My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 251 Enemies are comrades, but comrades are enemies!

Chu Wanghan clearly showed his intention to reform. If Chu Wanghan can complete the reform according to his own wishes, Chu State's strength will definitely increase dramatically.

Ying Chengyu, who has experienced the entire process of Ying Zheng coming to power, knows very well how much pressure Chu Wang Han will face next.

Therefore, Ying Chengyu very much hopes to have a chat with Chu King Han and make suggestions and suggestions for Chu King Han.


During the war, Ying Chengyu tried his best to attack Shouchun and intimidate King Han of Chu.

But when the war ended, Ying Chengyu not only didn't want to kill King Chu Han, he even wanted to help King Chu Han survive!

Because as long as King Chu Qian can survive and continue to insist on reforms, the old nobles such as Qu, Jing, and Zhao will definitely try their best to resist.

The strength of the nobles of Chu State is much stronger than that of the old nobles of Qin State.

Even if King Han of Chu could really carry out the reform, it would take at least ten or twenty years.

During this period of time, the Chu State would be in chaos, giving Great Qin precious breathing time.

So now Ying Chengyu hopes that Chu Wanghan can survive and insist on reform more than Chu Wanghan himself!

Unfortunately, King Chu Han refused Ying Chengxuan's request to meet.

Ying Chengyu could only bow his hand in regret and said: "Please tell the King of Chu."

"Regardless of one's origins and focusing only on talent is the way to strengthen a country."

"If this policy spreads throughout Chu, the people of Chu will definitely support the King of Chu."

"But how can this matter be spread throughout the Chu Kingdom? I'm afraid the nobles will not help spread this order."

"Who will be in charge of selecting meritorious people? What are the selection criteria?"

"How to ensure that the rewards for meritorious deeds can be paid out in full?"

"These are all things that King Chu needs to think about."

"If the King of Chu has doubts, please watch how I, the Qin Dynasty, behave."

Li Yuan was slightly startled.

Ying Chengxuan's words did not quote any classics, nor were they covered by clouds and fog. The main theme was sincerity.

What Ying Chengyu pointed out is indeed the problem that King Chu Han is about to face.

Therefore, Li Yuan solemnly raised his hands and said: "I will report it to the King!"

Ying Chengxuan continued: "Four hours ago, a group of soldiers and horses stationed twenty miles north of Shouchun City and stopped marching."

"According to our army's scouts, this division is Xiang's private army."

Li Yuan's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

Ying Chengyu bowed his hands and saluted: "The world is in chaos and bandits are rampant."

"Now Shouchun City is damaged, and the Shouchun garrison has suffered many battle losses."

"Therefore, our army will be stationed outside Shouchun City and guard the walls of Shouchun City for Chu State until the main force of Chu State returns."

The good impression Li Yuan had just had was instantly destroyed.

A large number of troops are stationed outside Shouchun City, and they still want to guard the defense of Shouchun City on behalf of my great Chu?

You clearly don’t want to take the knife away from my Da Chu’s neck!

Li Yuan's angry voice burst out from between his teeth: "Thank you very much."

So what if Li Yuan is angry?

Situations are stronger than people.

We still have to thank them!

Ying Chengyu smiled and shook his head: "The friendship between Qin and Chu will last forever. Foreign ministers are just doing their job, so why should I say thank you?"

After taking a deep look at Shouchun Palace for the last time, Ying Chengyu tugged on the reins and shouted loudly: "The rear army becomes the front army."

"Withdraw troops!"

More than 50,000 Qin troops all raised their hands: "Wei!"

The Qin army retreated, but almost every Qin army turned back from time to time, looking at Shouchun Palace with greedy and longing eyes.

Facing these pairs of hungry wolf-like eyes, looking at Ying Chengyu riding away in the distance, the King of Chu said with pride: "I have a younger brother like the Lord of Chang'an."

"The King of Qin is so lucky!"

King Han of Chu also had younger brothers, and like Ying Zheng, he had three younger brothers, and these three younger brothers were all sons of King Kaolie of Chu.

But neither Gongzi You, Gongzi Qi nor Gongzi Fucu were qualified to serve as generals.

And even if they had the ability to serve as generals, would King Chu Han dare to let them lead the army?

