My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 159: Immersively Feel The Majesty Of The King

After the gate was opened, the magnificent palace was reflected in front of their eyes. The specifications of the entire hall were relatively high, and the decoration was luxurious. It is also the most perfect mausoleum, and there are many treasures on display, but these treasures are not what they pay attention to. They want to take a good look at the luthier Huang lying in the middle of the hall. There are still many soldiers Ma Yong beside the coffin of the luthier Huang. Standing, the scene was so powerful that they could feel the atmosphere of majesty just standing at the door.

"Boss, this... this is too extravagant!" Liu Yuyang looked at the cloth company in the palace in front of him, and couldn't help saying with emotion. He had seen enough buildings, but what he saw still surprised him. I knew the size of the luthier Huang Lin a long time ago, but after seeing it with my own eyes, I was still shocked. Because this kind of scene is really the first time for him to see it.

"I can't help it. Let's go and have a look." Chen Ling admired Qin Master Huang very much, and he couldn't wait to see the respect of Qin Master Huang. He quickly walked into the palace and came to the side of Qin Master Huang's coffin , Seeing the face of luthier Huang at close range, there is a sense of majesty. After all, luthier Huang unified the six countries and is invincible in the world. on his momentum

Chen Ling couldn't help feeling admiration, the luthier Huang is a king, with the majesty of a king. But looking at so many soldiers, horses and guards in front of him, he couldn't help but feel sorry again. 843 Chen Ling wants to know more about the palace in front of him, so that he can find some useful value to build the third building. So after seeing the luthier Huang, I was ready to go around the hall and start observing.

"The palace itself is poisonous, and those who enter the tomb will die if they inhale too much mercury." At this moment, Liu Yuyang suddenly thought of this problem, and began to talk to Chen Ling. Most people feel scared when they hear this question, but he is not worried about these questions, because he knows that these questions are not difficult problems for them.

"Thinking about it now, it's too late..." Said Ma Yong, a soldier standing on the left side of luthier Huang.

Then I heard these soldiers, horses, and guards say in unison: "Whoever trespasses on the imperial tomb will die."'11

"I know, Daqin Wudi is next, I've heard too much." Chen Ling said impatiently.

At this time, these soldiers Ma Yong had already roared and rushed towards them directly. Liu Yuyang knew that Chen Ling could solve it, so he took a step back and handed it to Chen Ling to solve it.

With the previous experience, this time Chen Ling is not going to use the endless ice, but directly uses the power of the earth. The soldiers and horses who were about to explode were instantly shattered due to the increase in the surrounding gravity. Fortunately, Qin Master Huang was lying in the coffin, so the body of Qin Master Huang was not harmed.

"The boss surprised me. I thought that the force of the earth would smash the luthier Huang to pieces. Fortunately, the luthier Huang was saved, otherwise we would have become sinners of history."

"Liu Yiyang said to Chen Ling.

"Haha. I don't dare to be this sinner." After hearing Liu Yiyang's words, Chen Ling couldn't help laughing. He expected that Liu Yiyang would be worried about this. Chen Ling also knows, how is this possible? Can he still not understand this question? They are only doing construction, and they have destroyed so many soldiers, Ma Yong, and so many cultural relics. How can they destroy the piano master Huang? What? That's so disrespectful to him. So when Chen Ling used the power of the earth, he also used endless ice to temporarily freeze the coffin of luthier Dong and protect luthier Huang.

After passing this hurdle, Chen Ling began to observe the buildings in the hall. These awesome buildings made him extremely happy. He originally wanted to go to the luthier Huang Lin, but he was afraid that something might go wrong. Once he finally had an opportunity, he had to take it seriously and study it.

At this moment, the repeated crossbows hidden in the luthier Huang Lin were already ready to move, waiting for Chen Ling and the others to step on the mechanism, so that they could be launched. These continuous crossbows are very lethal (ahdd), at least they can Shoot eight hundred steps. And it can be retracted automatically.

At this time, Chen Ling suddenly thought that when they came, they brought a small neutron bomb with an equivalent of 300,000 tons, preparing to subdue the strength of luthier Huang Linnei, but now it seems that they can't use it. Thinking in my heart, the power of the imperial mausoleum is nothing more than this. At this time, Chen Ling also thought about the question of backstabbing, so he slowed down his walking pace, for fear that one of them would accidentally touch the mechanism. But as the saying goes, what you are afraid of will come...

"Be careful, there is a mechanism here, don't accidentally touch it." After thinking about it, Chen Ling hurriedly told Liu Yuyang, but it was still a step too late. As soon as Chen Ling finished speaking, he heard Liu Yuyang's voice up.

"Boss, I seem to have met it." When Liu Yuyang said these words, all the backstabbing had already come out. I saw that at this moment, these backstabs suddenly seemed to be attacking them

As dense as the rain, it caught them off guard. Endless Frozen has reached the time limit and cannot be used anymore. The power of the earth is helpless against back arrows.

Chen Ling and the others dodged the hidden arrows in all directions like this. They saw Chen Ling holding the Xuanyang Sword Immortal and intercepting the hidden arrows coming from all directions with one hand. The interception is over.

At this time, Liu Yuyang said to Chen Ling: "Boss, now we are not going to die here, let's follow the soldier Ma Yong to be buried with Qin Master Huang. Although I admire the achievements of Qin Master Huang, I haven't married a wife yet." Well, I don't want to stay here." Liu Yuyang never thought that this kind of situation would happen, he had always thought that they were invincible, and when he first entered the imperial mausoleum this time, he didn't think it would happen. What accident happened, but now facing the endless backstabbing, it really made him a little worried.

Chen Ling also knows that using brute force to block back arrows is the most difficult and stupid way, so he has been thinking of other methods while blocking back arrows. He really wants to ask the system for help, but this building It wasn't built by them, and it has no special function, which doesn't allow him to use it properly.

"Don't worry, we won't stay here, we still have to build a third building, and there are still people waiting for us to go out outside." After Chen Ling heard Liu Yuyang's words, Chen paused for a moment, and then started Said. Chen Ling knew that it would be difficult to get out of the predicament, but he just had a premonition that they would definitely get out. .

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