My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 114: Xuezong Is A Strong Man, So Terrifying!

All kinds of talented people who are not afraid of death, after challenging the rules specially reminded in the students' instructions, everyone is honest.

Too wolf, too scary, too insane......

After reading all kinds of awesome posts written with tears in their eyes on the school forum, many students feel their asses tighten and their backs feel cold.

At this time, they finally knew why Chen Ling said that this school is amazing.

How is this magical, this is simply evil, okay?

This kind of evil door is not the kind of evil door like haunting, but all kinds of insane evil door.

For example, the gym is best not for boys to enter. Once a boy enters, he must stand upright and be as hard as iron.

For this kind of physiological reaction that is not controlled by the body, what else can I say except evil.

Of course, for this place, many people have a bold idea.

When I have enough credits, I must book this gym and take my school girls to this gym to exercise.

There is also a lake where fishing is allowed, and many people try to fish.

Everyone didn't have any fishing gear, so they fished directly on the branches.

No one thought of catching fish, but out of more than 600 people, three people really caught fish.

When the management personnel of the fishing lake saw the three boys catching fish, they did not punish them, and actually gave them 100 credits.

Everyone saw that this was a good thing, and they all went fishing.

For a whole afternoon, more than 3,700 people fished around the lake, and only seven of them managed to catch a fish, and none of the rest caught a fish.

Many people still regret that 100 credits are gone.

As a result, at night, the seven people who caught the fish were all injured by accident.

Someone fell in the shower, 727 someone stepped on the soles of their feet when going down the stairs, someone was hit by something thrown upstairs, and someone even used a masturbation cup to bleed...

Anyway, all kinds of accidents happened to them, and there was a sense of déjà vu that death was coming.

When this news spread to the college forum, the more than 3,700 people who participated in fishing in the afternoon all took a deep breath.

Of course, apart from these evil news, the school is really magical.

For example, in a library that can bend people, if a person goes in to read books, the learning speed will be very exaggerated.

Just like eating NZT-48, the potential of the brain is developed and the learning speed is fast.

Similarly, the building effect of the gym is also very exaggerated. Some people can clearly feel that their eight-pack abs are contoured after an afternoon of exercising.

The next day, school officially started, and I entered the classroom to study because of my home.

Many students have very poor foundations, especially the sophomores, and many of them just dawdled in the freshman and didn't learn anything at all.

But in the classroom, they found themselves learning quickly.

This is especially evident in the School of Mechanical Engineering. The students of the School of Mechanical Engineering, as if they had suddenly realized something, read the book several times carefully and mastered the knowledge in the book.

Every scumbag has the heart of a top student.

It's not that they don't want to be academic masters, some are because of brain problems, and some are because of learning attitude problems.

But no matter what, everyone is very excited to have the opportunity to become a top student.

Therefore, after the end of the first day of school, 99% of the students went to the library to read and study.

In this way, the mental outlook of most of the students (ahfj) has changed significantly day by day.

The students who were dawdling in the past have now become top students in ordinary universities.

But when everyone is a top student, the top student is worthless, and only the god of learning is valuable here.

Therefore, the students found that their credits were not enough.

1 credit for 1 hour in the gym, 1 credit for 1 hour in the library, and 1.5 credits for three meals a day.

Studying hard costs a lot of credits, 5 hours a day in the library, 1 hour in the gym, plus some snacks, 10 credits can't beat it.

Many people have squandered the 500 credits given at the time of admission, and there is not much left.

Now that I see the importance of credits, I'm an idiot.

What to do if you don’t have credits? Everyone remembered the content of earning credits in the students’ notice.

The next day, tens of thousands of people applied for the cross-level exam at the same time, that is, after graduating from the freshman year, they began to learn the content of Huaxia Xiadu II.

"There is no problem in applying for the exam, but which level of cross-level exam do you want to apply for?" Chen Ling came to the auditorium and asked tens of thousands of students.

"Principal, are the cross-level exams divided into levels?" a student asked.

"Of course, the level of the cross-level exam corresponds to the credits. For example, the E-level cross-level exam only has 500 credits, the D-level has 1,000 credits, the C-level has 2,000 credits, the B-level has 4,000 credits, the A-level has 8,000 credits, and the S-level has 8,000 credits. 16,000 credits, 32,000 credits at SS level, 64,000 credits at SSS level, 200,000 credits at X level.

