My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 214 - Dying At The Hands Of The Veria Family Or...

Episode 207- Dying at the hands of the Veria family or...

"M..Miss Veria…" 

"My mother is alive." There was a warning and resolute voice as she declared this statement to the bandits. The bandits had no choice but to nod out of fear and it was only then that Euria recalled back her cold atmosphere. Her grey eyes turned back to red and she sat there quietly, staring into the air as if she was here to camp. 

Before the bandits were going to disperse, Euria left another warning, sending chills down the bandits and even Eugene's spine, "Bring me to the destination as you were ordered. Either way, you will die. Dying at the hands of the Veria family is less painful than dying at the hands of the organization. It is a better way to meet for your end." 

"..." Eugene was feeling out of sorts above the tree. In the letter, Euria had mentioned that Euria was in fact the older one while she was the younger one. But even if she did mention that, she couldn't see herself as younger than Euria. Even at this moment, she didn't see herself as younger than Euria but older. This is why, more than anything, she was proud. She much preferred this Euria more than the soft and cute Euria. The Euria she was seeing right now will survive in this world while the old Euria would never survive this world alone. Her lips curved up the more she watched Euria from above. 

'Would she be surprised if she knew I'm here?' Eugene tilted her head as she thought to herself, 'Or would she be mad that I came?' She glanced at her body covered in thick stacks of leaves, 'It might be both...' 

Time flowed slowly, and Eugene ended up almost being caught many times by Euria and the bandits who would sometimes mention here and there that it felt as if someone was watching them. Luckily for Eugene, Con was nearby and would throw in random animals whenever someone mentions feeling like someone was watching them. At first, Con would throw in some small bugs, sometimes rabbits, and once a sleeping squirrel. After many rounds of animal throwing, Euria and the bandits threw away the thought of someone watching them and only thought that they were surrounded by various types of animals. 

Eugene only moved when most of the bandits went to sleep. She began by taking out her outrageous outfit before climbing down the tree slowly and quietly. After that, she walked to a big tree and motioned with her finger for a figure to come down. She initially thought she had been caught because she had made eye contact with a pair of eyes from another tree. But she later realized that it was Noelle and began to surveillant Euria again in relief. 

She took Noelle far away before questioning her. 

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows, "The Darius man decided to switch to using the bandits to escort Euria instead of the children to avoid suspicion?" Even though the situation was obvious, Eugene couldn't help but ask. 

Noelle nodded. 

"Then where are the children right now?" 

"They are in town with Darius. To avoid exposing the children, he had no choice but to stay with the children. Which was why his only choice was to leave Miss Euria with the bandits and have her escorted as soon as possible."

Eugene furrowed her brows. To avoid being exposed to the world, he just threw Euria like an object to a group of bandits to handle? Her fists were clenched tight as she imagined Euria being passed here and there, being treated inhumanely. 

All of a sudden, Eugene realized something.  "Does this mean no one is watching the children and Darius at the moment?" Her voice was slightly heavy as she asked Noelle. 

Noelle shook her head. 

Eugene began to ponder deeply as she walked around. It was going to be a problem if Darius and the children were to suddenly disappear. Though she felt this way instinctively, she didn't feel like the bandits would head to Occul Island. She felt that the bandits were scapegoats that the organization can throw away at any given moment. And compared to the bandits, Darius held a higher and more important position. 

Eugene turned to Noelle and with a serious voice, ordered, "Noelle. Go back to the capital and track Darius. Don't let him leave your sight and report his location when you have the chance." She paused before continuing, "But don't be reckless. Escape if the situation is dire."

"Yes, Master." Noelle nodded and within 5 seconds, disappeared into the darkness. 

Eugene exhaled before turning back to face the tented area. There were currently two people on patrol however they are very terrible at their jobs. It was easy going past the patrol and Eugene Eugene quietly entered Euria's tent. The tent wasn't big so she could see the figure sleeping inside the tent immediately. 

She had yet to take her 2nd step when an ice-cold voice spoke directly at her, "What are you doing." Euria's cold voice made her freeze in place and she didn't dare move. 

"Do you want to die an early death?" There was murderous intent in Euria's voice as she threatened the person who just came in. 

With shaking hands, Eugene exhaled and bravely walked towards Euria. And before Euria was about to make her move to kill her, Eugene spoke softly, 

"You want to kill your sister?"



There was nothing but silence around the two as no one dared to breathe. Even though it was dark, Eugene could feel Euria staring straight into her eyes, staring at her speechlessly and at a loss for words. Her heart was beating fast and she could feel the crack in her heart slowly mending and patching up as she faced Euria. 

"Eugeneia?" There was disbelief in Euria's voice. Happiness, sadness, there were no exact emotions that could describe the emotional tension between the two sisters. The only thing they know is that whatever emotion they were feeling right now was mutual. Even if they were not close for the past 6 and a half years, they had a connection no one had. A connection that would not break even through centuries. 

"I'm here to bring you home." Eugene's lips curved up as she stated. Her thoughts were back in Zene when Elder Gres welcomed Lise back home and how sad yet happy he felt. And that was exactly what she was feeling right now. Sad yet at the same time happy. 

Though Eugene could see Euria's face in the dark, she heard Euria's choking. As if she was holding back many emotions but didn't want to let them out. 

"I can't… go back yet." Euria's voice was soft as she responded to Eugene wanting to bring her back home.

Eugene walked forward and kneeled beside Euria. Though they couldn't see each other because of the darkness, they knew that at this moment, they were staring into each other's eyes. 

Eugene moved her line of contact to the ground. There was something she wanted to say, however, knew that Euria wouldn't like. After a few seconds, Eugene's eyes moved back up and she asked, "Let's just leave everything behind. Living a short life is fine too." If it was Eugene from before, she would never say such a thing. However, after experiencing the life and death matters of Euria and Moniqua, her thoughts took a 180 turn. She was alright with Euria's first plan of living a short yet happy life with everyone. Even if everyone in this world will die, it will be okay for as long as they all die together. 

And… who cared if this world was destroyed? And what if they didn't do anything to save the world or to save the people? It's not like saving the world was their duty.

"... But 'they' would be victorious." Euria refuted. 

"..." Eugene pursed her lips. 'That's true.' Actually, she did care! Now that she thinks about it, wouldn't it feel so shitty if they were to all die and only Exitium remained victorious and smiling at the end? How annoying will that be if Exitium were to stand on top of their graves with a peace sign?

"Well… It was just a suggestion." Eugene played it off. There was no way she was going to let Exitium win! To hell with this subtle emotional reunion! They will win against them!

"Haha." Euria chuckled softly as her hands roamed around to reach for Eugene's hands. When she felt Eugene's hands she grabbed them gently yet strongly. 

There was silence in the air before Euria hesitantly spoke, "Sister I…" She began, however, stopped mid-sentence.

Eugene understood what Euria wanted to say and shook her head, "It's okay. It's okay." She too grabbed Euria's hands tightly. The soft yet cold hand made her heart tremble in pain so she tried her best to transfer some of her warmth to Euria. Everything is okay.. Everything that happened is in the past.

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