My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 258 - Kicking Dirt On Eugene’s Face

Episode 251- Kicking dirt on Eugene's face

Eugene knew and understood Con well enough to understand what he meant. Con's story was simple. He was taken away by the soldiers who accused him of being a member of Exitium. He was taken to the capital, to Duke Marleigh to investigate. Naturally, Duke Marleigh recognized him in an instant and that was how he got rescued.

Con noticed Eugene's odd cold exterior and paused for a few seconds. "Would you like to see the training grounds?" He asked her. He paused for another second before continuing, "Our comrades are worried."

Eugene met Con's eyes, 'Is he worried?' She thought quietly. It was not Con's personality to ask a question like that. Especially taking the initiative to do something together. Eugene was about to head to the training ground anyway, so she might as well go with Con. Besides, it would be less awkward to go with Con. 

She nodded, agreeing with his offer, and together they walked to the headquarters of the Military base in Xenperia. As soon as she showed her head, people came running immediately to her. They inquired about her health, and if she was strong enough to train again. To their disappointment, Eugene broke out the news, 

"I will be enrolling in the academy soon. And I want a break from training before enrolling."

Everyone, especially Arie, Aren, Argen, Dea, Instructor T.E, Four, and Tea were sad when they heard this news. The atmosphere was filled with much disappointment. 

"Will Comrade Eugeneia train today?" Someone asked.

Eugene shook her head, "I will only watch."

Though her fellow soldiers were overcome with much disappointment, they let her go and allowed her to watch as they trained. The soldiers began with their basic stretch, basic runs, before competing in obstacle courses. Normally Eugene would feel some excitement and would want to join in however at this moment, even though she was watching, she felt that she didn't want to train with them at all. She still felt unmotivated and the more she watched, the more pressured she felt.

'Pressure?' Eugene furrowed her eyebrows as she raised her palm to stare at them. 'Am I unmotivated due to the pressure?' It was something she had never realized until… now. Maybe this was the main reason why she wanted to start anew. Because she felt an intense pressure from being one of the people with Occul and having to defeat the enemy. Because Euria wasn't here and she might possibly have to face the enemies alone. 

It was no wonder she was pressured. It was only recently that she accepted her family. And along with all the incidents that happened, it was truly no wonder she was pressured. And because she was pressured she eventually became depressed. 

Just as Eugene was staring into her palm, someone walked up to her and kicked up dirt. 

"Tsk… What's this small man doing in the military." The person who kicked the dirt right at her body sneered. 

"..." Eugene was wearing a cap hence no one was able to see her facial features. 

"Looks more like a girl to me?" Another person said as he walked to the person who kicked up the dirt. 

Eugene was going to ignore the two men, however, her comrades noticed something was wrong and that the newly arrived people were snickering at her, so they quickly paused training and headed her way.

"Why? What are you looking at?" One of the rude men picked up a fight with Arie who walked towards him angrily.

"Just because we are telling the truth…" The other snickered and sat next to Eugene. He wrapped his arm around Eugene's neck and moved closer to her. 

It was only now when Eugene got annoyed. Her eyes narrowed down and lost their light.

"I was just calling the small guy a girl! His build is very much like a girl so what's wrong with pointing this ou-'' Before he could finish his sentence, he was forcefully flipped to his stomach, while both of his hands were locked behind his back. 

"AGH! F-CK! WHO THE F-CK?!" The person below Eugene cussed as he tried to struggle. But the more he struggled the tighter Eugene held her grip. Because Eugene's move was very sudden and quick, her field cap fell along with the movement. 

The person who kicked the dirt at Eugene's face along with his comrades who just arrived to help froze in their spot. They were frozen in horror as they stared at the beautiful grey hair that was braided and locked carefully to his/her hair.

"Eugeneia! Don't break his arms!" Instructor T.E came running fast as he tried to stop Eugene. He saw that Eugene did not listen to him and that she was still on the man's back so he shouted, 

"Get her off him!" 

The reason why he is concerned is that soldiers aren't allowed to fight each other. If found that they violated this rule, they would be penalized and be demoted. Eugene, for instance, cannot be demoted again because she was already demoted to Captain and if she were to be demoted again, she would have no choice but to leave her military career forever.

Eugene's comrades noticed instructor T.E's worries and one by one, they began to pull Eugene off of the man. It took around 15 people to get Eugene off, and by the end, everyone was sweating due to how hard it was to pull her off him.

"YOU PIECE OF SH-" The man who was pinned down by Eugene turned around as was about to punch where Eugene was originally when he saw 5 soldiers holding the small man in the air. 

Like his comrades, her grey hair froze him. 

His face immediately turned pale as he stared straight into her cold murderous eyes that were piercing through his soul… He… He just cussed and picked a fight with one of the most esteemed figures of Xenperia. Even execution wouldn't be enough to apologize for what he did. 

"I… I…" He kept stuttering as he tried to find the words to say to the Eldest Miss of the house of Veria, Eugeneia Veria. 

"Let go of me." Eugene was already plenty annoyed and her voice was still very low. Her voice sent shivers down the spines of her comrades. As soon as Eugene was put down, she wiped her shoulders that had been touched. 

"You're very lucky." Eugen glared at the guy who touched her and was about to turn away when she noticed something slightly different about the guy and his comrades that had picked a fight with her. She furrowed her eyebrows. The color green on their uniform was different from hers. She turned to instructor T.E for answers not knowing that there was nothing but annoyance displayed on her face, misleading him to think that she wanted the people gone. 

He gulped his dry throat as he had never seen Eugene this angry before. "They… They are from the special unit. They are here to visit the headquarters for the first time and also exchange knowledge with us later on in the day."

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows, 'Special unit? She has never heard of such a unit in the military.' Just as she was in deep thoughts, her ears caught on a small sound 5 trees above her. Eugene was very alarmed as she never noticed the person until just now and she instinctively reached for Arie's dagger and threw it to the sound. All this while, her heart had dropped to the ground as she was reminded of the incident that happened a month ago. 

"AH!"  There was a sound of a person exclaiming before that person fell straight down onto the ground, shocking everyone present. 

"In… Instructor!" One person exclaimed as he stared at the person who was rubbing his back on the ground.

"Ouch…" The 'instructor's' face was furrowed as he groaned out in pain. 

The 'special unit' turned around and was about to voice their complaints when they realized that the person who threw the dagger was someone whom they shouldn't dare think to touch. They gulped and swallowed their anger away. 

"You don't have to call me instructor anymore." The 'instructor' said as he got up on his feet. 

"Par.. Pardon? Why do we not have to call instructor, 'instructor' anymore?" The person who was pinned down and humiliated by Eugene asked. 

"Not noticing who you were talking to. You dared pick a fight with the Lieutenant of the Military. What else is there to do other than calling your training period off?" 

"BUT INSTRUCTOR!" Many protested!

"Don't call me instructor anymore. You were only training to potentially become a part of the special unit. Other than that, we have no relationship." The instructor repeated with a threat in his voice. 

It was only now when Eugene and her comrades realized that the people who picked a fight with them weren't even a part of the special unit but were like privates.. This means that their status was lower than theirs.

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