My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 241 - I Will Go With You As Your Future Husband.

Episode 234- I will go with you as your future husband.

Eugene was about to nod at him when she realized she never mentioned anything relating to her being unable to feel physical pain. She stared at him with an odd face and asked, "How did you know?" 

Louis shrugged, "You don't react to pain." 

Unbeknownst to Eugene, when she was younger, he would sometimes pinch her to see if she would react, but she never did. The first time he pinched her,  it was because she was slightly annoying and he wanted to warn her to not annoy him, however, she didn't react at all. Later, he would poke her from time to time, only to realize that she didn't feel anything. The only time she would react was when he spoke to her, and that was when he realized that Eugene doesn't feel physical touches.

'Ah..' Eugene thought, 'So that's how he knew.'

Louis remembered something and added, "Well, there was one time when you felt pain."

Eugene turned to him again, "When was that?"

"When you got electrocuted in Zene on the dining table." He replied. 

"Oh." She remembered that. It was the first time she felt pain in this life. 'Hm..' Eugene furrowed her eyebrows. Maybe it isn't pain that she didn't feel, but that her tolerance towards physical pain was very high. 

Noelle set the campsite for everyone and when they finished, everyone gathered around the fireplace to keep themselves warm. Only Louis and Noelle ate as Eugene was still full from her 35 portions. Luckily, her stomach has now shrunk to 1 basketball, so it was not inconvenient when she moved around. 

"We will meet up with Euria and the Crown Prince tomorrow right?" She suddenly asked in the quiet atmosphere. 

"Yes," Louis replied after a while of silence. 

'Talking about the Crown Prince…' She turned to Louis and stared at him. 

"What do you think of the Crown Prince?" She asked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"As a person, what do you think of him?" She turned towards the bonfire, watching as the sparks of fire fly everywhere.

"... I don't know him." Louis wasn't interested in this topic and replied half-heartedly. 

Eugene snapped her head towards Louis, "Make a thought from the letter then!"

"..." Louis furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what the point of this conversation was but replied truthfully. 

"A good host."

"..." Eugene stared at Louis blankly. Why did he not understand the point of this conversation at all? Most importantly, does he not realize that the Crown Prince was hanging around Euria almost 24 hours a day?! Does he not understand what that means and what that implies? Wasn't he behaving the same to a certain person as well? So why can he not understand what the Crown Prince is doing and is thinking of?

Eugene did not bother with Louis anymore, walked away, and headed off to dreamland. 





"What's wrong, Miss?" Noelle walked over in an instant and noticed that the laces of Eugene's boots had ripped. 

"..." If not for her great reflex, she would have fallen straight to the ground and had a huge bump on her forehead. Eugene shook her head at her bad luck before hopping back to the campfire for a rope to substitute for her snapped shoelaces.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. His eyes met with Eugene and they both stared at each other for a good minute glancing up at the sky. 

It was a cloudy day yet again. But instead of it simply being a cloudy day, the sky was dark, as if there was going to be a thunderstorm. The cloudy day made Eugene and Louis frown because nothing ever good came with such a day. Eugene especially felt ominous even though today will be the day both her and Euria will reunite. The day everything will turn back to normal again. 

If it had been Eugene who felt ominous, she would have dismissed it. But judging from Louis's face, she knew he felt the same. That something might happen today. 

"Let's pack up and head straight home without taking any break," Eugene muttered as she laced her shoe with a rope. She tied it tightly in order for it not to loosen, before packing everything up and leaving for the capital. 




"Miss." A soft magnetic voice called out to a girl. The tone used was one of softness, and a tone one wouldn't normally use unless it was for someone they respected someone they were close with or someone they admired. 

Euria turned around and stared at the teen blankly before turning back and glancing towards the sky. She felt something inauspicious about today. Her instincts and senses were crafted after years of experiencing painful events and living her many lives that she felt instinctively that today was not a good day. 

"Miss Euria." The teen called out again. It was the same voice and tone he used to call her, back in her first life. The same title, calling her over and over again with different types of emotions. 

Before she had gone with Exitum and threw away her duties as the Eldest daughter of the Veria family and a high aristocrat, she was this teen's fiance. 

Back then, she had gone through numerous portfolios and selected this person as her candidate; The Crown Prince of Zene. Unfortunately in that life, they were never really close to each other and always remained a polite distance even though they were to be wed. Or so was what she thought one-sidedly. 

When she had decided that she was going to go to Occul island to further research into Occul as well as invest in this new interest of hers, she thought of the Crown Prince and their engagement. 

Before they got engaged, they made arrangements about their future union and future, and though it was all business, she still wanted to break their engagement in person. 

And like today, it was a cloudy day back then as well. 

"Let us break our engagement, Your Highness, Crown Prince." She said suddenly after they greeted each other. Naturally, their greetings weren't close and it was polite as if they were strangers meeting for the first time. 

Crown Prince Nexiel froze for a second. After a second, he reached for his teacup and took a sip before setting the cup down. A breeze blew over his short hair as he stared straight into Euria's eyes.

"Why the abruptness, Lady Euria?" He asked her, his face expressionless as if he were having the most basic and ordinary conversation with her.

"I will soon head to Occul Island for further studies." She replied before reaching for her cup of tea and sipping it. 

"Occul Island? Are you finally abandoning those 'duties' of yours?" 

Euria paused for a brief second before staring at him blankly. She didn't know whether he was poking at her on purpose or whether he was joking with her.  For some reason, his words rubbed her the wrong way. 


Crown Prince Nexiel leaned back and sipped on his tea. He did not reply to her and instead warned her, "You will regret this decision, Lady Euria."

"..." Euria smiled, "Whether I regret or not, it is up to me to decide Your Highness, Crown Prince." She replied back when the Crown Prince's facial expression turned dark. 

After that, the atmosphere turned cold and they parted very quickly. She left for Xenperia that night thinking that that would be the last time they see each other. 

However later when she joined Exitium, she would be surprised to see the Crown Prince on board with her. 

"... Your… Highness?" She stared speechlessly at the Crown Prince who wore ordinary clothes of Zene. It was a white dress without any jewelry as if he was an ordinary person. The only thing that distinguished him from other Zene men was his short hair which was why Euria noticed him right away. 

A harsh breeze blew their way as they stood on the ferry that was heading off to an unknown destination. 

Crown Prince Nexiel turned to her, took off his scarf before wrapping it around Euria's head so that her hair did not fly crazily. 

"I have not given you the permission to end our engagement." 

Euria stared blankly, "... Excuse me?" 

"Our terms for this engagement were set so that each party had equal rights. Hence, you choosing to abandon our engagement of your own accord without my agreement does not validate the end of our engagement."

It was the first time hearing the Crown Prince speak this much which stunned Euria slightly. However, it was only slightly before she responded to him. 

"I am headed to Occul Island. And I will stay there until I am satisfied with my studies. Your Highness, Crown Prince has duties to do and should not come with me." She ignored his words about their invalid engagement and reasoned with him. 

Crown Prince Nexiel shrugged his shoulders, "I will go with you as your future husband.. The future Queen of Zene, cannot be left alone."

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