My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 158: Xianyang Palace

"Boss, I want to be a magician." Liu Yuyang said excitedly to Chen Ling.


Chen Ling rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Why don't you say you want to play basketball.

"Boss, I really want to be a magician. When I play games, I always play for the magician." Liu Yuyang said pitifully.

"Go away, no."

Chen Ling knew what Liu Yuyang meant, but he couldn't help it.

If you want to change to a mage, you must have the inheritance of a mage.

The mage in Death Gold Zita is different from the traditional mage, but a bit like a priest.

Practicing magic, what does not exist, is the divine art bestowed by the god of death.


Chen Ling put the tiger amulet on the stone gate and opened it.

Originally, Chen Ling thought that the next step would be a safe hall for them to rest.

As a result, after the stone gate was opened, it turned out to be a huge city.

The whole city is exactly the same as the ancient city in the Qin Dynasty. The most terrifying thing is that the civilians in the city are all soldiers and horses.

That's right, Bingmayong is walking on the road, Bingmayong is selling on the street, Bingmayong is the guy in the shop, the whole is a Bingmayong city.

When Chen Ling stepped through the stone gate and entered the ancient city, all the soldiers and horses around them froze at this moment, and then their heads all turned towards Chen Ling and the others.

Don't make that scene too weird.

It doesn't matter if you turn around, the key point is that the bodies of all the soldiers and Ma Yong don't move, only the head turns.

Some soldiers Ma Yong even turned 180 degrees, staring directly at Chen Ling and the others.


Liu Yuyang swallowed unconsciously.

To be honest, Chen Ling was also taken aback, but he quickly calmed down.

"Are you alive or dead?"

Chen Ling said to a group of soldiers Ma Yong civilians waiting for the dead fish eye.

"You dare to trespass on the imperial mausoleum and disturb His Majesty's peaceful sleep.

All the soldiers, horses and civilians spoke at the same time with the same tone and tone.

"Come, come, call the qin master Huang, and I'll talk to him.

Chen Ling rolled his eyes, a bunch of scum, besides scaring people, they have the ability to come here.

"Despise Your Majesty, you deserve to die",

After hearing what Chen Ling said, a group of soldiers who could only beep, Ma Yong, finally got angry and rushed towards Chen Ling and the others.

"Endless ice."

Chen Ling's ability usage time has not yet expired, so he completely ignored these soldiers Ma Yong, and froze them into ice cubes again.

"Let's go."

After walking for a while, Chen Ling and the others met many soldiers, all of whom were civilians.

For these soldiers, horses and civilians, Chen Ling gave the same treatment.

"This should be Xianyang."

Walking around the city, Chen Ling and the others found that this should be the historical Xianyang City.

"Boss, we are going to break into the palace." Liu Yuyang watched Chen Lingbi walking straight towards the palace, and said in a low voice.

"Well, the clue to clear the customs should be in the palace." Chen Ling nodded and said.

Frozen all the way, Chen Ling and the others soon came to the palace.

"The ones who come will stop."

Ma Yong, a guard of the palace, did not attack Chen Ling, but stopped them and prevented them from entering the palace.

"Is the luthier Huang in there?" Chen Ling asked Ma Yong, a guard soldier.


As a result, the imperial guards directly attacked Chen Ling after listening.

"It's not interesting."

After Chen Ling kept the two guards from freezing into lumps, he pushed open the gate of the palace.


The moment the gate of the palace opened, the sound of horns sounded.

Followed by the vibration of the ground.

Soon, Chen Ling saw the palace square in all directions in front of them, and there were countless guard soldiers Ma Yong.

These soldiers and horses are always wearing battle armor and holding long halberds. They can be seen as elites at a glance.


No other nonsense, after the leading generals arrived, they went straight to Chen Ling and killed them.

Chen Ling used Endless Freeze again, wanting to freeze these soldiers Ma Yong.

But this time, Endless Freeze missed.

When the cold air that freezes everything reaches Bing Ma Yong's body, a condensed evil spirit soars into the sky, and condenses into a battle spirit dragonfinch above the head of Bing Ma Yong's army.


The soaring evil spirit collided with the endless chill, and neither side could do anything to the other.

Seeing this situation, Chen Ling was also stunned.

"It can stand it all."

Chen Ling was a little surprised, this was the first time he saw the special ability of an epic building being blocked.

But for the Bingma Yongjin Guards, such an even match is simply a shame.

Ma Yong, who can become a soldier of the imperial guards, is a real veteran of the Great Qin Dynasty. They are angry with everyone, and they are the existence of the battlefield killing gods.

It can be said that they are definitely responsible for the unification of the six countries.

Who would have thought that after they died and became soldiers and horses, and their strength became stronger, they were actually blocked by the enemy, and they were still alone.

This is simply a shame for them.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The boss at the front was very angry at this time and yelled three times.

In an instant, the evil spirit on Bing Ma Yong's body became more intense, and the Bing Soul Dragon Sparrow above their heads also rushed towards Chen Ling at this time.

boom boom boom......

A huge shock wave erupted, and the soldier soul Longque stared at the endless chill, broke through everything, and rushed towards Chen Ling.

"It hurts, system, use the power of the earth."

Seeing this situation, Chen Ling felt very helpless.

The enemy has exploded, so he has no choice but to continue to exploit.

Endless ice is hard to say, then add the power of the earth.

In an instant, the surrounding gravity increased by 50 times, and some sculptures and trees were directly crushed by gravity at this moment.

The soldier soul Dragon Sparrow, who was still erupting, also gave a meal, and retreated helplessly.

Although a group of soldiers, horses and eternal guards are not made of flesh and blood, they don't have to worry about the impact of gravity on internal organs, but even if they are made of pottery warriors, they still have to bear the pressure of gravity.

Some soldiers and horses holding halberds, the halberds in their hands also appeared cracks at this time, as if they were about to break.

"Da Qin! Invincible!"


The boss took a step, but there were spider web cracks in the armor on his body.

"Although I admire your spirit, there is no way, I still have to pass the level, sorry.

Chen Ling admires their spirit very much, but who makes the force field of the two sides different.

So in the next second, Chen Ling uses a hundred times the gravity.

Ka Ka Ka Ka...

At this moment, a series of cracks appeared on Bing Ma Yong's body, and even some soldiers (of Zhao) Ma Yong's body began to shatter at this moment.

A few seconds later, the terracotta figure of Bing Mayong finally couldn't hold on.

With a hit of dominoes, the soldiers, horses, and guards one by one, their bodies shattered at this moment, turning into shards and falling to the ground.

In the end, on the square of the palace, only the boss was still holding on, even his body had obvious cracks, and even the leader had a big hole


The boss didn't finish his last words, and finally insisted on the arrangement, which turned into a mess.

"I know, Great Qin is invincible."

Chen Ling relieved the gravity, walked to the slag that the boss had turned into, and said calmly.

After a while, Chen Ling stepped over the wreckage of Bing Ma Yong, and slowly walked into the palace.

"Boss, do you think the luthier Huang will be in the hall?" Liu Yuyang said a little excitedly looking at the hall with the closed door in front of him.

"Who knows." Chen Ling shook his head and said.

Ka Ka Ka Ka...

After Chen Ling finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the main hall. .

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