My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 189 I, Da Qin, have already fallen into the trap! This bad old man is very bad!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sound of the clang resounded through the battlefield, and the sound engraved in the bones was like a wake-up call, bringing the bewildered Zhao and Wei coalition forces back to reality.

Looking back, Qingshe saw a flag waving at the top of Xiuyu City, signaling the withdrawal of troops.

The west gate, north gate and south gate of Xiuyu City opened at the same time, and three soldiers and horses, led by three generals, attacked the Qin army from three sides.

Qingshe took a deep breath to suppress the complicated thoughts in his heart and shouted angrily: "Soldiers, our army has completed the general's order, and the general has sent reinforcements!"

"The front army turns to the rear army, and the rear army turns to the front army!"

"All units cooperate with each other to cover and retreat alternately!"

"Back to the city!"

During the shouting and shouting, Qing She was the first to charge forward, dancing with a spear like a long dragon to create a space for his side to dodge.


The sound of gold and iron clashing exploded.

A long beryllium rod was accurately pointed at the tip of the gun and lifted hard.

The spear that was supposed to stab forward couldn't help but rise up.

Taking advantage of the empty door where the spear was raised, the long beryllium aimed at Qingshe's heart and stabbed him!

Qingshe threw away the spear without hesitation, drew the sword with his right hand and raised it.


The beryllium blade was pushed away. Qingshe looked at the Qin soldiers standing in front of him with an ugly expression on his face: "Su Jiao!"

The last time he charged into battle, Qing She was blocked by Su Jiao.

This time with the withdrawal, Su Jiao stopped in front of Qing She again!

Su Jiao smiled: "I remember it clearly. I didn't report Nai Weng's name wrongly on the way to Huangquan."

He smiled, but Su Jiao's movements were not slow at all.

The long beryllium shot at Qingshe's vital points one after another.

Qing She quickly blocked with his sword and stepped back continuously.


When Qingshe's soldiers saw this, they immediately wanted to rescue Qingshe, but the Qin army such as Nao Dan had already covered them up and fought against these soldiers.

Suddenly, Qingshe turned his retreat into an advance without any warning. He swung his long beryllium away with his sword and then rushed forward two feet in front of Su Jiao.


Seeing that Su Jiao had been pulled into the attack range of the sword, Qing She's bent waist rose up and the sword thrust out diagonally upward like a dragon swimming under the sea.

However, Su Jiao had already followed Qingshe's strength to move the tip of the swung spear behind him.

The back hand becomes the front hand, and the tip of the gun changes to the tail.

With his right arm, he drove the tail of the gun and aimed it at Qing She's forehead and hit it with a single click!


The solid wood gun tail collided closely with Qingshe's forehead, and the strong impact almost made Qingshe unconscious.

Taking advantage of this moment of opportunity, Su Jiao let go of his hands and let the spear fall. He grabbed the sword at his waist with his right hand and raised it diagonally.

The sword passes and the head is cut off!

The blood pressure in the aorta made Qingshe's head fly two inches, making Qingshe's eyes filled with confusion.

Why is this general flying?

General, is he dead? !

Grabbing Qingshe's head with his left hand and raising it high, Su Jiao shouted angrily: "General Zhao is dead!"

"If you don't surrender, how long will it take!"

Chen Mao looked over following the sound and saw Qingshe's lifeless head being held in Su Jiao's hand.

"General Qing!" Chen Mao looked sad, but he knew there was no time left for him to suffer. Chen Mao roared angrily: "This general is still here!"

"General Qing's last military order is to fight back to Xiuyu City. Please obey Zhao Junpao's order!"

"Warriors of Zhao and Wei, follow me and break out of the siege!"

"Ben will take you home!"

The effect of Wei Qi joining forces with Zhao Wei was revealed at this moment.

After Zhao General Qingshe died in battle, Zhao Jun merged into Chen Mao's command without any hindrance.

Looking at Qingshe's head for the last time, Zhao Jun and Wei Jun roared in unison:

"go home!!!"

Taiyang watched the brutal fighting under Xiuyu City throughout the entire process.

