops, and even using infantry to disrupt the Qin army's formation.

Chen Mao shouted: "Turn around!"

The chariot retreated, regained its horse speed, and then charged back again.

Qingshe shouted: "Points!"

Zhao Wei's infantry immediately loosened their formation and opened several passages.

Passing through the gap created by the infantry, the chariot crashed into the Qin army's formation for the second time.

"Have fun!" After driving his chariot and killing four Qin soldiers, and stabbing two Qin soldiers to death with his own spear, Chen Mao laughed loudly: "Retreat!"

The chariot retreated again, but Chen Mao saw a Qin army thrust diagonally towards the rear of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces.

Chen Mao looked around vigilantly and saw that the Qin army that was originally blocking the front of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces had already quietly withdrawn its middle-level troops, spreading its wings like an eagle to embrace the Zhao and Wei coalition forces!

Chen Mao shouted in shock: "General Qing, the Qin army wants to encircle!"

Qing She's face looked solemn: "I have seen it."

In front of Qingshe, the remnant formation of the Qin army had unabashedly withdrawn to the left and right sides, leaving a broad avenue for the Zhao and Wei coalition forces.

At the end of the avenue is the goal of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces in this battle-ten counterweight trebuchets.

But in front of the ten counterweighted trebuchets, the Qin Army's banner was flying!

Under the banner, Ying Chengyu, wearing a helmet and carrying armor, stood on horseback.

In front of Ying Chengyu, 20,000 of Ying Chengyu's soldiers were already waiting!

Only the most elite soldiers can become the general's personal soldiers.

Standing in front of Ying Chengyu were the elites selected from ten miles apart from the 200,000 Qin troops!

Pang Nuan stabbed out the sharpest blade in his hand, and Ying Chengyu also lifted out the strongest giant shield in his hand. Using the shield as the bottom of his pocket, he arranged a pocket and waited for the Zhao and Wei coalition forces to get in!

Chen Mao asked with an ugly face: "General Qing, the Qin army has been arrayed here, what should we do?"

What should be done?

What else!

Before leaving the city, Qingshe knew that they would inevitably encounter the fiercest resistance.

But they still left the city because they had no choice!

Wiping off the blood on the gun barrel with his lower garments, Qingshe roared angrily: "Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"Destroying the catapults of the Qin army will be considered a great achievement by all the commanders."

"Whoever personally kills the leader of the Qin army will be rewarded heavily by the king!"

The State of Zhao also has a system of "rewarding based on merit", but compared with the Qin State's military merit system, Zhao's "receiving titles based on merit" is chaotic. There is no clear standard for how to award rewards, and it all depends on the monarch's will.

Therefore, Qingshe did not dare to shout out the specific reward, so he could only feed the soldiers a piece of big cake.

Fortunately, Qingshe was quite prestigious in the hearts of the soldiers. After giving the order, Zhao Jun roared: "Kill General Qin!"

Seeing that Qingshe's troops had launched a charge, Chen Mao gritted his teeth, changed direction, and shouted angrily: "How can we, the brave warriors of the Wei Dynasty, be behind the Zhao army?"

"Great Wei! Wan Sheng!"

The Wei troops also shouted in unison: "The great Wei will be victorious!"

The chariot accelerated, passed the infantry, and rushed towards the Qin army!

Ying Chengyu extended his thumb straight out of his right arm, closed his left eye tightly and opened his right eye, and estimated the distance between the two armies based on the size ratio of his thumb to the size of the enemy soldiers in his sight.

One hundred feet!

Fifty feet!

The heavy bronze chariot was getting closer and closer to the Qin army's formation like a high-speed tank.

But the soldiers of the Qin army remained motionless, just clenching their spears tightly!

When the Zhao and Wei chariots rushed twenty feet in front of the Qin army's formation, Ying Chengyu shouted sternly: "Pick up the rope!"

Qin Jun, who was standing on both sides of the pocket formation, leaned over and picked up a hemp rope soaked in tung oil and as thick as an arm from the ground, and ran to both sides with all his strength.

The hemp ropes then tightened across the battlefield, and the ropes buried under the snow also rose.

Chen Mao's pupils suddenly shrank and he shouted angrily: "Stop!"

Unfortunately, a fast-moving war horse is not easy to stop.

Chen Mao's order had just been issued, and the four horses pulling the first chariot had already hit the hemp rope head-on.

With just one stagger, the war horse fell to the ground, and the white bone stubble of the horse's legs was exposed!

Then came the second, third...


The screams of war horses echoed across the battlefield, and more than thirty chariots overturned or fell over.

Meng Wu couldn't help but sigh: "I will admire the general's ingenuity in using the trip horse rope in such a battle situation!"

The trip horse rope has been around for a long time, but it mostly appears in small and medium-sized battles.

In a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides, the battlefield is generally extremely wide. Both the enemy and our armies may launch an attack from any direction. It is difficult for a trip rope that is only ten to dozens of feet long to be effective.

However, in this battle, Ying Chengyu used the trip horse rope to give the Zhao Wei coalition a head-on blow!

Ying Chengyu said quietly: "When our army's counterweight catapult shows its power, General Pang must deal with it."

