My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 146 Resurrection Of Reiki? Job Change?

The reason why Chen Ling said that there is no need to build a shelter is mainly because of the system prompt.

"Aura (magic power, dark energy, original force) is recovering, and the original energy of the epic-level building is recovering. When the original energy is restored, the epic-level building will unlock the original energy blessing function.

This is the improvement of the system. After receiving the prompt, Chen Ling immediately asked the system what is called the original energy.

According to the system's explanation, in fact, any epic building has special abilities.

This ability is not the attribute shown now, but a more special function.

All the epic buildings built by Chen Ling before, except the Stars Manor, an epic building that absorbs the power of the stars [other epic buildings have not exerted their original capabilities.

But after the original abilities of the epic buildings are restored, these abilities will be unlocked.

As for the impact of spiritual energy recovery on human beings, of course there are, "six two three" but it will definitely not be as serious as the boss said.

Human beings will not become extinct yet. While animals are evolving, human beings will also evolve, but the speed is not so fast.

If you use special methods, such as cultivation, then that is another matter.

"Because we humans can cultivate immortals." Chen Ling said with a smile.

The big guy was stunned, Xiuxian?

What do you mean?

"Our gorgeous summer capital is five thousand years old, and our ancestors have left a lot of things. In the past, everyone may not be able to achieve any effect, but if you practice now, you may really be able to become a fairy." Chen Ling continued.

The boss understood this time. What Chen Ling meant was that animals and plants are evolving, and humans can also cultivate.

But why does this feel a little unreliable.

"Mr. Chen, how did you make this judgment." The boss frowned and asked.

"Yesterday, I watched the stars at night and calculated it with my fingers. If you don't believe me, the leader can go back and find a few people who are really capable and let them try it." Chen Ling spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

After listening to Chen Ling's words, the boss' eyes twitched a little.

It's only a fool to reply, but he also knows that Chen Ling can't just talk about it, he must know something about the situation.

As for the words that human beings can cultivate immortals, although he doesn't believe it, it won't take long to find a few people to try.

Anyway, even if the shelter is built now, it cannot be completed in a short time.

Thinking of this, the boss was about to leave and report the news he got from Chen Ling to his superiors.

But before he left, Liu Yuyang rushed over with people in a hurry.

"Boss, I have made a big discovery.... Leader, you are here too." Liu Yuyang ran in disheartened and shouted excitedly.

Chen Ling was taken aback when he saw Liu Yuyang.

Oh, and it's death gold coming back.

If Liu Yuyang didn't run in suddenly, he would have almost forgotten about Liu Yuyang.

After the boss saw Liu Yuyang, he was also a little stunned.

After all, Liu Yuyang's attire is no different from that of a beggar, so what is he doing here?

"What's the big discovery?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

Liu Yuyang immediately began to report, reporting the situation of their breakthrough.

"What the hell? Have you changed jobs?" Chen Ling was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"It's not a job change, it's just a primary inheritance, not a full job change." Liu Yuyang replied.

It turned out that after Liu Yuyang and the others entered the death gold collapse, they chose the hard mode to play the game.

Compared with Feng Chuang's easy mode, Liu Yuyang's difficult mode has changed a lot.

Not to mention that the difficulty of the game has increased, but the content of the game has also been enriched a lot.

After they entered the death gold collapse, they passed through the corridor of the curse of aging, and when they came to the second hall, what they got was not three demon-breaking scrolls, but the inheritance of the death warrior.

The reason why Chen Ling said that they have changed professions is because they can use skills after receiving the inheritance of Death Warrior.

Just like playing a game, the skills after the job change are awesome.

The most amazing thing is that after they cleared the hard difficulty, the skills they got in the death gold Zita were retained, and they could be used in reality.

"Could it be that the death gold is a copy of the job transfer trial?" Chen Ling was a little puzzled.

To be honest, Chen Ling was a little confused about the functions of horror epic buildings, and had no idea what they were for.

But judging from now, it seems that it really has something to do with supernatural abilities.

As long as you play the game and pass the level, you can get the skills learned in the death gold Zita.

Just this function, it's a bit crazy.

"Mr. Chen, can Guojia send someone to go on an expedition to Death Gold Zitao?"

After the boss listened to Liu Yuyang's report, although he felt that his three views had been subverted, he couldn't let this opportunity pass by now.

"Yes, you can send people there, but remember to give me a copy of the results you find." Chen Ling said indifferently.

The death gold just collapsed. If he can build one, he can build the second.

Besides, from Liu Yuyang's mouth, he didn't have much interest in knowing the inheritance of the Death God Warrior obtained by Death Jin Zitao.

If he wanted to change jobs, he wouldn't go for a career that was obviously an ordinary template.

Although he didn't know if he could change it in the future, even if he could change his occupation, he didn't have much interest.

If he builds the Demon Tower in Shushan Town and can change his profession to Sword Immortal, he will still be a little interested. Let's forget about such a low-powered profession as Death Warrior.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling suddenly thought of one thing, since the Tiger Talisman Gold Zigzag can create the Death Gold Zigzag.

Then, with the words of luthier Huang Lin, can he also create a similar horror epic building?

Death gold can be transferred to death warrior, which is obviously a supporting class for Ai level.

Then, can the luthier Huang Lin be transferred to an oriental occupation such as Qi practitioner in the pre-Qin period? Even if there is no occupation of Qi practitioner, there will always be occupations such as alchemist, Taoist priest, and Fengshui master.

But right now Chen Ling didn't open his mouth to talk about this issue, after all, the luthier Huang Lin is not from other places.

On your own territory, if you don't do it well, it's easy to make troubles.

So before using the piano master Huang Lin, I practiced with other buildings similar to the pot stand, and I looked for the rules.

Soon, the boss left, and he wanted to get the news of 4.3 from Chen Ling and report it to the top.

As for Liu Yuyang, after finishing the report, he went back to rest.

After a week of breaking through the barrier, they are also exhausted.

After everyone left, Chen Ling went back to the study, closed the door and called out Cangming.

"Cangming, display the projection of the earth, and then mark the relics or buildings that are mentioned in the myths and legends of various countries and still have prototypes." Chen Ling gave the order.

"Okay, master, we are collecting and sorting out the information."

Soon, many red dots appeared on the virtual projected earth.

Chen Ling looked at these red dots and began to choose a template.

"Eh... Brother Ah San is a little bit hung up.

On the map, there are not many red dots on Brother Asan's pot stand, it is second only to the gorgeous Xiadu, and ranks second in the world.

"Well, it's just you."

Chen Ling looked at it for a while, and finally chose a target. .

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