My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 147: Temple Of The Sun

Konarak village near the Bay of Bengal, this place has a very old temple, the Sun Temple.

Buildings like the Temple of the Sun can be found in all major pot racks around the world.

The Sun Temple in Konarak Village is the most innovative temple in the world.

The shape of the temple is the chariot of the sun god Surya. There are 12 pairs of huge stone wheels and 7 stone horses pulling the chariot. The carvings in the temple are exquisite and delicate, and the shape is vivid. It is one of the world's intangible cultural heritages. .

Possessed on the robot, Chen Ling came to one of the holy places of the Brogong Sect.

"Brother Ah San really knows how to play."

Chen Ling is possessed by the robot, just like an ordinary tourist, visiting the temple.

You ask Chen Ling what he is looking at and what is there to see.

The answer, of course, is to look at pure power diagrams.

Why is there a picture of pure power in the Temple of the Sun?

Just kidding, my third brother's ancient religion, who specializes in two-person training Dafa, how could he not leave something behind.

On this point, our grandparents of Huaxia Xiadu were not bad at all.

It's just that our ancestors would not engrave the successful research on the wall for 07 to visit.

"Fuck...this posture is 666."

"Can this action really be done?"

"Damn... is this juggling?"

Along the way, Chen Ling was eye-opening, and he really raised his posture.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen from the brainchild of these elder brother's ancestors that the elder brother's body is very strong, otherwise many poses would not be possible at all.

Turning around, Chen Ling found a corner and put his hand against the wall.

"System, repair the building but keep the shape as it is, and generate attributes." Chen Ling gave the order.

"The epic building Sun Temple has been repaired, and its attributes are being generated... After the generation is completed, the attributes of the Sun Temple are as follows: Great Sun Divine Light +150, Land of Indulgence +150, Super Sensation Strength +150, Can't Help + 150, overcome difficulties +150.

It meets the opening conditions of the halo field, and the attribute of the halo field is: Desire God Kingdom +200 (this attribute is the only special attribute, and the first, second, third, and fourth attributes of the main attribute are replaced and invalid)"

After Chen Ling looked at the property, he was in a bad mood.

Why is there such a big gap in attributes for the same epic building?

The attribute of Ai-level gold collapse is still worthy of the signboard of epic-level buildings.

But what is the attribute of this Sun Temple?

What the hell are these attributes? After all, this is an attribute of an epic temple, and it is also an attribute of an epic brothel.

If it's just a problem with attributes, Chen Ling doesn't care.

But the problem is, the purpose of Chen Ling's coming here is to make another blueprint of an epic horror building.

As far as the attributes of the Sun Temple are concerned, no matter how you look at it, there is no place where the terrorist incident took place.

On the other hand, it's more like some people's paradise.

"Forget it, Brother Ah San has many temples, there is no need to hang himself in one temple, just slip away."

Chen Ling immediately controlled the robot to leave here. After all, the fifth attribute of the Sun Temple is too scary, even if he is a possessed robot, he is still tight.

Just after Chen Ling left, the Temple of the Sun began to show some abnormalities.

When many believers worship the gods, various hallucinations appear in front of them.

Among them, the firmer the believers are, the more and more realistic the hallucination images they see.

Therefore, at this moment, many believers knelt down, shouting loudly that the true god has come, and the true god has manifested.

If it's just these, it's nothing.

After seeing the true God, at most, he will be more firm in his beliefs, and there will be no other problems.

But the problem is that after the true God manifested, he began to bless believers.

Of course, Rigiri can be said to be an illusion.

When these believers are nervous, the servants of the true God descend from the sky, untie their belts, and offer themselves as the return of the true God to the believers.

Faced with this kind of thing, believers certainly do not hesitate to do it themselves.

Just kidding, this is the real goddess and male god, not the gods that people on the Internet have made, but real gods.

To be able to have a fight with God is simply a great happiness.

But all of this looks different in the eyes of ordinary tourists who are not believers.

I saw those male and female believers looked at each other, began to undress, and then started fighting on the spot.

This is not one or two people, but a group of people. The scene is simply eye-catching.

The tourists turned their heads subconsciously, and accidentally saw a woman and a man in the crowd who made their hearts beat.

Just like the lyrics, just because I saw you in the crowd.

After seeing this, the two sides couldn't help themselves, and began to be like those believers.

In just half an hour, the people in the temple were paired up and began to applaud for love.

Of course, the number of men and women is definitely not equal.

But it doesn't matter, there is the fifth attribute, which directly opens the door to a new world for those who have not found a female partner.

It turns out that men are not forbidden. I used to like women, which was simply too superficial.

In this way, the scenes in the Temple of the Sun are far beyond the limit that can be imagined in prayer movies.

At this time, even the boss of the Caribbean will bow down.

An hour later, a person suffering from a heart attack died of a sudden heart attack.

The dead are not scary, what is scary is that in the eyes of everyone, this dead person was taken to the Kingdom of God by their gods.

Under such an illusion, the rest of the people worked harder and crazily applauded for love.

This also led to those who were in poor health or who were in high grades, exhausted their vitality and eventually died.

That night, Chen Ling was playing and eating chicken in Qinglong Building. 180 After he exited the possession in the afternoon, he let the robot go to the next target by itself.

But who would have thought that just after dinner, he would receive a reminder from the system.

"Congratulations to the host, unblocking the horror epic buildings, the classified drawings of the horror playground, and the temple of desire.

Chen Ling was fighting someone with a gun, but when he received a system prompt, he froze and was shot in the head.

"This is unlocked? How did you unlock it?"

Chen Ling was very confused, he didn't understand at all how such a horrific incident happened with the attributes of the Sun Temple.

Did some dangerous elements drop a bomb inside?

In an instant, Chen Ling didn't play the game, and directly attached himself to the robot, and learned about the situation through Brother Ah San's TV network.

It just so happened that the robot was in the hotel, and after turning on the TV, he saw news about the Sun Temple on the TV station.

At this time, the Temple of the Sun has been blocked by the Jun team. The reason is that someone has released a biochemical virus in the Temple of the Sun, so no one is allowed to approach the Temple of the Sun.

For the content of the news, Chen Ling doesn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

But he doesn't care what happens in the Temple of the Sun, what he cares about is the blueprint of the newly unsealed Temple of Desire, and what attributes it will have after construction is completed.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling immediately attached to the robot in the underground ancient city, and dug another underground space next to the death gold collapse, preparing to build the Temple of Desire. .

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