My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 259 - Abusing Her Abilities And Power

Episode 252- Abusing her abilities and power

"Lieutenant? She doesn't even have a unit herself." Someone whispered. His whisper was loud and clear, making everyone turn to him. 

"We did not realize who Comrade was! This shouldn't be a factor to kick us off the training! Besides, this comrade only has her title because of her noble status!" Another person protested dissing Eugene in the track.

Instructor T.E, Four, Tea, Arie, Aren, Argen, and Dea's eyes flashed towards the person and were ready to punch the living hell out of the man. Whatever is demotion? How dare they disrespect Eugene? Did he not know his place?

The instructor raised his brow at his ex-trainees bravery and shook his head, "I was here this whole time and you didn't even realize that. Only Comrade Eugeneia realized. Now tell me, why should you still be part of this training if this Comrade who only has her status yet noticed me first. While you who don't 'have a status' and are weak didn't notice me?"

"..." The people were silent. 

"It… must've been a coincidence! She must have seen Instructor climb up the tree." Someone whispered. 

The instructor rolled his eyes, 'I was here one hour before she came.' Just as he was about to refute them, he saw Eugene's eyes moving from him to behind him with a narrowed gaze. He paused and turned, and that was when he noticed a dot walking towards them from very far away. The distance was at least 50 meters away. 

He turned to Eugene with a surprised face and noticed that she wasn't looking behind him anymore but elsewhere, as if she was bored. 

"..." The instructor narrowed his eyes slightly as if he was in deep thoughts. The trainees from the special unit team were anxious seeing their instructor turning quiet and they all began to criticize Eugene and their fellow 'normal' soldiers who weren't a part of the special unit team. 

"Instructor… Even if this fellow comrade is a soldier, there is no way a person under the age of 10 can have this many accomplishments and titles awarded to them unless they were given because they were special from the start."

"Yes, I agree! She is but a child! Please instructor! You cannot kick us out because of this noble child!"

"This noble abused her power by hurting my comrade just now and we can't do anything about it because she is a noble."

"Her comrades as well. Just because they have her as her comrade, they are entitled to do just about anything!"

"Those weak people can only hide behind a child. They don't deserve to be soldiers!"

Eugene did not care about the comments aimed at her but when the trainees from the special unit switched direction and began criticizing her comrades, that was when she felt a bit angry. To degrade someone for their efforts just because they were her comrades, didn't make sense at all. Her fellow comrades whom she had trained with and sworn as brothers did not deserve any criticisms. Especially criticisms that they were hiding behind her because she is a noble.

Eugene moved in front of her comrades after she was moving around for a while, and in a low and threatening voice spoke out, "If you would like me to abuse my powers…" Her lips curved. 

The trainees from the special unit turned to Eugene and stared at her hands in confusion. Eugene dropped the daggers one by one, and continued her speech, "I don't mind doing it." She observed the trainees one by one whose faces went from pale to red. Everyone was frantic as they searched their uniform.

"Who wants to step up first?" 

The things she threw on the ground were precisely what made the trainees from the special unit break out in a cold sweat. The daggers they kept on the side of their waists were underneath Eugene's feet, and it was precisely because their daggers weren't on the side anymore and were on the ground in front of Eugene that they felt an impending doom. They were trainees training to become a part of the special force, a special unit. If Eugene had stolen a dagger from one person, they would have called it luck. However, she stole their daggers from seven people without them noticing, which is beyond 'luck'. 

The atmosphere was incredibly heavy and silent until someone arrived, and with a low and threatening voice, spoke out,  "What is this mess?"

The trainees from the special unit all jumped up as they turned towards the person who spoke. The person who spoke was Commander Guang. And because of this, they froze even more. They were not disciplined unlike Eugene and her comrades, who immediately greeted him. And this made the special trainees look very bad. 

"Greetings, Commander." Eugene and her comrade saluted the Commander in unison. 

Commander Guang's eyes moved from the special trainees to Eugene and her comrades and stared at them for a few seconds before allowing them to be at ease. After that, he turned to the special unit who was in disarray. Their greetings weren't in unison, some looked like they were facing death while some looked nervous as they greeted the Commander.

Commander Guang furrowed his eyebrows and did not say anything to the special forces which made them unable to rest their salute. 

"Is this the soldiers for the special forces team?" Commander Guang raised a brow at the instructor who saluted at the Commander. 

"They are trainees from tier 5, Commander. They will have no place in the special forces at all." He reported truthfully to the Commander who nodded at him, acknowledging and agreeing with his words.

The special trainees who were trembling from fear could do nothing but look at the instructor with devastation. 

"And you, Comrade Eugeneia." The Commander turned to Eugene and stared at her. 

"Yes, sir." Eugene saluted with her back completely straightened and disciplined. 

"You said something about abusing powers?" His voice was threatening as he asked her. 

Eugene didn't even blink and confessed truthfully, "Yes, Sir, I said that."

"..." The instructor from the special forces stared at Eugene blankly and in speechlessness. He did not think Eugene would willingly confess. 

The Commander narrowed his eyes but asked, "Depending on what you were going to do, your punishment will be light or harsh. What was it that you were going to abuse."

Eugene replied immediately, "My abilities, Sir."


Eugene glanced down at the things on the ground and moved her eyes back up. Her actions were obvious and everyone understood her at that moment, "I already abused it, Sir."

"..." The Commander stared at the daggers of the ground, turned to the special unit trainees, eyed their waists, and turned back to Eugene. 

. '... This was not abuse... at all.'

"'Who wants to step up first?', you mentioned that." He repeated Eugene's words.

"Yes sir," Eugene replied honestly. 

The Commander meant for Eugene to elaborate, not confirm. This was his first time speaking with Eugene so he did not know that Eugene wasn't one to explain unless she was asked to specifically explain. Not to mention, back in the audience room, she had talked a lot. 

He exhaled loudly when he realized that she wasn't going to explain and asked, "What were you going to do?"

"Ask them to compete against me who 'is a noble, and not fit for my titles'."

"..." Commander Guang blinked, 'That's it. I'm done.'

"That is not an abuse of power or ability." He said in a whisper almost when Eugene objected. 

"It is an abuse of ability and power. And that is because I am strong. Much stronger than those trainees. And competing with them will be an abuse of power and abilities because they will not have a chance to win." Her voice was low and it was serious, not sounding as if she was joking. And though her words were arrogant, her voice did not sound arrogant. 

The trainees were going to scoff at first, but after Eugene finished, they felt speechless. Some were thinking that she was deluding herself, and others were thinking that what she was saying might be true because she did come from the Veria house after all. 

Commander Guang looked at Eugene seriously and pondered upon her words deeply. He turned to Instructor T.E and the special unit Instructor and nodded at them.

Instructor T.E understood the meaning behind Commander Guang's eyes and turned to the special forces Instructor, "What test should we conduct?" he asked. 

Special forces Instructor, "They have conducted my test already."

"...?" Instructor T.E looked at the special forces instructor with a knowing look.

"To find me. Though it might not look like a hard test, it is one of the most essential tests to join the special unit. And that test is to use whatever senses the soldier has and sniff me out. I was on the tree long before you or the special trainees came. And Comrade Eugeneia was the only one to find me.." The special instructor showed his sleeves that had ripped from the dagger Eugene threw at him.

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