It wasn't until the sun set that Chen Maocai finally led the remaining troops to escape back to Xiuyu City.

"General!" Chen Mao staggered towards Pang Nuan and Wei Qi, his body full of embarrassment and sadness.

Pang Nuan walked quickly towards Chen Mao, held Chen Mao's arm with both hands, and comforted him with a warm voice: "It's okay, it's okay, just come back."

Chen Mao did not dare to look into the eyes of Pang Nuan and the Zhao army officers, and lowered his head and said, "This general is back."

"General Dan Qing died in battle!"

Pang Nuan was silent.

Even in the Zhao Kingdom, where many famous generals are born, Qingshe is also a general whose name will go down in history. He is also Pang Nuan's arm. Although he does not have the title of deputy general, he has the actual status of deputy general.

Now that Qingshe died in battle, it was a huge blow to both Pang Nuan and Zhao Jun!

Chen Mao continued to report in a low voice: "Our troops were damaged in the battle, 5,720 people!"

"Forty-three tanks were damaged!"

In the vast ocean of enemy troops, serious injury is equal to death!

Only seven of the fifty tanks left to fight out of the city.

Of the 7,000 elite infantry and 150 charioteers who left the city, only 1,280 returned.

Even these more than a thousand soldiers were exhausted, their morale collapsed, and it was difficult to fight anymore.

This elite journey, put together by the combined efforts of the Zhao and Wei armies, was in vain!

Zhao Huan, the general in charge of the rescue, also blamed himself and sighed: "My troops sent ten thousand people out of the city, and suffered 2,300 casualties and 1,007 serious injuries."

The atmosphere at the top of the city became increasingly heavy.

Today alone, there were more than 8,000 soldiers and horses trapped outside the city!

At this stop, Zhao Wei was defeated miserably!

Under heavy pressure, Chen Mao said desperately: "But who would have thought that the Qin army's catapult would escape!"

"Who would have thought that someone would put wheels on a trebuchet!"

The wheel that Cao Mao complained about became the key to destroying the morale of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces.

If the Qin army's trebuchets could not be pushed away, the morale of the Zhao and Wei coalition forces would not collapse, and they might have completed their mission and returned to Xiuyu City with lighter battle losses!

Pang Nuan could see that Chen Mao's mentality had been severely damaged.

Holding Chen Mao's shoulders with his rough hands, Pang Nuan said warmly: "It's okay, just come back."

"This battle was caused by the failure of my command, which caused our army to fall into the trap of Lord Chang'an."

"The defeat in this battle is all my fault!"

"Generals, go and rest first, and the rear army will take turns to defend the city in advance."

Chen Mao, Zhao Huan and other generals followed the order in despair. Wei Qi said bitterly: "It's not that the general is in a disadvantage, it's that the last general failed to help the general, which made the general too exhausted."

"If it weren't for the general's incompetence, the general wouldn't be unable to have a good rest for half a month."

When Pang Nuan first arrived in Xiuyu City, Pang Nuan and Ying Chengyu were constantly increasing the number of small-scale battlefields. At most, the two of them even mobilized more than 20 small-scale battles at the same time for joint operations.

In recent days, Ying Chengyu has been taking the initiative to provoke more small-scale battles, but Pang Nuan no longer accepts the challenge and reduces the number of battlefields as much as possible.

Wei Qi knew very well that this was because Pang Nuan's energy was no longer enough to pay attention to and think about so many battlefields at the same time.

Under Ying Chengxuan's tactics of beating the old man, Pang Nuan could only exert 70% to 80% of his strength at most, and as Ying Chengxuan continued to beat the old man, Pang Nuan's energy would continue to decline!

Pang Nuan showed a gentle smile: "Don't blame yourself."

"Since Mr. Pengcheng trusts me deeply, I must live up to Mr. Pengcheng's trust!"

"Besides, we are facing a formidable enemy and the war is not yet over. Why should you and I fight over the guilt?"

"As long as we defend Xiuyu City, both you and I will have great achievements!"

"It's already dark, Lord Pengcheng, please quickly command the people to pour water to secure the city!"

Wei Qi was comforted and excitedly promised: "Wei!"