And there is an advanced question here. For example, if you choose the E-level cross-level exam to become a sophomore, then when you choose the junior high-level cross-level exam in the sophomore year, you can only choose the E-level and D-level cross-level exams. You cannot choose the basics above.

Therefore, what level of cross-level exam you want to choose will have a great impact on your future development, so you should consider it carefully.

A special reminder, the A-level exam is equivalent to the difficulty of graduating from a senior year, and the S-level exam is equivalent to a postgraduate graduation, so you should apply well, otherwise the exam will only deduct 10 credits. "

After Chen Ling finished speaking, he turned and left.

The credits of Jixia Academy are so easy to get, and getting credits through the exam is only the lowest means.

After Chen Ling left, a group of students were stunned.

After seeing the magic of Jixia Academy, everyone is not stupid, of course they know the benefits of staying here.

They remember what Chen Ling said, only A-level graduates can take the test.

They didn't care before. Many people didn't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but now those who don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination are all fools.

This kind of opportunity is only once in a lifetime. If you miss it, you will really miss it. They can't forgive themselves at all.

So what can they do, they can only go back and continue learning.

In the past, many people still ate steaks and skewers.

Now... 80% of people are going to eat nutritious meals.

Save food and money, keep credits, everyone is also fighting.

At this time, a post on the forum became popular.

"In terms of the difficulty of cross-level exams, although President Chen grades according to the English alphabet, I think in President Chen's mind, the real classification should be like this.

Xuezhu (no grade)→Scholar (E-level)→Xueshi (D-level)→Xueling (C-level)→Xuewang (B-level)→Xuehuang (A-level)→Xuezong (S-level)→Xuezun (SS level) → Xuesheng (SSS level) → Xuedi (X level)"

Below this post, the replies are neat.

"A strong Xuezong is so terrifying!"

"A strong Xuezong is so terrifying!"

"A strong Xuezong is so terrifying!"

No one expected that such a post would become the grade division of Jixia Academy.

It doesn't work at all in Jixia Academy.

A freshman only needs to study hard for a month, and his mastery of theoretical knowledge will surpass that of undergraduates in minutes.

Therefore, it is useless to classify according to the school year in Jixia Academy.

Only the result of the cross-level assessment is the key to truly assessing the strength of an individual.

After knowing the importance of the cross-level exam, everyone immersed themselves in studying hard again.

At this time, a group of lovers discovered another magical place in the library.

That is, there are couples who learn the effect bonus BUFF together.

The girls of this couple are not as good as the boys in their studies, which has always been the case in engineering.

Even if there is a magical effect bonus, but the aptitude is different, the bonus effect is also different.

Some people are born smart, and after school bonuses, their attributes skyrocket to 500, but some people may be born with a little less, so their attributes are only over 400 after the bonuses, which is the difference in talent.

But after the couple studied in a group in the library, the girl actually kept up with her boyfriend's study speed.

After this unexpected guess was posted on the forum, several couples went to experiment, and the result was true.

At this moment, those single dog schools were excited.

After another month, everyone began to apply for the cross-level exam.

Everyone is very smart, and they all choose B in the cross-level exams, so that at least there is room for them to choose A next time.

It is not impossible to directly choose A level, but the difficulty is too high, and it may not be successful.

It would be okay to give them another month, but they have time but no credits.

Therefore, the family can only take the exam without a record.

As a result, after the test results came out, they really answered that sentence.

Xuewang is not as good as a dog, Xuehuang walks everywhere, only the strong Xuezong is still so terrifying.

There are more than 60,000 students in the entire college, 1,120 Xuelings, more than 40,000 Xuewangs, and more than 17,000 Xuehuangs, but there are only 9 Xuezongs.

After the exam, everyone has credits.

I don't know which teaser started to embroider the word Xueshu on the clothes.

This time, everyone imitated one after another, and the nine masters of the sect were even more awesome, and they were surrounded by people everywhere they went.

Two of them found girlfriends the day after the exam.

As for the rest of them, they are too ugly. Even if they become the experts of Xuezong, they are still no match for this face-seeking world.

The Jixia Academy was not on the right track, and Chen Ling didn't have to sit here every day, so he returned to Jinling.

Originally, Chen Ling wanted to attach himself to the robot of Prayer Kingdom to see the construction situation there, but he had just arrived in Jinling, so Hao Ze came to look for him.

"Hold Aoyun Ash? At this time, still hold Aoyun Ash?"

Chen Ling looked at Wu Ze in a daze. .

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