My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 163 Ready To Start Construction

"Mr. Chen, are you back?" Leader Zhou asked when he saw Chen Ling coming in.

"Leader Zhou, sorry for the long wait." Chen Ling also greeted Leader Zhou.

"It's okay, how about seeing the awesome building? At this moment, Leader Zhou started to get down to business.

Leader Zhou came to Chen Ling's company not long after Chen Ling passed by. Leader Zhou was eager to know the blueprint for building the third building. He cared too much about this project.

Chen Ling also saw that Leader Zhou was in a hurry, and at this moment, he only heard Liu Yuyang's voice, "Leader Zhou, don't worry, let us drink some water first! We've been inside for too long, and we're dying of thirst." Liu Yuyang said When they said this, they were indeed thirsty. In his heart, his own life is the most important right now! The simplest thing is to drink water when he is thirsty.

After Liu Yuyang finished speaking, Chen Ling took a look at Liu Yuyang and felt that Liu Yuyang was deliberately suppressing the aura of Leader Zhou. Chen Ling shook his head at Liu Yuyang, and then went to drink water. After staying in the mausoleum for so long, I am really thirsty.

After a while, they sat next to Leader Zhou, ready to talk about the matter of the luthier Huang Lin! So...began their long introduction...

"Leader Zhou, let me tell you, it's really evil inside, it's awesome. Do you know that when we first entered the mausoleum, we saw a lot of soldiers and horses facing us in rows of ten Shouting Daqin Wudi, and then began to attack us, and then we walked into the coffin of the luthier Huang, we thought it was nothing, who knew there would be hidden arrows, those hidden arrows were as dense as heavy rain, it was nothing, Just after the backstabbing was over, the mercury started again. The mercury in it really has hundreds of tons. In the innermost part of the hall, there is another underground world, which is made of mercury. After all these are over, do you think there is nothing there? We thought it was gone, but when we got to the entrance of the main hall, there was a quicksand tomb like us. After driving away the quicksand tomb, we thought we could finally go back. Who knows, who knows..."... "Liu Yuyang chattered on and on, but when it came time to say the curse, he stopped. It must be because the people in front of him had successfully passed the level! It's just that this curse, he didn't know whether it was true or not, and what the situation was.

On the other hand, Leader Zhou was stunned listening to Liu Yuyang talking about the mausoleum, and felt that it was really awesome, "Why don't you talk about it, what else? I'm enjoying listening to it?" Leader Zhou saw Liu Yuyang After listening to it, he began to ask questions in a hurry. Leader Zhou felt that they had chosen to go to the luthier Huang Lin this time. They really chose the right one, and they were waiting to build a building that was even more awesome than the luthier Huang Lin. He will attract more attention from the world than the luthier Huang Lin!

In fact, when they decided to move luthier Huang Lin, each of them knew that luthier Huang Lin would be destroyed by their exploration this time. Even if they made a blood sacrifice to luthier Huang, it was just a respect and compensation for luthier Huang, and it was not It cannot make up for the harm done to the luthier Huang Lin. A lot of cultural relics and historic sites have been destroyed because of their exploration this time. All they can do is to build more awesome buildings to make up for these historical sites.

At this time, Chen Ling continued Liu Yuyang's words: "At the end of our life, we felt a power. It came from the legend of the luthier Huang Lin. If we disturb our ancestors, we will be cursed to die. It's okay, we It’s not a big deal.” Chen Ling said lightly, in fact, he was not sure in his heart, but he wanted to discuss the new building quickly, and he could ask the system for the rest.

So I heard Leader Zhou's voice: "The higher-ups are going to put the third building in Dongcheng, when are you going to start construction?" After hearing Leader Zhou's words, Chen Ling couldn't wait, and he also wanted to build an awesome building in his heart. For the building, this time is a good opportunity, they must show their talents! Maybe they will become a great man in history.

At this time, Chen Ling already had a blueprint in his mind, and he was going to build a more awesome building. This idea was something he had been looking forward to for a long time, and finally he had the opportunity, so he said to Leader Zhou: "Zhou Leader, you can rest assured and give him to me! You will be satisfied." After hearing what Chen Ling said, Leader Zhou felt that he hadn't expressed any opinions yet. Chen Ling meant that he didn't need himself? , So Leader Zhou said in a dissatisfied mood: "Don't you need the help of the pot holder?"

This time, Leader Zhou is trying to measure the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Chen Ling meant to reassure Leader Zhou in terms of construction. After hearing what Leader Zhou said, Liu Yuyang laughed and said to Leader Zhou: " Leader Zhou, you misunderstood what my boss meant, he meant to let you rest assured on the project, of course I need the help of the pot stand." After hearing Liu Yuyang's words, Leader Zhou nodded, he didn't bother to ask Zhou The leader explained, so I don't want to say a word.

At this time, Chen Ling said to Leader Zhou: "We will start construction soon, and I will come to you if necessary. I still have something to do, so I will go to work first." Chen Ling said impatiently. It's not speculative, it's just like this!

Leader Zhou knew that it was Chen Ling who was ordering him to evict, so Leader Zhou got up and left.

Tread Tatt... Leader Zhou has gone far.

After the "system" waited for Leader Zhou to go away, Chen Ling began to call the system. There are too many doubts in my heart and I want to ask what is going on with the system.

"Don't worry about the curse. After the third (good) building is built, these will disappear." The system came up and reported the curse problem they encountered in the imperial tomb. This work efficiency is really convincing.

At this time, Chen Ling started talking to the system again: "It's ready to start, in the East District."

After saying this, Chen Ling was going to go back to sleep late, he was really tired after a day of tossing around. So Chen Lingfu drove his Bentley back.

The journey was smooth, and it didn't take long before Chen Ling arrived home. It was already very late at this time, even though his stomach was growling, he didn't bother to eat. At this moment, he just wanted to lie on the big comfortable bed and have a good time. sleep. Just wanting to use sleep to reward his hard-working self, Chen Ling can't help feeling that it feels better to be at home. So Chen Ling returned home and ran directly to the bedroom. He was so tired that he fell asleep on the bed.

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