My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 250 Don’t want peace? Then I'll beat you until you accept peace!

Li Yuan couldn't understand.

This is a national-level negotiation, and what is being discussed is not trivial matters such as money or goods, but territory.

It is a large territory including the old capital of Chu State!

How could the conversation break down in just a few words?

We are not asking for a high price, we are just questioning your conditions.

Why did you fall out? !

When you first appeared on the world stage, you were just a lobbyist, and you were famous among the princes for your eloquent tongue.

Why did he become such a reckless man this time!

You talk about it again!

If we occupy a few fewer cities, or leave Chen City to our great Chu, maybe we will agree!

However, Ying Chengyu really had no intention of talking about it anymore.

Now the Qin army is approaching the city, not bargaining on the street!

The general showed his attitude and sincerity in seeking peace, and also offered a price for peace.

Don't you agree?

Then fight!

You think the more than 50,000 Qin troops behind me will have nothing to do!

Seeing that the flying rocks were loaded, Ying Chengqiao shouted: "Smash it!"

King Chu Han shouted: "Wait a minute!"

But how could the Qin army obey Chu King Han's order?

The sharp man holding a long gun did not hesitate to use the gun to knock the copper pin out of the bayonet.

The counterweight sank, the tip pole rose, and twenty heavy boulders fell towards Shouchun City!

"King, be careful!"

"Please, Your Majesty, please return to the palace to avoid danger!"

"Spread out! Everyone spread out!"

The east wall had just collapsed a few hours ago.

All the Chu troops were still immersed in fear and unable to extricate themselves.

Now that the Qin army's flying rocks were attacking again, this fear was not only reawakened, but even deepened again.

Not even the walls of Shouchun City can stop flying rocks, so how can the walls of Shouchun Palace, which is only 60% thicker than the walls of Shouchun City, resist it!

The Chu army was in chaos on the city, and the guards dragged the King of Chu away from the place with all their strength.


Looking at the boulder that fell on his original position and the deep pit it created, King Chu's hands clasped in his sleeves trembled slightly.

That is the instinctive fear of death!

Li Yuan hurriedly ran to King Han of Chu and asked anxiously: "Is the king okay?"

King Chu Han forced himself to speak in a steady voice: "I am fine."

Li Yuan immediately advised: "This place is dangerous, please return to the main hall and wait for the good news!"

King Chu Han sighed in his heart.

Waiting for good news?

Reinforcements from all walks of life were delayed, and the walls of Shouchun Palace could not stop the Qin army from flying rocks.

Why can the Chu army win?

With the battle situation like this, King Chu Han still had no choice.

Breaking away from the guards, King Chu Han walked to the female wall again and looked down at Ying Chengyu outside the city.

Their eyes met again, and Ying Chengqiao raised his right hand: "Stop!"

The twenty catapults lowered their tip poles and loaded the flying rocks, but they stopped in compliance with Ying Chengyu's order.

But the heavy troops further behind were still working hard to push more catapults to the outside of Shouchun Palace.

Ying Chengyu bowed his hands and said, "I dare to ask the King of Chu, but what are your orders?"

King Chu Han said in a deep voice: "Even if Chang'an Lord breaks Shouchun Palace, even kills the few people, and massacres Shouchun Palace."

"But Chang'an Lord still can't take all of our territory of Chu."

"On the contrary, he will become my mortal enemy in Da Chu!"

King Chu Han was not exaggerating, what he said was true.

Countries such as Han and Wei can force most of their cities to surrender as long as they capture their kings. This is because the monarchy of Han, Wei and other countries far exceeds the power of the princes everywhere.

But Chu is different.

Even if Ying Chengxuan defeated Shouchun Palace and captured King Han of Chu, with the strength of his troops, he could only burn the city and withdraw from the territory of Chu.

Because the foundation and main military strength of the Chu State did not lie with the King of Chu, but with the princes of various places.

It's not that Qin has never killed the King of Chu, Qin has even captured the King of Chu.