Young Master Fu Chu has gained military power today. Tomorrow he can lead troops to attack Shouchun City. The day after tomorrow he will dare to proclaim himself king!

How great it would be if King Han of Chu could also have a younger brother with blood, abilities, and trust like Ying Chenglong!

After looking at Ying Chengyu enviously for a while, King Chu Han finally spoke: "The war is over, and all my dear friends have been tired for a long time. Please disperse."

"Go back to the palace!"

After saying this, King Chu bravely walked down the city wall.

Seeing Li Yuan walking back to Shouchun Palace with heavy steps, King Chu Han said in a warm voice: "Please order Yin to accompany you."

Li Yuan immediately handed over his hand: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The uncle and nephew boarded Chu Wanghan's five-horse cart together. Chu Wanghan immediately stood up and handed over his hands: "Thank you, uncle, for bearing this bad reputation for me!"

Li Yuan hurriedly handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, you are so polite."

"If you eat the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor, the Lord will humiliate his ministers and die."

"It is truly the duty of a minister to share the king's worries!"

There was nothing wrong with Li Yuan's words, and there was no sense of resentment.

But when King Chu Han first mentioned the uncle-nephew relationship, Li Yuan still answered like this, which seemed particularly awkward.

Li Yuan, my heart is chilling!

Li Yuan's ability is also a top choice, but compared to Lu Buwei, Wu Qi, and Huang Xie, he is still far behind.

Li Yuan's character also has many problems such as cowardice, timidity, and lust.

When King Han of Chu ascended the throne alone and without help, Li Yuan had to step forward as his uncle to assist King Han of Chu.

But today King Han of Chu chose to let Li Yuan take the blame.

How could Li Yuan not be disappointed!

Then think about the consequences you may face.

How could Li Yuan not be frightened!

King Han of Chu also felt Li Yuan's alienation, and immediately promised in a deep voice: "I also know that the nobles will definitely launch criticism because of this, so I asked my uncle to attract criticism on my behalf, and I will resolve them one by one for my uncle."

"This will give you and me more room for maneuver."

"Uncle, please be at ease."

"The matter of seeking peace is my wish, and my uncle will not suffer any loss because of it!"

What else can Li Yuan do?

His foundation, his interests, his ambitions and even the lives of his entire family rested on King Han of Chu.

So of course Li Yuan can only choose to forgive him!

Li Yuan forced out a smile: "My lord, I deeply believe in your Majesty!"

Not wanting to continue this heart-wrenching topic, Li Yuan changed the topic: "On the occasion of handing over Wang Ling, Lord Chang'an would like to invite the king to have a chat."

King Chu Han snorted coldly: "Mr. Chang'an, could it be that you intend to make me make the same mistake as King Huai?"

Why did Qu Yuan's reform fail in the past?

It was because after the defeat at the Battle of Chuisha, King Qin Zhaoxiang invited King Chu Huai to form an alliance at Wuguan. As a result, King Qin Zhaoxiang directly detained King Chu Huai!

It was not until three years later that King Huai of Chu died, and his body was returned to the State of Chu.

Qin is very experienced in the aspect of no lower limit.

That's why Chu Wang Han and Li Yuancai refused Ying Chengxuan's invitation to meet without hesitation.

Li Yuan nodded and said, "I am also worried about this, so I bluntly rejected Lord Chang'an's invitation."

"Mr. Chang'an asks me to tell you: Regardless of one's origins and only focusing on talents, this is the way to strengthen a country..."

Listening to Li Yuan's narration, Chu Wanghan's eyes widened unconsciously.

King Chu Han's plan has long been in mind, so King Chu Han has already thought of these difficulties.

But Ying Chengyu only heard King Chu Han's shouts outside the palace, but he had already guessed Chu King Han's overall plan and thought of the problems Chu King Han was about to face.

How could King Chu Han not be frightened!

"How does the Qin State behave?" King Han of Chu fell into thinking: "Foreigners? Legal officials? Military power?"

After thinking for a long time, King Chu Han suddenly asked: "Is this really what Lord Chang'an said?"

Li Yuan nodded and said, "I haven't deleted a word or changed a word."

King Han of Chu once again praised: "The King of Qin is so lucky!"

