My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 215 - You Used Your Blood Didn’t You?

Episode 208- You used your blood didn't you?

Eugene suddenly remembered something important so she began, "Actually, I have something to confess." Her voice was soft and there was no hesitation in her voice. 

"I know." Euria's voice was light, however, there was a sigh to it. The sigh made Eugene wary. 

"...You know?" Eugene's voice took on a higher pitch as she asked. 

"You used your blood didn't you?"

Eugene shut her mouth. She didn't think Euria would know even before she confessed it. 

Only after a minute of silence did Eugene's bravery come back so she asked, "...How did you know?" For the first time, she was grateful that they were talking in a dark atmosphere. 

After a minute of silence, Eugene asked Euria bravely. It was great that it was dark at this moment before she for some reason felt herself unable to face Euria. As if she was oppressed even though Euria was younger than her… in this life! 

"I just know." Euria sighed as she responded. Her voice sounded as if it was an obvious thing to know. 

"Where did you use it? On the way here?" 

"No… On the Duchess." Eugene pinched her index finger with her thumb as she confessed. 

"...You… what?" There was speechlessness in Euria's voice. 

"On… our mother?" 

Euria suddenly made Eugene feel unsure and insecure. What does that voice mean? Does her blood not work or something? Is it dangerous? What is it? The intense silence made Eugene think that she might've accidentally killed Moniqua and that she didn't cure her. 

"You cured Mother?" Euria asked again, this time with alarm in her voice. 

"... Urm… I didn't know if it worked or not. But before I left she was full of vitality albeit a bit beet- red… looking." Eugene gulped. For real? Did she land the last blow on Moniqua? Was Moniqua officially dead now?

"Yes, that means mother is cured." Euria's answer made Eugene sigh in relief. 

Though she hesitated, she asked, "Why do you not want me to use my blood? Is it… life-threatening?" Euria never told her the real reason why she didn't like her using her blood. The only thing Euria did was strongly oppose her using her blood and get mad every time her blood was mentioned.

After Eugene asked that, the silence in the tent took on another turn. It was deathly yet scary at the same time. And just when Eugene thought that Euria wasn't going to answer, Euria replied softly,  "The greater the power, the more life force you use."

Eugene's eyebrows furrowed immediately, "Using blood means using my life force?" Though she had expected something like this, it was still shocking to hear it. 


"What about the leader of Exitium?" Eugene asked. According to what she comprehended from Euria's letter, the leader of Exitium uses the same Occul as her; Blood. 

Euria pursed her lips but replied, "Exitium's leader and sister both use life force when using your blood. The only difference is that the elder replenishes elder's life force by eating other people's lifeforce. And sister... can't do that."

Eugene tilted her head, "Why can't I do that?"

Eugene's response made Euria's head snap towards her. Though Eugene couldn't see it, she felt that Euria was looking at her in disbelief at what she just heard. 

"Sister wouldn't dare... take other people's life forces?" Euria replied in a question-like answer. As if she was unsure of her words.

Eugene tilted her head again, "Why not?" If Elder could do it. Why couldn't she? Isn't it just stealing other people's life forces? Sure… it wasn't noble but what about it? 

"..." There was another silence in the air. This time, it was a silence filled with speechlessness. 

"Because sister is a good person?" Euria questioned.

Eugene blinked. 'What good person? I'm twisted in all kinds of shapes and forms. I even tortured someone just recently. What good person?' "... You must be confused," Eugene replied. 

Euria felt very speechless. She gripped Eugene's hands tightly and asked again. This time, her voice was heavy, and she sounded as if she wanted Eugene to know what her words truly meant, "Sister. Taking other people's life force means killing them. It means, making that person unable to live longer or having that person live a shorter life. Do you think you are capable of that?"

"..." Eugene blinked. Was Euria confused about who she was? In response to Euria's question, Eugene replied to Euria with a question, "Did I not kill those enemies who invaded our home?" In fact, she killed one or two in front of Euria. 

Eugene's words made Euria freeze. She froze in realization and was unable to recover for a long time. Her heart was heavy with despair, and she was almost unable to breathe. She wasn't sad because Eugene was capable of killing someone but sad. After all, she realized that Eugene's former life evolved Eugene into who she was today. That it was through a painful experience from being young and all alone that made Eugene evolve. 

In all of the lives she lived with Eugene, there was one thing that never changed and that was Eugene's personality. Eugene was someone who was weak, sneaky, and sarcastic. However, despite that, she was someone who couldn't take another human being's life. No matter what situation they were in, Eugene would never take down a life. This is why in their first life, Eugene never replenished her life force. This was why even if her Occul was powerful, she was weak. 

But now...

Eugene realized that Euria was hesitating and asked again to confirm, "So I can use my blood right?"

Euria's deep thoughts were interrupted by Eugene. She was silent for a while before replying, "Yes. If it's the you from today, you can."

Eugene nodded. She thought for a while before asking, "And how do I take in other people's life force?" Did she have to wish for it? Or is there a special ritual she had to do?

"By taking someone else's life, or by using your blood with command."

"Are there any side effects?"

Euria shook her head, "Not when you feed yourself. The only side effect is when you use a lot of power at once. What will happen is that you will weaken. An example of that would be healing someone who was in their death bed to full health."

Eugene was silent. There were many things she wanted to ask Euria, but she filtered out the less important ones and asked, "Does this mean I can revive a dead person?"

Once she finished speaking, she could feel her hands being gripped incredibly hard. 

"I do not recommend sister going against the law of this world as I did." There was a heaviness in her voice as Euria replied. 

"You mean?" Eugene's eyes trembled a bit. 

"... Yes." Euria replied with a sigh, "But at the cost of your life or at the cost of 100 lives taken by sister's own hands. This essentially comes down to using sister's life force. The more life forces sister accumulates, the more sister's power will grow and can be used."

Eugene's emotions were complicated. But despite that, she let go of Euria's hands and stood up, "What is there you need to do at the base?" She asked as she stared at Euria from above.

"I want to destroy the teleportation portal once and for all. Though there might be a second way to teleport, without this teleportation portal,  it will be hard for Exitium to enter or exit United West Liasel at will." Euria paused before continuing, "And… The only person who can operate this teleportation portal is Elder. If I can damage elder severely, then it will take many years before elder can recover his powers. And when that happens, it will be our only chance to attack and kill elder off for good." There was only seriousness in Euria voice as she spoke of her plan. 

"Alright." Eugene nodded that she understood. 

Euria reached for Eugene's hands again but could not reach for her hands, "Where are you going sister?"

"I will head to the base. There's no need for me to watch over you as Con will do that." Eugene paused and continued, "I will go set things up for you so that we can leave as soon as you finish what you want to do."

Euria was hesitant. She didn't want Eugene to head to the base alone, but despite that, she nodded, "Alright. Thank you." She paused before continuing, "... Thank you for coming. And thank you for… believing me."

Eugene's lips curved up, "Of course." She turned around and walked out with hesitation when suddenly she paused,

"Oh. I forgot something. Be prepared for mother and father's lecture. I left them your letter so that I could sneak out. Afterall, I wouldn't want to break their hearts a second time. " She said before leaving immediately, leaving a speechless Euria. 

"..." Euria blinked.. Well, now she doesn't want to go home.

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