But Chu State only needs to change the king of Chu, and all problems will be solved.

From the perspective of strategic significance, the strategic value of the capital of Chu State and the king of Chu is actually not great.

King Chu's fierce voice turned gentle: "Of course, I also know that this battle is actually because our great Chu started a border provocation first."

"Therefore, if Lord Chang'an retreats immediately, I can forget the blame."

Ying Chengyu shook his head: "Does the King of Chu regard his foreign ministers as children?"

"There is no way in this world that you can make a mistake and not pay the price!"

"The King of Chu wants to let bygones be bygones, but I, the Qin Dynasty, don't want to!"

King Chu Han shouted in a serious voice and asked: "Don't you, the Qin State, have any fear of our great Chu uniting to control the Zhao and Yan states?"

"Alliance and attack on Qinhu!"

Ying Chengyu turned around and asked, "Soldiers, are you afraid?"

More than 50,000 Qin troops shouted in unison: "Have no fear!"

Ying Chengyu looked at King Han of Chu again: "I, the Qin Dynasty, will be happy to hear the battle!"

"I am not afraid of the Five Kingdoms attacking Qin, let alone the Three Kingdoms attacking Qin."

"Of course the foreign minister longs for peace, but if a war can be exchanged for world peace, the foreign minister will be happy to do so!"

King Chu Han shook his head: "For his own sake, he dragged the entire country into the war, causing the country to be attacked again."

"If I have such an extremely selfish general under my command, I will definitely kill him!"

"I wonder how King Qin will make a decision after learning about Lord Chang'an's decision."

If any other general were in Ying Chengyu's position, he would hesitate when faced with the threat of King Chu Han, and might even agree to King Chu Han's proposal.

Don't forget what the goal of this army is.

It is to attack the Wei State to involve the Zhao State's soldiers and horses, and to assist Wang Jian's troops in attacking Zhao!

As a result, he first tore up the overall plan and destroyed the Wei State, and then led troops into the territory of the Chu State and attacked all the way to the outside of Shouchun Palace, which may even trigger the next round of Zongyue's war against Qin.

Ignoring pre-war planning, ignoring royal orders, ignoring national interests... a series of charges have been slapped on his head.

More importantly, to this day, Ying Zheng has never issued a royal order to break through Shouchun City!

Whether from a strategic or tactical perspective, even if he was pulled out and chopped off his head ten times, it wouldn't be enough!

But it just so happens that he is Ying Chengyu!

So Ying Chengyu just smiled lightly: "That's why Chu State is becoming more and more decadent, while my country, Great Qin, is becoming more and more prosperous."

"So the King of Chu is just the King of Chu, and he cannot accept the world's talents like my king!"

One sentence hit King Chu Han in the lungs.

Doesn’t King Han of Chu know that there are many talented people in foreign countries?

Of course he knows!

King Han of Chu also hopes to become someone like Ying Zheng.

But the obstacles before him are more than those faced by Ying Zheng in the past.

King Han of Chu did not even dare to think that he would be able to appoint foreigners as important ministers of the Chu State as casually as Ying Zheng in his lifetime!

Ying Chengxuan continued to speak: "If the King of Chu still wants to alienate the relationship between the foreign minister and our king, the foreign minister advises the King of Chu to save his energy."

"If the King of Chu still wants to threaten the foreign ministers by cooperating with others, the foreign ministers will also advise the King of Chu to save his energy."

"Now the Foreign Minister has only one problem."

Ying Chengyu shouted: "War! Or peace!"

King Chu Han looked back at the courtiers, but what greeted King Chu Han was only lowered heads.

King Chu Han could only name him: "What do you think you should do?"

Li Yuan was shocked.

When Chu Wanghan asked this question, it meant that Chu Wanghan already had the answer in his heart.

He just needs someone to speak out and take the blame for King Chu!

And Li Yuan, the uncle, is the safest candidate to take the blame.

Li Yuan handed over his hands bitterly: "Your Majesty, I, Shouchun Palace, cannot resist the Qin army for too long."