"I thought that General Pang would definitely use his main force to attack our trebuchet, so we just placed a snagging rope here."

Regarding the battle situation, the biggest role of the counterweight catapult is to bombard the enemy's city wall.

But for the generals of both sides, the counterweighted catapult was equivalent to the attacker putting a time bomb in the arms of the defender.

The time when the catapults brought down the city wall was the time when this bomb exploded.

No matter what general the defender is and what tactics he uses, as long as he wants to delay the bomb for longer than the time it takes for the bomb to explode, he must attack the catapult!

And once the defender's core offensive target is grasped, the attacker can use it to contain, seduce and even annihilate the enemy.

Although the battlefield is huge, there is only one way Zhao Jun can take!

Ying Chengyu looked at the old man standing at the top of the city with some regret: "But I never thought that General Pang would really do this!"

The corners of Meng Wu's mouth twitched slightly.

The plan is done, why are you not only not surprised, but also a little disappointed?

Do you have to have Pang Nuan beat you to make you happy?

Shaking his head to get rid of the complicated emotions, Ying Chengyu ordered in a deep voice: "Push forward, soldiers!"

"Jiang Ming's troops and Xiao Tu's troops encircle and destroy the enemy!"

Chen Mao climbed out of the chariot with difficulty, and saw the Qin army marching forward, and the Rulin spear was already thrusting down at the chariot soldiers!

Chen Mao immediately ordered: "The chariots that can still move should retreat immediately and wait for the infantry to join together!"

"Pao Ze who can still run immediately retreats, looks for a chariot to board and evacuate!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Mao had already retreated.

Qingshe hurriedly welcomed Chen Mao back and asked anxiously: "Brother Chen, are you okay?"

Chen Mao shook his head: "This general will be fine, but more than half of my men were lost in the battle."

Qingshe smiled: "No problem."

Holding his spear tightly, Qingshe roared: "Soldiers, follow me and charge to kill!"

Taking the lead, Qingshe ran at the front.

With one shot, he picked up the spear thrust by the Qin army and saved a Wei army. Qingshe once again shook the tip of the spear like a pear blossom, knocked away the spears, and immediately rushed forward to close the distance with the Qin army, with a long spear in his hand. The spear thrust into the head!

Seeing the bravery of the general, the morale of the infantry was greatly boosted, and they all roared: "Kill!"

The front line of the Qin army turned into a millstone of flesh and blood, constantly consuming the flesh and blood of the elite troops of both armies.

Zhao Jun's fighting will was beyond Ying Chengyu's expectation, and Ying Chengyu immediately ordered: "The soldiers retreat slowly!"

Under the command of Ying Chengyu, the soldiers no longer fought head-on with the Zhao army, but slowly retreated.

For a time, the number of casualties of the Qin army dropped sharply, but the attack speed of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces also increased greatly.

Two quarters of an hour later, the tip of a catapult finally appeared in Qingshe's eyes.

Qingshe shouted in surprise: "Soldiers, the trebuchet is in front, victory is in front of you, charge forward!"

The morale of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces was even higher, and the speed of their attack was boosted a bit.

Soon, the distance between the Zhao and Wei coalition forces and the trebuchet was only thirty feet, and a short spear could be thrown onto the trebuchet with just one throw.

However, Ying Chengyu gave the order in a slow voice: "Order the baggage and return the camp! Push the cart back, speed up and retreat until you reach the rear!"

Wang Pan excitedly agreed: "Wei!"

With an order, thousands of corvettes from the transport camp rushed towards the catapults, removed the stones stuck under the wheels of the six catapults, then pushed up the catapults and ran away!

Looking at the catapults going away, the people in Qingshe were dumbfounded: "Qin, Qin's catapults have longer legs?"

"How could it run?"

"Why is it running!!!"

It is unreasonable that the Qin army's trebuchet can throw flying stones weighing more than a hundred kilograms.

Why did the Qin army's trebuchet still run, and why did it run so fast! ! !

If you run away, then what's the point of us paying so many casualties to fight here!

Qingshe was confused!

Qingshe has self-doubt!

Celebrate the separation of the body!

The entire Zhao army was at a loss as if they were salted fish that had lost their dreams.

Chen Mao quickly ordered: "Continue to charge! The Qin army still has four trebuchets in place, and those four trebuchets are the most threatening trebuchets!"

Ying Chengyu then ordered: "Continue to relax the defense line and let them burn!"

Under Ying Chengyu's deliberate indulgence, the Zhao-Wei coalition burned four wheelless trebuchets with the tung oil they carried with them, and also burned their only clear short-term goal.

Four trebuchets were destroyed, but six more were lost.

Should they pursue or retreat?

Did they achieve their strategic goals after paying such huge casualties?

Ying Chengyu shouted in a deep voice: "Beat the war drum!"

"The soldiers come forward and cooperate with the front army to suppress this army in the military formation!"

It takes too many casualties to kill an enemy who bravely fights.

But kill the heart first and then kill, and kill the heart after killing, and the remaining enemies will be much easier to kill!

The corners of Ying Chengyu's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked towards the head of Xiuyu City: "Old General, can your heart still bear it?"

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