My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 242 - She Could Not Give Him The Love He Gave Her

Episode 235- She could not give him the love he gave her

Euria furrowed her eyebrows, "And what of your duties?"

Crown Prince Nexiel shrugged again, "I have always put my duties first. Now it is time for a good break."

"..." Euria was speechless and was unable to do let alone say anything. It was true that she had stipulated equal rights before they got engaged and for their future marriage. Which was why she was unable to refute him when he denied their engagement cancelation. She had thought that the Crown Prince wouldn't care if they broke their engagement and would agree to it willingly, however she thought wrong. 

Since then, Crown Prince Nexiel tried to stop her as her family did. He did not leave her alone for a second while they stayed at Occul Island. And after a year of staying in Occul Island, the Crown Prince decided to throw away his title of Crown Prince and joined Exitium like her. 

It was then that they learned that Commander Kal rose to the King's position when Crown Prince Nexiel threw his title away. They would also learn that Commander Kal had always been a member of Exitium. When Commander Kal who was then the King of Zene visited Occul Island, he came to reinstate the Crown Prince's title and also confess the truth of the Crown Prince's origin. That, Crown Prince Nexiel was in fact his child, well, one of his many children who he had yet to disclose who they were. 

Crown Prince Nexiel and Euria went through many things and experienced many things together in Occul Island. All that while, Crown Prince Nexiel will persuade her to go back to Xenperia, to her family to make amends, however even though he wished for her return, he never left her. 

Of course, Euria wasn't 'that' dense and understood that he had feelings for her. Over time, his feelings towards her weren't one-sidedly anymore, however, they never really got together. They never confirmed anything even though their status of being engaged was still there. And the reason why was because even though Euria liked the Crown Prince, he did not like that he would obstruct her from diving deeper into the Organization. 

But as he said, she would come to regret her decisions later. After losing Eugeneia, the next person she would lose was the Crown Prince. The Elder knew who to target and knew her very well, which was why the elder didn't think twice when the elder made the Crown Prince the target. 

If one asked if she loved him in her past life, she would say she didn't. She had feelings for him but the love Crown Prince Nexiel had for her was much more than the good feelings she had towards him. Of course, there were many regrets about their relationship. Yet in this life, she will not choose to be with the Crown Prince. Her family was her focus of attention and she knew no matter what she did, her family would always come first. She could not give the Crown Prince the love he gave her, hence not beginning a relationship was the best and correct decision for the both of them. Not to mention, he deserves someone better, someone, who will be on his side, someone who will be with him forever. 

"Miss Euria." Crown Prince Nexiel called Euria for the third time in a row now, only to be ignored as always. He firmed himself and walked in front of her so that she could not ignore or avoid him. 

"I will be escorting you to the capital," He said with a smile as Euria's red eyes met his. 

"There is no need to do such a bothersome thing, Your Highness, Crown Prince," Euria responded with no emotions in her voice and with a blank face. He had already escorted her back to Xenperia and there was no need for him to continue to escort her. 

Crown Prince Nexiel shook his head, "It is not bothersome at all." 

"..." Euria didn't look at him anymore and turned to the window to observe the dark sky outside. 

The Crown Prince from this life was different from the Crown Prince in her other life. In his last life, he did not talk as much as he did now. Was it because he was not yet an adult so didn't need to conceal the expression on his face when he looked at her?

She much rather preferred the other Crown Prince as the current Crown Prince was too obvious. Obvious enough to make her feel awkward. 

Euria realized something, '... Or is it because Commander Kal was no longer in the picture.' Because if that was the case, she would much rather prefer this Crown Prince who didn't have to endure any more hardships and was finally free of his grasp. 

"What is Miss thinking of?" He asked her when he saw her expression that had changed. 

Euria was still in deep thoughts and she replied unconsciously, "Your Highness." Immediately after her slip of tongue, she froze. Her eyes widened slowly as her face moved upwards towards the Crown Prince. 

The room was silent and no one said anything. Because no one said anything, Euria was left completely embarrassed. Embarrassed that she let her thoughts lose, not to mention, possibly even misleading him.

But it was too late. From head to toe, Crown Prince Nexiel was red all over. He was blooming red as he did not expect such an answer. 

Euria contemplated for a good second before she quickly denied what she said. Her face was still blank but she gave him a light but polite smile, "I believe that His Highness, Crown Prince Ren must be very worried at the moment."

Crown Prince Nexiel's face fell and he half muttered, half questioned Euria, "Crown Prince Ren?"

Euria nodded. Her smile was distant, "Yes." She felt uncomfortable because of her slip of tongue and even more uncomfortable because of intentionally hurting the Crown Prince. 

"Are… you and the Crown Prince close?" He asked. There was emotion in his voice as he stared directly into Euria's eyes. 

The look in Crown Prince Nexiel's eyes made her heart clench. She felt as if she was endlessly falling down in a hole due to the look in his eyes. She thought that the Crown Prince might have a crush on her, however, the look in his eyes showed her otherwise. Even though it has only been 2 weeks since they've spent some time together he should not have intense feelings for her… yet. Was what she thought. 

Yes, she knew that the Crown Prince looked at her differently than when he looked at other people. So yes, she thought that he might have a little bit of a crush on her. Though she has yet to grow up and become who she was formerly, she knows that she was still cute and good-looking despite being ten. So. How was it possible for the Crown Prince to look at her this intensely when he was 15? It shouldn't be love or unbeknownst to her, he had some secret weird… taste.

Euria shook her head, 'No. He isn't such a man.' She quickly got rid of her thoughts. That was simply impossible. 

The Crown Prince repeated his question, "Are you close with the Crown Prince of Xenperia?"

Euria opened her mouth but soon closed her mouth. She wanted to say yes to avoid him, to make him not look at her. But, the look in his eyes made her unable to lie at him. Nor made her want to hurt him more than she needed to. 

There was a moment of silence before she replied to him, "Our circle is very close to Crown Prince Ren. We are like siblings." Euria moved her eyes away and looked elsewhere. She felt terrible. Very terrible. 

"...Oh. Is that so…" The Crown Prince muttered. A hint of relief could be heard in his voice which made Euria feel as if her heart was being gouged out. 

Everything about the person in front of her. The way he looked at her. The subtle hint. His emotions. His actions. Everything made her insecure and scared. In the end, Euria could take it anymore and said directly, "Your Highness, Crown Prince, can you please stop getting closer to me?"

The Crown Prince's eyes widened, "Getting closer to you?"

"Yes. Can Your Highness stop getting closer to me."

"...." Crown Prince Ren felt speechless. He was unsure of Euria's sudden outburst and was silent for a while. In the end, he laughed a little and responded, "I am friends with your sister so naturally I want to be close with you." He smiled, "I want to be friends with you."

'Lies.' Euria walked to the coffee table and sipped on her cold tea. 

She sighed, "Your Highness, your eyes can't lie." She muttered softly, as her words hit the Crown Prince right in his throat. 

He suddenly understood what Euria meant.. The room turned awkward and heavy as no one said anything.

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