"Why don't we, the great Chu, have such outstanding people as Lord Chang'an!"

Being able to see the problem in a short period of time, Chu Wanghan thought that Ying Chengyu must have some ideas to solve it, but he could not tell Chu Wanghan due to his identity.

King Chu Han is so greedy for such a loyal and courteous brother!

Li Yuan spoke again: "Four hours ago, Xiang's private soldiers arrived twenty miles north of the city."

"But they stopped moving forward and had no intention of reinforcing them."

King Chu's fierce eyes showed a cold look: "All the big families are traitors to the country!"

After pondering for a long time, King Chu Han said in a deep voice: "When the army comes back for reinforcements, I will trouble my uncle to go deep into the army and make the meritocracy order known to the public."

"At the same time, send the guards into the army and select all the brave men in this battle to join the main army!"

Li Yuan was shocked: "If this is the case, all the nobles will gather together to attack!"

King Chu Han's eyes were filled with madness: "If we hold military power, who would dare to bark in front of us!"

"Principal, I can only look for intelligent people to educate me."

"For foreigners, I can open the door to you and invite you sincerely."

"Only military power is difficult to grasp."

"I won't miss such a good opportunity!"

This battle gave Chu King Han a great psychological impact.

If all the troops of the Chu State were in the hands of Chu King Han, Chu King Han would even have the confidence to take over the entire territory west of Xinzheng, south of the Yellow River, and east of Yangjin!

If the strength of the main army doubled again, King Han of Chu would not have been blatantly deceived by Jingchou, Zhaocen and others, let alone the Qin army to attack Shouchun City!

At this moment, King Chu Han's desire for military power reached its peak.

For this reason, King Chu Han was willing to take a risk!

King Han of Chu hurried back to the palace and discussed with Li Yuan and his cronies how to seize control of the army.

Jingchou and Zhaocen went their separate ways and left the palace wall, but they reunited at Zhaocen's mansion.

"Regardless of one's origins, meritocracy should be used?" Zhaocen slammed the wine master on the table: "If meritocracy is the rule, how can we account for the contributions we have made for the great Chu and the blood we have shed?"

"Why do those common people ascend to high positions?"

Jingchou also said bitterly: "Your Majesty is shaking the foundation of our great Chu."

"If the king insists on going his own way, it will be difficult for Chu to prosper!"

Zhaocen asked in a deep voice: "Your Majesty has done this perverse and rebellious act. Does Jing Mo Ao have any solution?"

Jingchou's eyes narrowed slightly: "Brother Zhao said this, presumably he already has an idea?"

Zhaocen said sincerely: "Brother Fan Jing talked to Brother Zhao and Brother Qu before, if we can choose a young master who can support you and me to stand up and seek justice, let him be the king."

"Zhao thought for a long time and thought what Brother Jing said was true!"

Jingchou sat up straight: "Which young master does Brother Zhao want to support?"

Zhaocen stood up, faced the side hall and bowed his hands: "I wonder if it's convenient for you, Master?"

The door to the side hall opened, and Xiong Fuchu strode out, bowing his hands in greeting: "I've met Zhao Zuoyin, and I've met Jing Mo'ao."

Jingchou immediately stood up and returned the salute: "Greetings, Young Master!"

"Sir, what are you doing..."

Zhaocen smiled and said: "Brother Qu also intends to support the young master. I wonder what Brother Jing wants?"

Jingchou's eyes widened in shock.

I thought you and I were crazy for saying such outrageous things.

It turns out that things are going well for you two, and you have even found a new home!

Xiong Fuchu sat down at the main seat and said with a smile: "Jing Mo Ao, there is no need to be anxious."

"These matters are important, and you should think carefully about them."

Jingchou originally wanted to change the king of Chu, but this time the thoughts expressed by the king of Chu have an irreconcilable head-on conflict with the interests of the nobles. In addition, Xiong negative Chu is in front of him, so why should Jingchou hesitate?

Jing Chou suddenly handed over his hand: "The Jing family is willing to lend a helping hand to the young master!"

The young master immediately stood up after carrying the cud, supported Jing Chou with both hands, and laughed heartily: "This young master can be helped by Jing Mo Ao's arm like a fish in water!"

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