My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 184 - Last Struggle.

Episode 177- Last struggle.

That someone is an adult and he was somewhere high up, whispering words of something she couldn't make out. 

Eugene opened her eyes and called out to the person beside her, "Aernest." 

Aernest understood immediately and repeated what the man was mumbling, "As expected of Darius. A man of words. No wonder that person sent me behind his back."

The moment everyone heard what Aernest repeated, they paled. They felt an imminent doom. The children approached them slowly as if they were attracted to something or someone in their group. Their slow approach made it seem as if they were predators, waiting for their prey to make a mistake. This brought immense fear to the knights who have fought against one or two of these children and survived, albeit luckily. 

All of a sudden Eugene spoke out, "I think we can outrun them." Because the children were slow, she reckoned that they would be able to outrun them. But before everyone could get a sliver of hope, one knight crushed this hope completely, 

"Eldest Miss. Behind us..." His voice was filled with desolation as he pointed behind Eugene. 

With furrowed brows, Eugene turned around, only to see small figures approaching them from behind. In fact, they were approaching from all corners.

"..." Eugene scratched her head hard. She wrecked her mind to think of something when she glanced up to the grey sky that was almost clear of the smoke. An idea popped up into her mind instantaneously and she quickly turned to the knight and asked, "Do you have any flares?" 

"Ye, Yes? Yes! We do!" The knights scrambled his hands all over his waist and pulled out many signal flares he had yet to use. 

Eugene grabbed the flares and observed them very carefully. The yellow flare is an emergency level I flare, the red flare is an emergency level II flare, and as for the blue flare…

Eugene pursed her lips, 'If there was something we haven't yet tried, it was this.'

The blue flare was used by soldiers to indicate that they needed help. It did not come as a surprise that she hadn't seen any blue flare going off. Everyone was scrambling around trying to fend off the enemies that the blue flare of help never crossed their minds. Also, the most important flare was the flare to indicate that danger was in this area or that there were deaths in this area. 

Eugene pursed her lips before saying very suddenly, "Light up the yellow, red and blue flare consecutively. 

"Ye, Yes? Yes?!" The knight who handed her the flare stuttered as he stared at her with eyes filled with speechlessness and shock. 

"B...But." His hands trembled. Though he sounded hesitant and his hands were shaking, he still grabbed the flares from Eugene's hands and planted them on the ground to light them up at any given moment. This was done unconsciously as if his mind and body were two separate beings. 

Eugene understood why the knight was hesitating and knew the hidden intent the knight was conveying through his eyes. 

What the knight was shocked about wasn't the blue flare of help. The blue flare is a flare that all knights could use when or whenever they needed help. Instead, he was shocked at the combination of the flares. It was a combination the knights have no authority to set out or use; the yellow, red, and blue flare.

There were many flares the knights could combine to create a code. But there were also many combinations they weren't allowed to use, and the only people who were allowed to use them were their masters. This was for everyone to distinguish the meanings behind the different flare combinations clearly. And what Eugene wanted him to light up, was a flare combination that signals the highest level of emergency/danger. It was a flare that dispatches all knights to the area they set the flare out at, and for them to head this way as soon as possible. 

It was a combination just no one can use because it means moving all the security they had to one place. And to do this now would mean that there would be no security whatsoever at the bottom of the mountain. 

There were only two people who could use this flare. The current Duke and the heir of the Veria family. 

Hence, when everyone heard Eugene's commands they were naturally shocked.

There was something everyone in Xenperia or everyone living in United Liasel knows. And that was that the house of Veria produces special offspring. The children born with the blood of the Veria all either had strong physical abilities or high IQ. This was the first fact everyone knows. The second fact was that only offspring with grey hair, and grey eyes can inherit the current Duke's title to become the next Duke of Xenperia. 

This means that it does not matter whether you are born first or born last. If an offspring is born with these characteristics, they will automatically become the next Duke of the house of Veria. 

Seventeen years ago when Louis was born, he was automatically set to become the heir. This was why everyone was surprised when another child with grey hair and grey eyes was born seven years after the first heir was born. There have never been two children with the same qualifications or characteristics ever since the founding of the Veria family and there were no manuals of what to do when this happens.

A long time ago when Eugene was attempting to walk for the first time in this life, Moniqua had blurted at random that if Eugene manages to walk, that she take over Levis's responsibility and position when she becomes older. Of course, Eugene refused adamantly with her big head shaking left and right.

But it was after this incident that Louis's position became unclear inside the family. Because Eugene exists, with the same characteristics of an heir.

Eugene sighed, 'Of course I know the meaning behind these flares... ' Though she had yet to acknowledge that she is a member of the Veria family due to her former life's memories and trauma, she had accepted that she was reborn. This was something she accepted before turning one. What she hadn't yet accepted as being someone's daughter, and someone's sister. 

It's not that she refuses to accept it, but that it is something not easy for her to accept. The topic of family is something that is difficult for her to overcome. She has tried many times to convince herself that she was a member of this family but there was something in her body that rejected it harshly. 

But even if she didn't think of herself as a Veria, the situation right now was dire. She had no thoughts of becoming an heir or taking Levis's position, but could only think of taking advantage of her grey eyes and grey hair to overcome this situation and save Moniqua, Aernest, and everyone living in this estate. This was the only way to get help fast, and the only possibility for everyone to survive. 

Eugene stared straight into the eyes of the knights and commanded, "I order you as Eugeneia Veria. Do it." 


Three flares went off in quick succession and order. 

Immediately after the flares went off, the enemy who had been hiding behind the children appeared. He looked surprised and panicked, unlike Darius who always kept his calm. His head was raised to the sky and stared at it for a good minute before lowering his head.

"Be prepared. That man… No, all the enemies may attack us at any given moment." Eugene warned as her eyes swept up around the area very carefully as if she was unwilling to miss out on any details. 

"!" Eugene remembered Euria's warning and repeated, "Don't hesitate just because they are children. Finish the job 'thoroughly'." What she means is, kill them without a second thought. According to Euria, these little enemies should not be kept alive. They were only machines who followed orders, and killing them was the only merciful thing you could do to them. 

The knights, Aernest, and Eugene began to fight the little enemies who rushed forward after the man said something to them. Moniqua rose to her feet and joined Eugene. The enemies were basically slow and useless at first so Eugene took this opportunity to kill them without hesitation. She cut down five as if they were nothing but meat to be put on a grill. This promoted Aernest, the knights, and Moniqua to do so as well, albeit hesitant at first. 

The more they fought, the more they realized that not killing the enemies right away was the worst action they could take. Hence, they began to kill without mercy, as if they were in a slaughterhouse.

Everyone defended against people who came their way and killed when they had the chance to.

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