My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 213 - Con’s Scream

Episode 206- Con's scream

Eugene glanced at the sparse area and quickly got on top of the tree that could oversee the area but was still not too close to them. If Ron could set up his plan right and divert the bandits, they would choose to stop here because this was the only spacious area in the vicinity. 

She was in deep silence as she covered herself in leaves when all of a sudden a loud scream belonging to a male sounded out. When the scream was heard, Eugene immediately got chills down her spine as her body jerked up. The reason why she was completely in alarm was because of the voice that screamed belonged to none other than Con!

'FCK! What do I do?' She sat up straight as she glanced at the direction the scream came from. She had ordered Con to do something to distract the bandits but what if he took it as to go straight to his death? As she fumbled around with her sword nervously, a sudden thought popped up into her mind. 

"....." Was that acting?

She froze on the tree for a good minute. And when she snapped out of her frozen state, she leaned against the tree and snorted. No wonder Con told her to focus. 

If she was the calm and usual Eugene, she would've known immediately that even if Con gets dismembered to death, he would never, ever, produce a scream sounding like this. When Eugene thought back to the scream produced from Con's guts just now, she couldn't help but snort over how fake it sounded. 

'So that's the plan…' She thought quietly as she chuckled. 




"AHHHHHHHHH!" Con screamed out loud as he ran towards the group of bandits quickly.  He made a loud ruckus as he ran, and had a shocked look when he 'coincidentally' met the group of bandits in front of him. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!" One of the bandits grabbed his sword from his sheath and pointed his sharp sword at Con who stopped in front of him. 

"THERE! THERE!" Con shouted as he turned around and pointed towards the darkness. 

"??" The bandit was confused at Con's inability to detect that danger was in front of him and confused as to why Con was still pointing behind even though his sword was on Con's neck. 

"Snakes! SNAKES!" Con's face was filled with fake horror as he turned back to the bandit. 

The bandit who had a sword to Con's neck was immediately alarmed and withdrew his sword. He stared at Con's face for a few seconds before moving his eyes to where Con pointed. 

"Is it that time of the year already?" The bandit muttered as he glanced towards his comrades at the back. 

All of a sudden, Con appeared to be glancing around the group as if he 'realized' something. His look piqued the bandits' interests, "Do you happen to be the bandits?"

"...." The bandits did not reply; however, hostility pointed towards Con was increased by 10 folds. 

Con suddenly waved his hands around, "I'm not your enemy! I got lost alone in the forest while our comrades made it to the capital."

The bandits all looked at Con in confusion. Their eyes showed hesitation and they asked, ".... Who are you?" 

"Exitium. We came through today." Con replied without a moment's hesitation. He stood up straight as he greeted the bandits. 

"..." The bandits glanced at each other and everyone brought their swords down. They would've killed Con if he was a villager but because he was from Exitium, they let him go. 

Con glanced towards the back to the small figure with a cape on her and then back to the bandit in front of him and warned, "Be careful not to lay a single scratch on her. Master will be very mad if that happens. And also, be careful of the snakes. They seemed to be very sensitive and seemed to hurdle in groups."

".... Yes. Sir." The bandit in front of Con replied. It was after Con spoke that the bandits were sure of Con's identity and lowered their guards. 

"The snakes should be mating sir. It is the season of snakes. Please be very careful on your way to the capital. " The bandit relayed this information to Con. 

Con nodded, "You too. I don't think you will be able to move forward anymore today." His eyes were filled with a look of seriousness that the bandits unconditionally trusted him. 

"We will rest here tonight and move out tomorrow morning when the snakes dispersed." The bandits answered and Con nodded. 

"All for our master," Con said his final words and left. 

"All for our master." 




Eugene's lips curved up when she heard footsteps heading her way,  'As I thought. He used the excuse of snakes to make them stop for the night.' She thought quietly as she stared down at the group of people who already had a small fire going to stay warm for the night. 

She watched the small bonfire as it lit up the dark forest. It brought a golden and red hue to the surroundings which people can call a creepy atmosphere to be in or a warm atmosphere to be in. This subtle atmosphere can be interpreted in various ways but to Eugene, it comforted her body. There was a certain smell coming from the fire that instinctively made her warm and awake.

But in this warm atmosphere, there was no Euria. And because of this, no matter how much the warmth of the fire transferred to her who was high in the tree and no matter how much it made her physical body comfortable, her core was cold. 

Eugene watched as the bandits gathered around cozily, not at all looking at their surroundings to search for an enemy. Many pairs of footsteps could be heard walking towards where the bandits were sitting and the number of bandits was now increased to 30 people total, not including a small figure standing in the middle of the group that just came. 

"Is this the infamous young Miss?" One of the bandits whispered to his comrade as they looked at Euria with curious yet vile eyes. 

"I heard she is strong. But how is that possible?" One of the bandits laughed as he compared the size of his body to Euria's. 

"Look at how small she is, I don't understand why this product must be out of harm and must be transported no matter how many lives it costs." There was disgust and anger in his voice as he said that. 

Eugene wouldn't normally care about little taunts like this, however, when it was directed to the small figure, she couldn't help but feel anger. Many used to say these words to her and she never minded, however, she didn't know why she was feeling this certain way now; hence blamed it on her inability to focus, as Con said. 

"Here, sit down!" One of the bandits shoved Euria down to the floor to sit and handed her a gourd of water. 

Euria took off her hood slowly and began to drink the water given to her. The moment Euria took her hood out, however, everyone froze. 

"... The child of Veria?" There was surprise and speechlessness in the bandit's voice they muttered this out loud. 

Eugene furrowed her brows as she watched the bandits begin to panic. 

"The fcking group dared kidnap a child from the Great Noble? What the fck is this bullshit?!" One guy shot to his feet and shouted loudly!

"They want to blame everything on us, that's what it is." Another guy spoke out, his voice was dangerous as he glared at Euria. 

"No wonder they said to be wary. Even a hundred of our lives wouldn't be able to get rid of her family if they come at us seriously!"

"And what about the rumor that said that the  Duchess was stabbed by a group of children and passed away? Why were there no rumors about one of the blessed twins being kidnapped?"

There was silence in the air when suddenly someone stepped back and fell to the ground. The guy who fell to the ground shook in fear as his pale face stared at the young girl in front of him. 

This action caused everyone to look his way and like the guy who fell, they were in complete shock. A chill tingled their spine as their mouths glued shut. They stared at the eyes of the young girl who suddenly turned grey. What terrified them to their core is the murderous gaze that stared at them w. A hundred? No, more than a thousand lives had been taken away by the hands of this little girl. That was how experienced she looked to the bandits.

"Her… Her eyes." One of the bandits pointed at her eyes as his body began to shake violently. There was something instinctual in him that told him not to cross the young girl in front of him. At first, he agreed with his comrades that there was no way they should be wary of the girl, no way the child was stronger than them, but now he understood. There was no way he was stronger than the child.. His heart told him that if the young girl wanted to, she could kill him with a snap to her finger and he wouldn't even realize that he had already passed.

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