My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 25 - Episode 25 - The Royal Palace 4 ‘The Great Nobles & His Majesty'

Episode 25 - The Royal Palace 4 'The Great Nobles & His Majesty'

The Veria family walked in together with Duke Graeme and Duchess Graeme to the King's Audience Room. This room is used to grant people an audience with the King and can also be a royal courtroom for important matters that need to be discussed.

Although the Children of Veria visits the Royal Palace several times a month, this would be the first time they enter the King's audience room. They have heard several things that transpire here such as a herd of officials being executed here and the lots. Knowing this, Ramon can't help but nervously walk behind Louis' back.

Upon entering the room, they were greeted with a long hall where, at the end, The King's throne lay above a set of stairs. The energy this room gave off was intense, possibly because there is limited furnishing, giving it a delusion of an enclosed space. The only furniture this room has are gigantic painting of people discussing things at a long table and the King's throne.

At the end of the room where the throne was, sits the King who seems to be discussing matters with a man standing beside him. Below them were a group of people who immediately turned towards the entrance of the room upon noticing people entering. Walking towards the group of people and his Majesty they kneeled.

"Blessing and prosperity upon His Majesty and Xenperia." Levis, Moniqua, Louis, and Ramon bowed to the King to complete the compulsory greeting ritual.

"You may cease" The Imperial Highness ordered. The emperor stood up and walked down the mini sets of stairs and stopped when he reached Duke Levis. He then extended his hands out and patted Duke Levis' shoulders.

"It's been a while." The Emperor greeted Levis. Although he sounded normal, the group of friends could hear the slight sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it has been 3 months since." Levis too, sensed the hint of sarcasm in his voice and immediately knew why. Levis had to abruptly leave the court because Moniqua had given birth before her due date hence why he had to take his maternity leave earlier. He promised to be back soon but things kept piling up making him have to extend his leave which in turn gave more work to The Emperor and the Great Nobles.

"Isn't it about time you come back soon?" The Emperor stared down at Levis as he waved his hands in an upward motion to allow them to stand back up.

"Yes, in a few days. (Duke Levis)

"Things have been hectic without you Duke Veria " Duke Akler and Duke Rodiguez walked in from the side to stand beside the friend they hadn't seen in 3 months.

"My deepest apologies everyone" Seeing the dark circles underneath everyone's eyes he sincerely apologized.

"Duke Akler and His Royal Majesty at some point, wanted to abolish the Husband maternity law. You should thank me for stopping them!" Duke Rodriguez thumped his chest 3 times to show off his achievements. Although everyone ignored him and moved on.

"Greetings Duke and Duchess Veria" Duke Marleigh lastly greeted.

"Lady Moniqua" For a moment, The Emperor forgot about his other childhood friend who just went through a difficult labor. He turned towards Moniqua, took her hands, and kissed it as a greeting but then froze up. What disgusting behavior did he display just now? He then slowly moved his gaze downwards and immediately saw the change in Moniqua's face from normal to disgust. Quickly letting go of her hands he backed up.

"You look like you've been well" Moniqua dropped her formal speech acting like she was annoyed to scare the Emperor. No one else except for her group of friends knows that, more than anything, she hated being touched. Although she was alright with this group of friends having physical contact with her, she still wanted to play them.

"you... you too" Frightened from the drop in her speech even though there was a Eunuch standing close to them he took another step back. With Moniqua, you never know when her temper is going to go back to her youth days.

Ramon stared at his mother in shock. Louis did not have any facial expression change but, his palms unconsciously sweated. Although their Mother sometimes shows a un lady-like temper, they never in heavens think she would dare do it in public!

"Have you been well Louis, Ramon?" The Emperor diverted his attention to his 2 healthy nephews. Although they were not blood-related, everyone regarded their friend's offsprings as their own relative. Continuing his sentence. "The Crown Prince always mentioned that you were more mature than kids your own age, Louis. It does seem like you take after your father when he was younger, while Ramon is a mix of both."

"Not at all your Majesty" Louis replied while Ramon slightly bowed his head.

"My Louis is incredibly flexible in the arts of studying, in which he takes after my husband while Ramon is more lenient towards swords and the likes." The Duchess proudly announced.

"Haha" (Levis)

"Look at how much he has grown. Although we don't currently know who he takes after but his hair does seem to be oddly shaped, are you sure he isn't adopted?" Duchess Graeme pointed to Aernest who was being held by the Imperial nanny.

Refuting back to the baseless claim of Duchess Graeme, Duke Levis gently pulled Moniqua to his side by holding her waist and proudly said. "He is definitely the child I made." Smiling at Moniqua whose ears were turning red he took the opportunity to kiss her cheeks, making her red ears a shade redder.

"...." (The Emperor, Duke Akler, Duke Graeme, Duke Marleigh, Duke Rodriguez, Louis, Ramon)

".. Pf…" Duchess Graeme could not hold her laughter in any longer. She was dying of suffocation of her laugh being held in.

Regardless of how long time has passed since their youthful days, the Veria couple was still very energetic and still very much in love. The evidence is their 5 children together! They were a loving couple, who immediately married after they both turned 16. Although the Duke mentioned he did not want children until they were over 20, they still ended up having Louis soon after their marriage.

"My My" (Duke Akler)

"After 8 years of marriage, you both are still doing well" Duke Rodiguez laughed. Truth to be told, he was the love rival of Duke Veria at one point in time although he was not aware of any rivalry between them until after Duke Levis and Duchess Moniqua got together.

Out of the 5 Great Nobles, 3 were married. Only Duke Marleigh and Duke Akler had not yet wed. The 4 including the Emperor always urged the 2 to get married but so far, there have been no signs of such a thing. Duke Akler plays around, while Duke Marleigh has no such interest whatsoever.


Thinking back to what His father said about Aernest being made by him, he wondered and whispered to his brother.

"Brother.. What did father mean?"

"....." Louis also did not quite understand what his Father meant by Aernest being made but still answered.

"Something only adults know."

"Oh…, Brother must also be an adult then!" Ramon looked up to his brother with his 'Of course he knows' face, misunderstanding Louis words.

"...." (Louis)

'Dear, oh dear.' The Imperial nanny behind Ramon and Louis signed and chuckled.. She also misunderstood Louis' words thinking he diverted the situation.

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