A citizen who had been waiting at the bottom of the city ran up to the city wall with a bucket and poured the water in the bucket on the city wall as slowly as possible.

The biting low temperature caused the well water to slowly condense and adhere to the surface of the city.

The gradually lowering temperature as the sky darkens makes the ice layer freeze even harder.

By midnight, the wall of Xiuyu City had already been covered with an inch-thick layer of ice.

Seeing that this strategy had indeed thickened the city wall in a short period of time, Wei Qi was greatly confident: "With General's strategy, my construction of Fish City will be as stable as Mount Tai!"

Pang Nuan explained sincerely: "This method is to buy peace of mind at the expense of repairing the wall of Fish City."

"When spring warms up next year, the ice outside the city wall will melt into water."

"The ice coat used to protect the city wall this year will slowly penetrate the city wall and disintegrate the rammed earth, causing the city to collapse at the first touch."

"If you can destroy the enemy before the ice and snow thaw, your country will have enough time to repair the city wall."

"If we cannot destroy the enemy before the ice and snow thaw, Xiuyu City will have no choice but to surrender to others."

Wei Qi looked shocked. Most sieges were conducted on a quarterly basis, or even on a yearly basis.

How can the Zhao Wei coalition destroy the enemy before the ice and snow thaw?

Putting his right hand on the city wall, Wei Qi looked at the cracks created by the boulders, but he also understood that this was the best method at the moment, and it was a method that Wei Qi could not think of at all.

Without this method, Xiuyu City might not be able to defend it for even a month!

Taking a breath of the cold air and forcing himself to calm down, Wei Qi bowed his hands and saluted: "I will report this to my king and ask him to do everything possible to thicken and consolidate the walls of Daliang City!"

Seeing that Wei Qi immediately understood his intention, Pang Nuan returned the favor and said, "Thank you, Mr. Pengcheng!"

Watching Wei Qi leave quickly, a hint of shame flashed in Pang Nuan's eyes, and then he said in a deep voice:

"Call the coach and ask him to fight quickly!"

The sun rose as usual the next day.

After more than 100,000 slave laborers fought all night long, three inches of ice clung to the outer wall of Xiuyu City.

Under the rays of the morning sun, Xiuyu City exudes a warm yellow luster like glass, making it look like a dream!

Looking at the city wall in front of him that looked like a northern castle in a fairy tale, Ying Chengyu straightened his spine unconsciously: "As expected of General Pang, he came up with a solution so quickly!"

Meng Wu was greatly surprised: "General Pang is so clever!"

"But General Pang's strategy is actually to drink poison to quench his thirst."

"Didn't General Pang realize the damage caused to the city wall after the ice city turned into water?"

Ying Chengyu was also a little puzzled: "Perhaps General Pang has another back-up plan?"

While he was talking, a group of soldiers came galloping towards him, and the leader of the group shouted: "General Wang is sending an urgent military report!"

Ying Chengyu ordered in a stern voice: "Pass it!"

The soldiers sent a message to the soldiers to boycott the vicinity of Ying Chengyu.

There were still more than twenty feet away from Ying Chengyu, and the commander of the ordering troops dismounted, threw the sword to his subordinates to hold, and quickly ran to Ying Chengyu, with a cloth bag in both hands: "General, the military report is here !”

"Take this Paoze to rest!" After giving the order and letting the soldiers arrange for the messengers to rest, Ying Chengyu opened his pocket and took out a bamboo slip.

Scanning the bamboo slips with his eyes, Ying Chengyu's face turned grim: "General Wang's troops encountered a 200,000-strong army led by General Zhao Huhui."

"Four days ago, the two armies started fighting in Wu'an!"

Meng Wu was shocked: "How come General Zhao Hu and the main force of the Zhao army are in Wu'an?!"

Ying Chengyu said angrily: "Zhao Guo has already predicted the direction of our Great Qin's attack."

"Old man Pang Nuan doesn't want to annihilate our army at all. He just wants to keep our army in the territory of Wei with 50,000 troops. He even actively lures our army to force Wei to force Wei to participate in the battle between Qin and Zhao! "

"This bad old man is so bad!"

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