My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 191 - A Thousand Lives

Episode 184- A thousand lives

Eventually from brother Ramon's death, she became incredibly sick and died. Father… Father was strong. Well, Father tried his best to remain strong and continued protecting the family.

I could not forgive myself. I learned a harsh lesson and it was that out of everyone in this world, I was the worst human being alive. I was on the side of the people who killed my brother. People who made my mother go crazy. People who inflicted so much pain on my family. It was late. Very late, but I began to go after the people of Occul Island by myself. 

I learned how to stop time, which was in itself a useless skill. I studied whilst killing off Kal's rats one by one. I didn't go back home but took out strong people until I eventually reached the elder and killed him off. I thought that this would repent what I did to brother Ramon and mother. I thought that with this, everyone could forgive me. 

But when I turned back, I was the only one left in the world. 

The world no longer had father, mother, sister, and brothers. No longer had people. No enemies. I was the only one left in this destroyed world. 

Everything was useless.

Or so I thought. I was strong beyond human comprehension and somehow managed to turn back time."

Eugene's head throbbed badly. She didn't care about the fact that she eventually died, but about the fact that Euria was all alone. How would that have felt? Lonely? 

"It was my first time reversing time so I could reverse time to a certain extent. And the time I reversed to, was a second before you got struck to the heart by elder. And again… I wasn't able to save you. You breathed your last breath in the arms of me and your… man.

The elder's power was great so when elder saw me, she recovered her memories of the future. I didn't know this back then but, when I reversed time, I created a butterfly effect. I didn't realize she recovered her memories back then and it was too late when I realized it. She became stronger than she was in the future. But with the help of your… man. We were barely able to seal Elder."

"..." At first, tears welled up Eugene's eyes, especially during the first half of the story. However, when it reached the last bit, her lips couldn't help but purse into a straight line. Hence, Eugene ignored what she saw and continued reading Euria's letter.

"Sister. I thought I was done with self engrossment. I thought I was living for my family. I thought I understood what Mother and Father went through when they saw brother Ramon's deceased body. But I was wrong. Because the feelings I felt the moment you died in my arms were something indescribable. I lost my mind and all control of my emotions. I wanted to end my life right there and then but I was stopped. I don't understand how father could stand strong because it was hard. Really hard. If I had more power or more knowledge, I could've prevented your death. If time-reversed to two seconds before sister got struck in the heart, I would've been able to save sister. 

After sister died, Aedelak came up to me and told me the reason why everyone was in a frenzy back when I visited. It was because everyone thought that I was being held hostage and was in a frenzy to save me. 

Everyone was happy when I came home, only to be let down by me because of my beliefs. 

I had regretted a lot already, but I began to regret everything I did in my entire life. The hurtful things I said to you. Joining the aristocrat circle. The pain I inflicted on everyone. And when I pushed sister away when you begged me not to leave. I regret it. I regret my entire existence and spite it very much. 

I'm sorry sister. I really am sorry for everything."

"Ha…" Eugene raised her face to the sky, trying to control her hot eyes and calm her emotions. 

"I made up my mind to make it up to everyone even if I no longer existed in this world. I wanted to give back the life that was taken away from everyone. The happiness that everyone should've had. 

But things didn't go according to plan. It was my second time reversing time, but because I only had half of the powers I had as well as did something that went against the law of this world, I ended up on a different plane. A different world. 

It was only then that I discovered that the world was vast. That there were many different types of people and that every world lived a different life. For example, I went to the stone age era. It was truly strange to see people walking around half-naked with leaves covering their private parts. Thankfully I didn't end up in that era."

"... Me too."

"In every world, the law of the world put me in, only you and I were born as sisters. Though we were born to the same parents, brother Louis, brother Ramon and Aernest were no longer there. Nevertheless,  I went through a thousand lives with sister."

"..." Wasn't that too… extreme?

"At first, I didn't understand how to repent and distanced myself from you because I thought that sister didn't deserve to be with someone like me. And that someone like me shouldn't be allowed to be happy. But then, I realized that pushing you away did not make me repent my sins because I would always make you sad by pushing you away. And It was I realized that I began getting closer to you. 

I was able to make it up to you, and we lived happily throughout all our lives. But it was only sister that I was only able to make it up to. There was still mother, father, brother Louis, brother Ramon, Aernest, Aeselak, and everyone else I had to make it up to. Though our parents looked the same as our parents from our first world, they did not contain our original parent's souls. 

Time passed by and eventually, we ended up in sister's former life. The life where sister became an actress…"

'That would be my former world…' Eugene didn't know what to think of what she just read. In all honesty, Euria was too hard on herself. Because if she was in her first life's situation, she would've forgiven Euria the moment Euria snapped out of her self engrossment. 

"Things did not go according to fate and law. In our recent past life, we were not born as Mother' daughters. And I was not born as your sister. Things did not go according to law and the rules I had set and I ended up being merged inside of sister.  Don't get me wrong, I was just sleeping inside sister. But in that sleep, I was able to experience everything sister went through, just that I wasn't able to have a mind of my own until just before sister was about to die in that cold storage room.

Sister. You did not die because of a random person. The person who killed you was the elder."

Eugene's eyes widened slowly, '...What?' Her heartbeat sped up and she repeatedly re-read the sentence over and over again. 

"The person who killed you was the elder."

She had thought that she was murdered by a random person… She didn't expect that it was elder who had murdered her?

'Elder…' She had mixed feelings when the word elder left her tongue.

"The thousand-year seal I and… that guy… cast had weakened over time. I knew he was strong, but I did expect Elder to come back with 50 percent of his power recovered. Elder was supposed to sleep for another thousand years and by then I would have recovered a hundred percent of my powers. But unbeknownst to me, before sister's former life, Elder had awakened sister's mother memories, as well as forcefully changed sister's fate. And that fate made sister be born as someone else's daughter.

When elder killed sister, elder was in fact aiming for both of our lives. Elder wanted us to perish. We were about to die but who would have known that sister's… fling… had embedded a part of his soul on sister's soul. He made it so that if sister were to die by elder's hands, a trap would be set on elder and would destroy a part of elder's soul. 

The reason why my Occul didn't work from the start was because of the extra soul with us.. And when that soul was used up, the Occul that I set out from the start began functioning normally again and we were able to reverse time to our first life."

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