My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 273 - Eugene Became Someone Who Thinks Physically, Not Mentally.

Episode 266-  Eugene became someone who thinks physically, not mentally. 

It was things she had already learned of, and things she had already read about in Louis's study room. 

Camille blinked and continued to listen to the lectures, "It is very interesting. To me at least." She said, her voice filled with wonders. 

"..." Eugene pursed her lips and didn't say anything anymore. She shouldn't ruin it for someone who found it interesting. 

"Xenperia used rule West Liasel as an Empire. Hence why the Emperor is called an Emperor instead of a King. It is a title that has been passed on to show future generations that we have ruled over West Liasel before." The teacher paused before continuing,

"The reason why Xenperia no longer ruled West Liasel is because of World War I. The Emperor became afraid of the countries in West Liasel becoming stronger. However, more than this, he was afraid that the Kings in West Liasels will ally themselves with a country from outside the continent, hence before that situation ever occurred, Xenperia renounced their dictatorship over West Liasel. 

All the countries in West Liasel were satisfied however countries surrounding our continent weren't. They had wanted West Liasel to destroy themselves before they took over, and that was how world war I began. The countries in West Liasel were barely able to gain a hold of themselves due to not being in Xenepria's protection and came running to ask for Xenperia's protection but we firmly denied it. That was because the countries did not want protection and wanted to be their own individual country, hence why should we help?"

Eugene listened to it very bored, but someone besides her was getting a tad bit excited. After class, Eugene couldn't help but stretch her limbs. She had many questions that popped out throughout her mind throughout the class however one prominent one was,

Was attending the academy truly right for her?

She had never been this bored in her entire life. She got up and left to attend Camille's second class for fun when suddenly she found herself being surrounded. There were five young girls surrounding her, people whom… she did not recognize at all. But what she recognized was the hostilities in their eyes. 

"Miss Eugeneia Veria." said a girl standing in front of the five girls. 

Eugene raised a brow. She honestly did not want to reply to these pipsqueak children who were 10 cm shorter than her. Hence she stared at them straight in the eyes from above as if she was a hunter waiting for its prey to make a move. 

The girl who had stepped up earlier back out and another one stepped in, "Please do not think we are scared of you as we have the Princess protection." Because she was still 10, her voice was still high and childish. 

Eugene's eyebrows twitched, 'Again with the Princess… Does this Princess truly have something against her?' She couldn't help but think. The Princess was the child of the Empress and the Emperor however she was someone whom she rarely met. Out of the Great Noble's circle and Royal's circle, the Princess was like an outsider. 

"You have rejected our Princess way too many times. Do you not know the rules and etiquette of a noble lady?" Another girl addressed Eugene. 

Eugene glanced at the ceiling and moved her eyes back. She really didn't want to reply as she didn't want to bully them as they were just kids, however, if they wanted to talk about manners, Eugene can beat some sense into them. 

"Do you not know the etiquette of a noble lady?" Eugene repeated the question, her voice was incredibly low, bringing chill down the girl's spine as well as cold sweat. It was the first time they had spoken to Eugene so they did not know how scary she was before she opened her mouth. 

"Standing in front of me. Questioning me. Is that your etiquette?" Eugene pointed out and the girls suddenly blushed in shame as what Eugene said was nothing but the truth. They had pointed out Eugene's etiquette however forgot about theirs. Who were they to question someone of the Great Noble?

But one girl was brave and she refuted, "Who are you to constantly refuse our princess? Do you not know that going against royalty means death?"

Eugene turned to the girl and stared at her from bottom to top. Her lips curved up along with her eyebrows, "That only applies to those without power." The girl's eyes widened as she did not expect Eugene to refute in such a way. Eugene walked forward and stood in front of the girl. 

"Do you not know that going against the royal family means death?" Eugene's head was tilted as she asked her. 

The girl stuttered, "Y...Yes?"

"Who the Great Nobles are. And their origin. Think about it carefully and repeat the question you have given me." Eugene pointed to her head and tapped it before turning around and leaving with Camille. 

Of course, the girl was confused for the longest time and only realized what Eugene meant later on. What was left of the group who had gone to pick a fight with Eugene was ghastly paled faces who looked as if they had gone through something incredibly traumatic in their lives. The reason why was because they had forgotten who the Great Nobles were. The Great Nobles were Nobles with Royal blood, they were descendants of the Royal family of Xenperia. Though they were not referred to as Royals, they were still nevertheless in the Royal register and were still people who were in the line of the throne. 

Camille tugged on Eugene's school uniform and with a concerned face, she asked, "Are you alright? Should you really be picking a fight with the Princess?" 

Eugene turned to her and didn't say anything for the longest time. The reason why she didn't say anything was that she also didn't know. She didn't know if the Princess was someone who was petty enough to send a group of girls to harass her just because she did not attend her tea parties. From what she could tell, the group was just bluffing when they said the Princess had their back, not to mention they truly looked as if they had come of their own accord. 

Eugene sent Camille to her class however did not go in. She changed her mind and decided to head to the Principal's office instead. 

"I would like to talk to the Principal." She asked the lady at the front desk who nodded at her request and walked to the Principal's room to ask for permission. When the lady came out she nodded at Eugene to head in, which Eugene did. 

"Welcome student Eugeneia. How may I be of help to you?" He asked her when she sat in front of him opposite of his couch. 

Eugene was silent for a good minute before asking, "I would like to enroll in a new subject."

The principal looked at her surprised and naturally asked her why she wanted to do that. 

"I have gone through the study material last night for my class and I found out that I already know the lessons that will be taught." Eugene re[lied. 

"Hence you have no use for it." Said the Principal and Eugene nodded. 

"At most, it is a revision for what I already know. Otherwise, it is not truly studying." Eugene had thought long and clear enough about if she just wanted to up and finish her three exams and just leave with a new identity from the King; however, she decided against that. Not only was it too soon, she felt that there was still something she might be able to learn in the academy. Even though it might not be history, there might be something incredibly valuable for her to learn. Though as to what it is, she has no idea. 

The Principal nodded that he understood and asked her, "What subjects would you like to learn?"

Yes. That, in fact, was the issue. She was afraid that with all of the subjects she had to learn and sit through in class, she would bore herself to death, abandon the academy life, and vanish, which was not at all her goal here.

"I would like to study swordsmanship," Eugene replied. It will have to be something active otherwise she will really lose it. She has already converted into someone who thinks physically that thinking mentally was very difficult for her. 

The Principal furrowed his eyebrows, "Swordsmanship? Not knighthood?" He asked for confirmation. 

Eugene nodded, "Swordsmanship." If there was a subject she was not all that familiar with, it would be swordsmanship. Knighthood was something she has been doing consistently and stopped after heading the military route hence it wasn't something she was interested in.. Not to mention, there will only be Noble boys of whom would probably have too much to say.

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