My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 24 - Episode 24- The Royal Palace 3 ‘ Welcome To The Imperial Palace'

Episode 24- The Royal Palace 3 ' Welcome to the Imperial Palace'

This wasn't the first time Eugeneia had called Euria by her name. In fact, several times in private Eugene would tell Euria off for drooling on her. Though it was true Eugene's first word was Euria…

But yes, generally it was to tell Euria off..

Not being able to stay awake as they woke up really early today, they soon fell asleep at the entrance of the Imperial Palace, not willing to wake up at the slightest movement.

" Welcome to the Imperial Palace, Duke Veria, Duchess Veria." The Head Eunuch greeted The Veria family at the entrance of the Imperial Palace along with several Imperial Knights and Imperial Servants lined up in a row to welcome them.

"Thank you for coming out of your way to pick us up, Imperial Head Maid" The Duchess greeted the Head Maid. The Imperial head maid never attends to those outside the Imperial family making this a huge honor for the House of Veria.

"Not at all, please follow this way Duke Veria, Duchess Veria." The Imperial Maid led the way to the waiting room they prepared prior to the Veria Family arriving.

This was not Levis and Moniqua's first time visiting the Imperial Palace. In fact, they frequently visited the palace when they were little children. The Emperor and Empress are their childhood friends and sworn friends. Together through good and bad, they swore to be faithful friends for life.

The House of Veria along with the other 4 Great Noble Families remained closed to the Imperial Family since World War 2. Out of their former predecessors, this current generation of the Great 4 Noble Houses are said to be a closer knitted group. Going as far as being more familiar with each other than their own blood-related family members. They wish they all currently hold is for their successors to be as close as them.

The Imperial Palace is very grand. The entrance to the palace laid a gigantic dragon carved out into the wall. The dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and luck. This dragon also signifies auspicious power, the ability to control rain, water, typhoons, and food. The dragon at the entrance was Moniqua's idea as dragon myths originated from the Oriental continent. This made relations between her mother's country and Xenperia prosper, having mass trading with each other after the dragon design!

The interior layout and designs of this Palace is very magnificent. It was lustrous and reflective throughout due to the insides of the palace being layered with glass. Everyone could tell, even the smallest detail costs tremendous gold. After the long walk of flaunting wealth, you could see a peek of the famous Imperial Garden managed by the Empress. Already the pungent of flower aroma hit them before fully seeing the Garden.

Taking care of flowers and gardens has always been a hobby of the Empress. Knowing this, the Emperor even bestowed a man-made mountain for her which can be seen very clearly in this famous garden. This love tale spread throughout the nation telling how the Emperor and the Empress truly were deeply in love with one another, but what they didn't knew, and only the 4 Great Noble knew was the Empress locking the Emperor out of their Bed chambers for 1 week straight due to the gift being too excessive. It took a tremendous effort for the Emperor to coax his Empress, even Moniqua had to step up to help the Emperor coax his Empress.

This wasn't the first time the Veria children had visited this palace. But every time they did visit, it always remained astonishing to them. Visiting the palace was something you would not get used to. The waiting room they were led in was no way inferior to the entrance. Here, a dragon painting was put on display along with a golden interior.

'... The King must've been too excited…' Sighing at the thought of his dear friend, he watched the sleeping twins being carried by Moniqua. She insisted on carrying both the twins, even rejecting Levis' help.

"Father, will we only be greeting his majesty?" Ramon curiously asked. He only knew that the King wanted to see the twins, therefore officially sent an edict.

"No, the 4 great dukes will also be attending." Levis smiled at Ramon. Although this was an official edict, in truth it was going to be an informal meeting between the close group of friends.

"Oh.." (Ramon)


"Please come in" Levis turned around to answer the door.

"Please excuse me"

A deep male voice sounded out before pushing the door to enter the waiting room. Beside him, interlocking their hands, is his wife.

"Good afternoon Duke Graeme, Duchess Graeme" Levis nodded and smiled at his friend, his wife walking over to him. Moniqua slightly nodded to greet her friends as well.

"Do you need to be so formal all the time?" Duchess Graeme laughed as she swatted the hands she was interlocking with her husband opening her folding fan she got as a gift from Moniqua.

"Hahaha, Lady Graeme, please forgive me" Moniqua laughed as she lowered her head to tease her friend by pretending to be very embarrassed and shy.

"Oh my, are they the famous twins who even the commoners are regarding as their gods going as far as neglecting their church duties?"

Duchess Graeme excitedly fanned herself. The twins were praised so much by the commoners, she thinks the church will come to dislike these 2 nieces of hers.

"Oh my, they look identical" (Duchess Graeme)

"Their eye color are different" (Duchess Veria)

"Oh my, they are so small" Duke Graeme curiously looked at the twins as well. He was surprised when Duke Veria asked for more days off saying his children needed a lot of care. But seeing is believing. The twins were very small and looked very fragile. "I was wondering if you just wanted to skip work all together to dote on the daughters you finally got, but it seems like you were telling the truth, Duke Veria."

"Dear, I told you so! The Duke would never purposely not work!" Duchess Graeme laughed at her husband as she pinched the back of his hands. He trusted his friends too little.

"Hahaha, Alright dear. The Emperor has just finished with the meeting and ceased all work for today saying the twins are a more important issue to deal with." Duke Graeme laughed as he patted his wife's hand while relaying the Veria family to go to the Emperor's audience room.

"Is that so… Well, many thanks for coming to get us, Duke and Duchess Graeme." Moniqua gracefully bowed but was stopped by Duke Graeme hand.

"Stop. Seeing you all graceful and proper gives me goosebumps." Duke Graeme whispered loud enough for only the people around them to hear but not loud enough for the Imperial servants to hear. He knew they were only keeping a front in front of them, but it was still oddly creepy to see Moniqua behaving like a lady.

"Haha, alright." Moniqua laughed as she whispered back.

Her childhood with them was wild. No one could control Moniqua's manly temper. The Great nobles even agreed Moniqua held more power in their group. Her parents even gave up finding a husband for Moniqua simply due to the way she behaved herself and her bad reputation of being an un-ladylike. When Duke Levis proposed marriage, they had to reject him as he was too good for Moniqua and told him he simply deserved better and that she would not get married for life. But that was in the past and she now has a better temper, although that did creep the Great nobles sometimes.

"Let's head on over then" Duke Levis laughed as he led his children with him to the King's audience room.

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