My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 115: Armillary Seismograph

Wu Ze came to him, the meaning is very simple, let him take over a project.

And this project is very famous, that is to build the Aoyun Stadium.

Chen Ling was confused at the beginning. Aoyunhui had just been held in 2008, so why is it going to be held again in 20 years.

Isn't it 20 years to pray for the movement of the country and hold the Aoyun Ashes?

It's unscientific why it ran back to Huali Xiadu again.

After Wu Ze finished explaining, Chen Ling realized that this matter had something to do with him.

Before the melting of the South Base ice cap, countries all over the world were overwhelmed with self-care, praying for the country and even betting on the country's luck, and asked Chen Ling to help them build the project.

At that time, no one cared about Aoyun Ash, because at that time the whole world was flooded, so who would care about Aoyun Ash?

However, after the Nanji Iceberg was frozen by Chen Ling, although the Ice Age will still come, at least there will be no flooding.

Although this will have an impact on the lives of people all over the world, it is still much better than before.

But at the time of the problem, Chen Ling cheated the country, and directly transferred 6 trillion project funds to Chen Ling's account.

Therefore, praying for the country to cheat and not doing it.

The International Pride Association is also a big head, and if the Prayer Country is no longer organized, who will it be?

Since 2008, most countries have held Aoyunhui, most of which have lost money. The Baxi Aoyunhui in 2016 has completely refreshed the understanding of Baxi in various countries. The Aoyun stadium is simply amazing.

According to the survey, each country will lose at least 12 billion yuan in gold if they hold an Aoyunhui event.

In such a situation, whoever is the first, is still in a hurry to hold the event.

In the end, Guojia Aowei found the Huaxia Capital. Chen Ling didn't know what conditions were discussed, and Wu Ze didn't say anything, but Huaxia took over the task.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​Aoweihui, it would be enough to directly repair the venue of Aoyunhui in 2008 and hold another Aoyunhui.

But the higher-ups seemed to have other ideas about this Aoyunhui, so they asked Wu Ze to come to Chen Ling.

"The above mean that they want us to set a new record in the medal table?" Chen Ling asked.

"Yes, after all, this is already Aoyunhui, it may be the last Aoyunhui. When the Ice Age comes, everyone is busy dealing with the impact of the climate, it is impossible to have another Aoyunhui, so the higher-ups think Create a historical record." Wu Ze nodded.

Chen Ling nodded after listening, expressing his understanding.

Now that the decision has been made above, let’s hold Aoyunhui. Anyway, Hualixia will hold Aoyunhui, so it will definitely not lose money.

"Then where is Aoyun Village built? Is it still in the north?" Chen Ling asked.

"No, it hasn't been decided yet. Modu, Rongcheng and Pengcheng are all fighting for it, and it hasn't been confirmed yet." Wu Ze said.

"Isn't Jinling okay?" Chen Ling asked after thinking about it.

"Golden Ridge? The official license of Jinling City has not been applied to the higher authorities." Wu Ze said in a daze.

After hearing this, Chen Ling took out his phone and called Boss Li.

A minute later, Chen Ling put down the phone and said to Wu Ze, "Apply now."

.” Wu Ze had nothing to say.

Three days later, the venue for 20 Years of Aoyun Ash was set to be held in Jinling.

Aoyun ash is a trivial matter for a pot rack. Since Chen Ling proposed to put it in Jinling, let's put it in Jinling.

Besides, Jinling is not bad, it is also the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, no matter it is the background or urban construction, it does not lose points.

In fact, this year's Aoyunhui and Hualixia were originally rushing to break the record.

Now the physical fitness of each Yun Dongyuan in the Huaxia Xiadu team's various events exceeds the limit of the human body.

In the past, Hualixia suffered from many sports. Physical talent, technical sports, Huazhen really never feared anyone.

Bottle fat ball, find out.

Now that there is a fitness center built by Chen Ling, the athletes of the gorgeous summer capital are instantly reborn.

In addition to the Aoyun stadium built by Chen Ling, to be honest, it is difficult for the Huaxia Xiadu team to lose.

Soon, Jinling designated a piece of land for the construction of Aoyun Village.

After confirming the construction site of Aoyun Village, Chen Ling can just send people to build it, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

After Chen Ling was free, he remembered the days when he was instructing actresses every day, so he wanted to make another movie.

As a result, he hadn't waited until the convener said he was going to make a movie.

The earth had an earthquake again, this time the place of the earthquake was amazing, it was a volcano near the lotus root.

This volcano is very famous, even compared to the Huangshi volcano in Miguo, it is not inferior.

Can Pikun Laige Rui Volcano "One of the super volcanoes in the world that may erupt at any time.

39,000 years ago, this "super volcano" had a devastating eruption, and its magma spread all the way to Ge Linglan Island, the shellfish.

And this earthquake directly led to the eruption of Kuipifulaigerui volcano.

0......seeking flowers...

Although this eruption is not as powerful as the eruption in history, it directly wiped out the human beings who unified the continent in prehistoric times, but Italy also suffered heavy losses, and the three cities were directly abolished

Hundreds of thousands of people died, countless people were left homeless, and the cloud formed by volcanic ash plunged the entire Ouzhou area into crisis.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Chen Ling, but the Great Elder suddenly called Chen Ling and asked him if he could build a building that could predict earthquakes.

Chen Ling said at the time, I can only be sure that there will be no earthquakes in Mexico City, but it is impossible to predict earthquakes.

But when Chen Ling put down the phone, he suddenly remembered that the mechanical epic building template had been unlocked, and he hadn't checked the contents.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling turned on the system and began to look at the mechanical epic building template.


Unlike the epic buildings of science fiction and fantasy, the epic buildings of machinery are more like super-large equipment.

So, there really is a building inside that can predict earthquakes.

That is the epic building complex, the Armillary Seismograph.

This armillary sphere and seismograph complex is actually an enlarged version of an armillary sphere plus a seismograph. Using complex mechanical deconstruction and sensitive mechanisms, you can feel the gravitational waves and magnetic fields coming from the ground and the sky, and predict earthquakes and meteorites through purely mechanical means. hit.

After seeing the building, without further ado, Chen Ling called the First Elder directly and told him that the problem could be solved.

The Great Elder asked him how to solve it, and he just built a seismograph.

That's right, in fact, this building is really not for living, but for observing astrology and predicting earthquakes. It is a scientific research building, but it is purely mechanical.

The next day, Chen Ling came to Mocheng again.

This armillary seismograph is not suitable for anything but other places.

Besides, if there is one more epic building in Mocheng, maybe the attributes of the halo domain can change.

Even if there is no change, there is nothing to lose by trying.

Since the armillary seismograph needs to observe the stars, it cannot be built in the mountain, and there is no way to build it directly. It will take a few days.

Chen Ling didn't care about this either, he could afford to wait for a few days.

Five days later, the armillary seismograph on top of a mountain was completed.

"System, generate properties."

"The construction of the armillary seismograph of the epic building complex is completed, and the attributes are being generated...."

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