"For the sake of your Majesty's safety, I beg for peace!"

After Li Yuan finished speaking, there was silence on the palace wall.

No one agreed, but no one refuted it.

The King of Chu nodded vigorously: "Ai Qing's advice is reasonable."

"This matter will be left to Li Aiqing."

Li Yuan bowed his hands in an increasingly bitter tone: "Wei!"

Walking to the female wall, Li Yuan shouted loudly: "My king is kind and willing to give peace to Qin and Chu."

"I, the leader of the Chu State, start a provocation, and I should repay it with courtesy."

"From today onwards, all the land north of Yingshui..."

Li Yuan's lips moved for a long time, and finally he reluctantly uttered the last words: "Return to Qin!"

The Chu army on the city breathed a sigh of relief.

They can survive!

As for the loss of all the territory on the north bank of Yingshui River?

What does that have to do with them!

Thinking of the promise made by King Chu Han before the war, all the Chu soldiers cheering for him raised their hands and shouted: "The king is wise!"

But their cries were completely overshadowed by the cheers of the Qin army outside the city.

"Chang'an Jun is victorious!"

More than 50,000 Qin troops roared with joy: "Great Qin will be victorious!!!"

After Lu Buwei's reforms, the scope of rewards for the military merit system was greatly expanded.

As long as this battle is won, even the cooks in the army can get a share of credit.

This merit is definitely not enough to get them a title, but it can be exchanged for many rewards, and it can help them get promoted first.

So after the roar, there was joy and laughter among the Qin army.

"Hahaha, our army won again! Our army indeed won again!"

"Let me just say, no matter how outnumbered the enemy is before the war, when has the coach ever been defeated? Follow the coach and you will definitely get military glory!"

"It's a pity that we couldn't destroy Chu State. It's a pity after all."

"Hey, it's only a matter of time. This time we break into Shouchun City, and next time we'll break into Shouchun Palace!"

Amidst the laughter of the soldiers of the two armies, the gate of Shouchun Palace opened.

As a representative of Chu State, Li Yuan led ten disciples out of Shouchun City.

Ying Chengyu said loudly: "Step back two hundred feet!"

The officers and soldiers of the Qin army, who had been noisy and joyous just now, immediately showed solemn expressions and all retreated, leaving only Ying Chengyu and ten soldiers standing there.

Walking in front of Ying Chengyu, Li Yuan looked up at Ying Chengyu, his eyes full of reluctance: "Chang'an Lord is so good!"

Ying Chengqiao smiled and cupped his hands: "Thank you Li Lingyin for your approval."

"Although Ben has been on the battlefield in recent years, his skills as a lobbyist have never been forgotten."

Li Yuan wanted to curse.

You also know that you were a lobbyist when you first entered the world!

Is there anyone like you who puts a knife on someone's neck to lobby?

Your trip and this move have nothing to do with lobbyists!

But when the halberd that was still dripping with blood was forced back behind Li Yuan, he could only hold his hands and say in a strange manner: "From now on, no one in the world will question the lobbying ability of Lord Chang'an!"

Ying Chengyu returned the gift happily: "Thank you Li Lingyin!"

Li Yuan was startled.

You really think I am praising you!

Li Yuan didn't want to communicate anymore. He was afraid that Ying Chengyu might make him vomit blood.

On the contrary, this fulfilled Ying Chengyu's reputation as a lobbyist.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yuan said in a deep voice: "My king's (order) is here."

"Chang'an Lord can use my king's handwriting to seize all the cities north of Yingshui River!"

Ying Chengyu took the bamboo slip, but then raised his head and looked at the palace wall: "The King of Chu is unwilling to have a long talk with me, Bingzhu?"

King Chu Han silently took a few steps back, completely leaving Ying Chengyu's sight.

Li Yuan even said with an ugly face: "Please Chang'an Lord withdraw your troops immediately!"

Still want to talk to me, Wang Chang?

My king just wants to kill you!

Ying Chengyu shook his head regretfully: "What a pity."

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