My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 272 - Class S, Special Class

Episode 265- Class S, Special Class

The students read their class placement and immediately left the hall. From the time the teacher brought the big board to when they left, no one spoke and only the sounds of footsteps shuffling around could be heard. 

Eugene, Mark, and Ethan were asked to stay back by the teacher, and Eugene was surprised once again as Mark and Ethan were the two boys who sat beside her.

"You three will be in Class S." The teacher stated, expecting someone to react but no one asked nor did they question him. There was an awkward silence between the 10 teachers standing on the podium, and Eugene, Mark, and Ethan sitting down and only staring at them. 

The principal stepped up and spoke, "The reason why you three are in a class that we didn't mention to you yesterday is that your knowledge has already passed what is taught in the academy. You are knowledgeable enough to graduate from the academy at any given moment. But before that, there are three tests which you must pass, you can do that now or later in the future. That is up to you."

The principal's words surprised Eugene. His words meant that she could graduate now if she wanted to, only that she had to pass three exams. 

"What you do is up to you, and you will not be restricted to going to classes. The only requirement of this special class is attending one hour lesson per week." 

"...." Eugene blinked. 'Then what is the point of the academy?' She couldn't help but think. Maybe it was better for her to just up and graduate. 

"Have there ever been a class S in this academy?" A male voice spoke out. It was the boy who forgot to write his name on his exam sheets yesterday. 

"Yes." The principal replied instantaneously. 

The instant the principal responded, answers popped out in Eugene's mind. She did not doubt that the Great Nobles and even Louis had studied and is currently studying in Class S. There is no doubt about Louis because if she made it, then he would've as well. 

Eugene furrowed her eyebrows, 'Then what on earth is Louis still doing here?' According to the principal, students of Class S can graduate anytime, even now, as long as they completed three exams. It has been a good 7 years since Louis has been studying in the academy. But… Why on earth was he still here?!

Throughout the whole journey back to her dorm, Eugene was confused. She wanted to go to Louis and confront him about it, but at the same time, the topic wasn't important enough to confront him. Maybe Louis just had nothing better to do and wanted to remain in the academy to cure his boredom. 

Eugene reached the front of her dorm and when she opened her door, Camille immediately popped up, making Eugene step back in surprise. 

"... What are you doing?" Eugene raised a brow at Camille who stepped forward towards her. Camille reached for Eugene's arms and pulled her in before closing the door. 

"Miss! What is Class S?" Camille immediately interrogated Eugene who was plastered against the door of her dorm. 

Eugene opened and closed her mouth. She had thought that there might've been some form of an emergency, but it was because of Class S? Eugene shook her head and sighed and answered Camille's question. 

"Ahh…" Camille had a look of realization and turned to Eugene again, "Miss, I am in Class A."

Eugene scrunched her forehead, "Class A?" Now that was surprising. According to Camille, she had only been taught how to speak, read, and write. Everything else she didn't know and she only knew the things she'd seen and experienced when she escaped her family and came to the academy. 

Camille nodded, "I got 100% on the comprehension tests of all subjects." 

Eugene blinked and her eyes widened, "On all of your subjects?" She couldn't help but repeat Camille's words. 

Camille nodded brightly, "Yes! My entrance exam is not that good, however, I completely aced my comprehension test!"

Eugene looked at Camille with a knowing look. To be able to ace comprehension on every subject yet never study the subject is another level of smartness. She had thought that Camille was smart for leaving her family and going out into the world for the first time and making it out alive in one piece, however, when she thought about it, no one would be able to do that. They would most likely be kidnapped and have their organs sold in the black market. 

To be able to make it here, clean and safe especially without knowing the way the world and its system works can only be done by someone very intelligent. Or someone who can adapt to every circumstance and that was Camille. 

Eugene raised her lips, "Congratulations. You did well." 

Camille's cheeks blushed and she nodded, "Thank you. You... too. You did well too." It has been a good few days since Camille switched to using the informal language with Eugene. Of course, there was still some hesitation here and there, however, Camille did agree that being able to speak with Eugene comfortably was better than speaking uncomfortably because that would mean having some space between the two of them which she didn't like. Eugene was someone who had helped her and is her first friend! She did not want such spaces to exist between the two of them. 

Eugene headed to the kitchen to wash her hands and prepare tea, while Camille prepared scones she cooked in the oven earlier on and set the coffee table up. As they were enjoying their break Camille suddenly remembered something and broke the calming silence, 

"I found out why people were avoiding you!" She said, suddenly making Eugene look at her in the eyes. 

"It's because you are from the great noble and are treated differently than other nobles!"

Eugene didn't speak and nodded. She had overheard the same thing yesterday before their exams. 

"There was also something else… It's because you didn't debut socially. And never attended any tea parties…"

Eugene raised a brow before her face turned into one of a knowing look. No wonder someone said that she was already a talk in their circle. Was it because she did not debut, that she is known as an unsociable person in the noble circle?

Camille went on to say that the Princess of Xenperia and her friends did not like Eugene much because she had rejected all of the Princess's letters for a tea party. And because of this, she is known as a stuck-up person who rejects the Princess's invitation and also repeatedly embarrasses the Princess.

Eugene listened quietly and took Camille's words to mind. She had assumed that, as Camille had stated, people would continue to ignore her because they were afraid to approach her. But who would have known that by the next day, trouble would be heading her way sooner than she had expected? 

Rumors of Eugene being in Class S spread throughout the entire academy. The rumors especially mentioned that Eugene wouldn't have to go to classes and could just do anything in the academy. At first, there were vicious rumors that the academy made the class, especially for Eugene because she was the blessed twin of Xenperia when suddenly rumors of her brother, Louis, also being in Class S spread. Though they did not know what Eugene's level is academically, Louis' knowledge and strength have spread wide and far. Of course, he was special, because he is to be the next Duke of Xenperia. It was only then that Eugene's rumors that a class was made especially for her ended for naught. Because the class wasn't made especially for Eugene.

Afterward, rumors that there were two other students in this class spread as well which confirmed that the class wasn't made especially for Eugene. 




Eugene, Mark, and Ethan did not take the same subjects, and because they were exempt from general studies, they will not have classes together, despite being in the same Class S.

At this moment, Eugene was at her first-ever history class. Camille was beside her because she did a history exam and passed it, making it one of her chosen subjects. This morning they had gone to the principal's office to see what Camille's true schedule will be as she had passed all the subjects when suddenly the teacher informed Camille that she should try out all the specialized subjects for a month. 

Of course, Camille didn't mind it, however, Eugene was shocked. That was well over 15 subjects that Camille would have to do which would mean her barely having any breaks! Eugene had wanted to protest back then but when she saw Camille's determined face she stopped herself. 

"It's… boring," Eugene whispered loud enough for Camille to hear.. The teacher was currently in front of them giving lectures but it was beyond dull to Eugene.

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