My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 183 - Someone Who Will Unconditionally Stand By You

Episode 176- Someone who will unconditionally stand by you

And that was through their connections when they were cells when they were babies, and when they went through each and every major incident together. 

It was the type of relationship that if one is hurt, the other one would be your doctor, your guardian, and your medicine. The other person will always be there for you when you are hurting, for when you are struggling, for when you are alone. They are your healer and someone who will unconditionally stand by you. 

And that's why when the twins were only staring at each other, it made everyone around them much sadder. They couldn't fathom what Eugene and Euria were both feeling right now.

Euria moved her eyes away and turned to Aernest, Moniqua, and the knights.

"Goodbye mother, Goodbye brother, goodbye everyone." 

She then turned to Eugene and stared at her for a long time. In the end, Euria's lips curved into a smile once again when she stared enough at Eugene's face. 

"Goodbye sister," she mumbled sweetly, just like herself back in the days. 

Eugene's throat felt stuffy and her hands began to tremble. It was the same with everyone. 

"No… honey." Moniqua's eyes turned red as she reached for Euria.


The air around Aernest, Eugene, Moniqua, and the knights felt heavy and stuffy instantaneously. They did not know what was going on around them but they could feel it with their bodies. They could feel themselves being stuck, unable to move even a single inch. It was as if someone tied their body tightly and plastered glue on the ground so that they would be stuck and unable to move. 

"EURIA!" Eugene was the first to yell. When she called out Euria's name, everyone who was perplexed turned to look at Euria and realized what happened. She was the only one who could have forced them into this state. 

"Euria?! Let go this once!" Moniqua raised her voice in a panic. 

Euria stepped forward. Her one step turned into two and two turned into three. She did not look back and only resolution and determination showed on her back as she got closer and closer to the teen with green eyes and Darius who was welcoming her with gentle eyes. 

Euria raised her head and she stared at Darius emotionlessly. "You will not touch my family." She repeated.

Daruis' lips curved up, "I will not touch your family."

Not a second later, Euria, Darius, and the young teen began to walk into the forest in a straight line. They weren't fast nor were they slow as they walked.

"EURIA!!" Eugene shouted loudly after Euria, however the person she called out to never turned back. Eugene's heartbeat erratically as Euria got further and further away from them. 

"No! No! NO!" Moniqua squirmed as she still kept her eyes on Euria's small back. She attempted to push herself and walk forward, however, no matter what she did, she was unable to move. Her eyes were tinged with red as blood began to drip from the lips she had been biting... 

"Sister! Sister!" It was the same with Aernest. He was full-on in panic mode as he tried to scurry his way out of whatever was making them paralyzed to this spot. 

Eugene could not breathe, 'What… what do I do?'

For the first time in a few years, she did not know what to do. No, she could not do anything. Euria was already long gone with the guys from Exitium. All everyone including her could feel was the anxiety of what will happen to Euria once they leave the Veria mountain. There was no way Euria would be safe if she ever reached the den of those people of Exitium. Even if she showcased her powers and rendered them frozen, they know from Euria's paleness that she could not continuously use whatever powers she has. 

Aernest's eyes were widened as his breathing hitched, "Sis… sister. Mother… They… They are gone." tears streamed down from Aernest's eyes as he heartbrokenly said. 

Eugene and Moniqua went pale from Aernest's words. Their hearts clenched so tightly that it hurts. Their stomachs felt as if it was being squeezed to the point where it was all tangled up. 

Slowly, their fingers, and feet were able to move again. However even if they were able to move a little, they were filled with nothing but despair and hopelessness. 

Euria was someone's precious daughter, someone's precious sister, and someone's precious master was gone. But she… was no longer here. 

Moniqua's lips trembled and she began to whimper. Soon, it began to escalate into a storm of anger and sadness that brought a storm to everyone's emotions. Euria's power disappeared completely, allowing Moniqua to drop to the ground. And when she did, she began to punch her anger out on the grass for being useless. For being unable to save her daughter even though she was just right in front of her. 

"I... I couldn't…" Moniqua gasped for her breath as she clutched her chest, "Couldn't protect my child."

It was the first time Eugene, Aernest, or anyone has ever seen Moniqua cry out loud in despair like this. There was no way to describe how Eugene and Aernest were feeling when they saw Moniqua collapsing and hyperventilating. It was a terrifying feeling. Aernest wasn't able to help himself and began to cry with her. 

Only Eugene and the knights remained standing. 

The knights were teary-eyed as they watched both the parent and the son hugging each other and crying their souls out. Their eyes slowly moved from Moniqua and Aernest to Eugene whose back was hunched over. 

They could see Eugene with her palm plastered to her face and her shoulders trembling. It was at this moment when they couldn't hold it anymore and began to cry. 

'F-ck. F-ck. F-ck.' Eugene cussed as she tried to control the overwhelming emotions she was feeling. She felt her body chilling all over, but no matter what she did, she was unable to stop herself from trembling. She was able to somewhat control her emotions at first but when she saw Moniqua break down, she was hit with this overwhelming emotion.

Through sheer will, she held her tears back. 

Everyone stayed in this depressing mood until Aernest suddenly glanced up with his red face. His face was completely flustered and panicked as he muttered, "People." 

Eugene put her hands down and with reddened eyes turned to Aernest, "What?" Her voice was hoarse as if she had just cried.

Aernest was shaking as he got out from Moniqua's embrace, "There are people heading this way. Light but fast steps."

Eugene's face hardened and she immediately glanced forward, "Knights. Bring the Duchess to safety." she ordered without an ounce of hesitation. There was no time left to spare and the most important thing to do was to get Moniqua out of here.

But as soon as she finished, her hand was pulled, making her whole body turn around. She met Moniqua's eyes that glared at her with a piercing look from Moniqua, 

"Are you going to leave too?!" her voice was cold and harsh, and along with her messy appearance, she looked like someone who had gone mad.

Eugene's hands trembled slightly, waking Moniqua up from her state. Realizing what she had done, she began to apologize, "I… I'm sorry. I.. I didn't mean to shout." Like Eugene's trembling hands, Monqiua's body was trembling from fear.  Fear of having lost Euria just now and fear that Eugene might leave her.

"I won't go anywhere." Eugene grabbed Moniqua's hands tightly to reassure her. Just when she finished her words, the people whom Aernest's warned… arrived.

The knights, Moniqua, Eugene, and Aernest could only feel speechlessness as they stared in front of them. A group of children stood in front of them. Many appeared to be Aernest's age.

These were the children the knights had fought. But they only fought one or two at once. Hence, when all of the children were gathered together, another miserable feeling began to fill their hearts. What was most shocking was the look on the children's faces. There was nothing but blankness and emptiness on their face and their eyes as they stared their way. 

"Eugeneia…" Moniqua mumbled unconsciously. Though it was only for a second, the children in front of her reminded her of when Eugene was firstborn. But it was only a second that Moniqua felt this way. Because though Eugene was cold, compared to these children in front, she was 'human'. 

'... but didn't?' Eugene furrowed her eyebrows. When Euria left, Euria looked confident that Darius was going to keep his words. That they wouldn't touch them. But what was… this?

'No.' Eugene shook her head.  She trusted Euria. She closed her eyes slowly, inhaled, and exhaled. She focused her senses on her ears and when Aernest saw what she was trying to do, he did the same.. Though it was instant to Aernest, it took Eugene 20 seconds before she realized that there was someone behind the children.

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