My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 162 Seeing The Tricks And Breaking The Tricks

At this moment, they had a bad premonition in their hearts. Suddenly realized that there might be a real storm, is this the beginning? But this time they were not timid psychologically, because they firmly believed that the big company had already been settled, and they were bound to win.

These sands are called quicksand tombs, and the sand around the wooden tomb passage ranges from a few tons to hundreds of tons. If the grave robber accidentally touched a brick, he would be buried alive. For these quicksand tombs in front of them, if they wanted to resort to violence, they would directly use the guns and weapons given to them by Leader Zhou to solve them.

All the while, they were useless and weapons. This time they're ready to go live. However, at this moment, Chen Ling said to Liu Yuyang: "Prepare to use weapons." Chen Ling simply said this sentence. But this sentence has a huge impact, because the power of the weapon is huge, although it is only a small neutron bomb, it is far inferior to the Hedan and the hydrogen bomb. But 07 is enough to deal with these quicksand tombs.

At this moment, a 300,000-ton small neutron bomb appeared. At the beginning, he did not hesitate to invade these quicksand tombs.

It didn't take long before the sand in front of me was baring its teeth and claws. But they all fell to the ground peacefully. After getting rid of the quicksand tomb, they can finally return.

"Boss, we didn't waste any time on the Quicksand Tomb." Liu Yuyang dealt with the Quicksand Tomb in the shortest time with a weapon. He felt a little nervous in his heart, and he started talking to Chen Ling.

"Yes, we didn't waste time on this matter at all, but we wasted too much time on mercury before, so now we still have to hurry up and go back

After Chen Ling heard Liu Yuyang's words, he turned his head and said to Liu Yuyang.

"Yes, we have to hurry back and report to Leader Zhou." Liu Yuyang nodded.

Not long after, they walked out of the luthier Huang Lin. Fortunately for them, they did not encounter it. Sharp knife organ. But after walking outside the door of the luthier Huang Lin, they suddenly. Feel a force. This power comes from an ancient legend.

According to legend, whoever disturbs the peace of the pharaoh will die. Such an ancient legend. What scares people is not some physical injuries, psychological injuries are the most terrifying

They felt the power of the legend. They couldn't help trembling in their hearts. This kind of legend didn't pose any difficulties to them in front of them, but what they had to face next was psychological torture. They didn't know when this curse would take effect. There is no doubt that a time bomb has been planted on them.

"Boss, let's go, I feel more and more evil in this place." At this moment, Liu Yuyang became nervous

talking. After he felt the power of this curse, he began to be afraid in his heart. He began to think that for the first time in years, he felt afraid.

In fact, for everyone, death is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that you don't know when you will die, and you start to worry about the time of your death while you are alive.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why is this happening one after another. I'm going to get annoyed." Chen Ling couldn't help but swear.

When they first entered Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, those soldiers and horses were their first pass, and then, after seeing Qin Shiwang, they fought against soldiers and horses again. And then they fought again because of the backstabbing, and because of the underground world of rivers, lakes and seas, they fought against Mercury again. In the end, they fought again because of the quicksand tomb, and in front of them, there was another curse. The accumulation of these things made them start to collapse.

The 100 condemned criminals they brought in had already been buried in the mausoleum, and now the only ones left were him and Liu Yuyang, but he and Liu Yuyang had experienced so many things, it was inevitable that they couldn't help complaining.

"Boss, did we choose the wrong place this time?" At this time Liu Yuyang began to doubt their initial choice. At this moment, the corners of Liu Yuyang's mouth twitched. It seems that there is still something to say. After opening his mouth, he closed it again.

"There is no wrong place, the more dangerous the place, the more worthwhile we come." What Chen Ling said is correct, if the mausoleum they go to is not a challenge for them, then it is useless for them to go , What effect can it have? What they need is to find clues in the miracle of luthier Huang Lin.

After hearing what Chen Ling said, Liu Yuyang suddenly realized that he had thought wrong just now, and indeed they had been to two places before, but the harvest was not as great as today. Thinking of this, Liu Yuyang felt a lot better, but Liu Yuyang was worried about the curse, knowing that he was going to die, but not knowing when he was going to die, it was really a headache.

"Boss, what do you think of this curse question?" Liu Yuyang didn't finish the sentence, he wanted to ask something more next "It's because he doesn't know how to ask.

After Chen Ling heard Liu Yuyang's words. Liu Yuyang 383 is really speechless. I saw him saying to Liu Yuyang: "Don't think so much, let's go home first. We will find a way after we go back."

"Oh, let me go, I have a brain!" Liu Yuyang patted his own brain at this time. This is Liu Yuyang's dissatisfaction with his performance today. Liu Yuyang himself thought in his heart that he didn't know what happened today, and his brain had always been very big. The performance is really abnormal.

At this point, they started walking back. However, this pace is much faster than when they came. Because they all hope to leave this suspenseful place as soon as possible. So the pace will inevitably increase. After inexplicably the same mind, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. He walked back without saying anything.

It didn't take long for them to return to the company. As soon as he entered the company's gate, Liu Yuyang shouted loudly, "I'm back." His joy could be heard from his voice. After escaping a catastrophe. Finally arrived at a safe place, can he not be happy? After a while, he entered the company's gate. At this time, leader Zhou was already waiting for them. This is also what they did not expect. Looking at Leader Zhou, it seems that he has been waiting here for a long time. I couldn't bear to think about it, so I had to walk over quickly. .

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